Friday, August 28, 2015

March On – 3/3/15

Too much for this season active in the wind to relocate
Again tenth shift in a dozen years, cardboard boxes and u-haul trucks
Gasoline and trash bags

Attempts at self-love beautiful, poignant oxygen
Yoga, performance poetry, dodgeball
Running, moving making new comrades in an old city
Online connections and meditations

Attempting to be in the self
Love sits in the essence of being wanting to be exchanged
For maybe a breath at the surface for turtle, needed 

Summer only made me want to inhale longer
Universe is testing my lungs
Holes iced over, longitude befuddling
Coordinates to the sun again

Melt this into the stream of dare to pray
Audacious to reverberate God in vessel
Moving ache in these surroundings
Has taken all to offer calling 

Into the unknown, this wood and stone
Flesh and marrow patient holding time like a knife
Cut these ropes and not veins
Time trickling a vessel   

The not wanting, accepting volition of unchosen and chosen
Humans need to be held, be loved, vulnerability occasionally rewarded
For one not to wither hopeless, cynical, desperate, distorted
From capability into carnage

The less than single hand tally is bloody shrapnel declination
Cast as if the only worthiness inserted comes from an isolated self
So in altering that becomes a Himalayan ledge ice step crevasse

Replenishment placement of what once, maybe twice
Traumatized cruelty and irony moving however small the increase in odds doing so
For a poet to go forty years and this is all the love he can drink…

Skittish masochist ready to depart at any instant
No negotiation, no discussion, hell crushed tenacity commensurate with the coverup to the ambush
Self sufficient disposable

So when it occurs like it has in some form in the few subsequent instances

Drawn to evaluate who one is, produces and what this universe is attempting to communicate 

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