Friday, August 28, 2015

8) Knowledge: The Meme What and Why We Are

8) Knowledge
[You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.]
{You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.}

Human knowledge is accumulated on the shoulders of time.  The totality of that knowledge could be obliterated to nothingness in an instant.  Species with greater and lesser allotments of understanding dot the universe and the multiverse operating in varied laws of mathematics in distant rarities.  We are to them what they are to us, dust of a common atomic infinity in this universe and a common spiritual connection in all universes as part of a probable multiverse. 

The elements of our Earth may bear a species wiped from the ledger with no remaining comprehended evidence which previously exceeded what humanity ever will achieve.  These potential summations are irrelevant.  We are animals evolved for extinction as part of an interconnected totality.  

What we do in the interim is a function of our communal reliance to see our complex brains as portals to peer into the universe.  The cells we each extrapolated into these brains bearing the volition to choose are capable of contributing more than all previous generations of our kind to our collective assurance of why we do what we do and what we are.  In these honesties we find a framework of immortality to be animals who unravel the mysteries innate to life and recognize the shell from which we have yet to hatch.

For if we are capable of such beauty, so is any being capable of the cognitive development to assert volition over instinct.  How can biological evolution be a segregating factor for the implication of divine intervention or preference to a species on a specific planet?  Given another planet with a conducive environment or human extinction and time other species are of equal potential to wield the mental threshold to choose grasping the spiritual constancy in which all beings exist. 

The rarity of recognition is special in comparison to the illusion of space time, but that rarity is irrelevant to the spiritual interconnection in the all.  We never lost instinct.  We only recognized more of what we already were.  Even as a microorganism yet to evolve into a genetic chain that would bring precursor upon precursor to humans, we were of equal spiritual connection.  To think otherwise is to view a starting point for spiritual energy with humanity, a moment of coupling based on biological cognitive development like an anointing.  This is an insult to the scale of the universe, as if we were so important to the universe’s proper function.  To pair such reward with the ego is to ignore the vastness that is all in favor of the selfishness that made men dub Copernicus a heretic. 

In this we can see a bamboo root, a raven’s beak, the dead skin cells on a dusty escritoire, a ray of light, or our hand bear spiritual equivalence.  There is no distance.  There is no special.  There is only flow in an illusion of time.  We have played out this theater of forward to evolve biologically merely to shed so that we can see what is.  How honest we are to ourselves in this recognition is central to the Meme.

We can assess in which avenues we are still instinctual beings.  Instinct remains abundant.  However in these depths we see the Meme overlapping this knowledge repressing our honesty for a manipulated derivation of untruth posing as honesty.  

The eighth commandment states, you shall not lie.  Dishonesty is banned unless one does not understand that one is lying.  This is the Meme’s exception.  The Meme creates the make-believe that a lie is truth and truth is lie.  Knowledge is skewed with these honest-lies. 

Knowledge considers the fact that such untruths are believed, yet factually false.  Knowledge requires the empirical to substantiate a fact to be considered truth.  Knowledge can commensurately be comprised of falsehoods absent the empirical, yet the ideas are still knowledge.  Knowledge is both true and false.  Serious-loving-joyous theft and murder occur in these waters of false-knowledge.  

We are made to forget what we are.  The shoulders of time stack generations with whispers to infants, parent to child to grandchild extending.  The Meme breathes in such words.  The victors of wars write history books in dominate languages and skin tones connoting power or safety.  The commissioned art by the Catholic Church to illustrate the Bible is chief among them.  (A kinky haired dark –skinned Jesus and Jewish apostles do not fit ceiling murals or open the Vatican’s purse strings.)  The truth becomes such a distant memory like a species that cannot be fathomed to exist, by those who are either descended from it or grown to be just like it without ever knowing a single piece of evidence of their rise, glory or extinction.  Science can peer into carbon and genetic mapping to hypothesize and at times prove linkages.  Science is anti-Meme.  

The Meme wishes us not to contemplate, to see the answers in absolute and in shortages of time.  The age of the universe matters to the Meme.  Time is the ultimate chaos.  There must be a start.  There must be a border and a limit to the distance.  The universe cannot be boundless or timeless and assault the order of knowledge. 

To be boundless is to admit that there is space un-seeable, place impossible to get to, and answers unattainable as questions bombard in endless precipitation.  Similarly a finite universe is equally as perplexing as the dark matter that appears to surround and diffuse around the observable universe.  To definitively claim knowledge of either variation as absolute is pious conceit.  To label that definitive knowledge god is a short-sighted simplistic equivalence costuming a solipsistic assumption that one’s mind bears power to determine metaphysical fact from an improvable epistemological hypothesis.  This treatise postulates a beginning-less boundless atomic universe, whether that is true or not who knows.  It is a guess that makes sense to the author given everything else.

Entropy is the antithesis to the Meme.  Disorder is progressing as this iteration of the universe we inhabit is expanding.  The Big Crunch could follow the Big Bang.  The universe could contract into itself into a singularity only to be spit out through Planck time to expand again.  Maybe the atomic energy in our planet and bodies may have been through this countless times before.  Maybe in such a crunch the second law of thermodynamics reverses, entropy reverses from disorder into order and the three arrows of time change from forward to backwards.  That probably would require time to bear a semblance of memory of where it has been in the previous direction, which it does not appear to retain.   

However if the universe is boundless there does not have to be a contraction; entropy and the direction of time do not have to reverse.  The universe could keep drifting apart infinitely until something else happens.  Whether this is valid or not, the factual context is functionally irrelevant to the choices before humanity. 

The Big Bang need not be perceived as the beginning or the potential Big Crunch a U-turn towards the end.  We could be like a spot on a sphere where in the when we can never reach an edge no matter how far we appear to have traveled, we only end back where we were.  Black holes or wormholes or some paradigm of the orchestra-interplay of the universe yet discovered or ever discovered by humanity does not need to be a complete answer to be part of the answer.  Maybe sustainable Einstein-Rosen bridges held by anti-matter to carry particles to parallel universes are possible.  Maybe black holes do emit radiation to retain general relativity and quantum mechanics.  Quantum mechanics permits an origin to the atomic universe other than a singularity.  Maybe the universe is a balance of matter and antimatter, a complete symmetry of force of zero energy equilibrium in particles and antiparticles. 

Maybe the illusion of time creates the need for a singularity by the necessity for a viewer to exist for the universe to be viewed, but what if time like matter has a sort of anti-time, maybe the imaginary time Hawking writes about and is boundless as the universe always was.  What we perceive as a beginning is an illusion, just as every moment of direction of time, of moving forward is an illusion because we are viewing relative to a position, but as a whole the universe has no position.  It simply is all at once a totality of zero sum energy, matter, and time with no beginning and no end. 

What if in the perpetual expansion into entropy the opposite of that slide into disorder is not re-ordered by implosion, but the conversion of matter into energy in the bellies of stars becoming black holes.  What if black holes form and collide creating massive black holes swallowing galaxies.  What if we ‘started’ as E=E, launching into E=Mc2 and are drifting outwards back into E=E by black holes acting like nets.  The radiation emitted by black holes balances the forces to ultimately form one black hole reduced into E=E again.  What if black holes act like highways to other universes inside distorted time and anti-time?

What if we participate in this drift apart atomically with stars converting into black holes making everything into radiation in partnership until the atomic universe becomes one massive black hole eating away at itself from mass into energy into radiation into the totality.  What if this is what the universe has always been reaching to the consolidation of E=E with a principle force in play that will eventually explode again.  What if dark matter is a variable in a balancing act to which black holes are but a dancer’s toe, but the same recycling universal opera?

Like a mirror of real and anti-real, matter and anti-matter, time and imaginary time, we may see in this the ‘origin’ of ‘our’ universe in a never beginning, never ending cycle of E=E absent a singularity as always, simply is.

If we started and how is not important.  Maybe to our ego, it feeds some childish requirement to form a relationship with a hypothesized grantor of a starting point.  If the atomic universe balances through a beautiful mathematic then by nature we are a variable in that mathematic.  Forces shift energy and mass flow in a constant. 

Time is only relevant to the viewer, but not the viewed.  No matter where one views the atomic universe one is always inside the atomic universe.  Therefore the universe at such a distance and scope basically appears to offer the viewer the same scaled vantage that ultimately communicates one is the universe.  The contemplated impetus, although a fixation or an obsession, is irrelevant.  Whatever it was, if time ever began, is independent to a similar infinite time and universe which always was. 

For in this we approach the infinite regress of calling the universe god and god the universe of a concept existing beyond what humans comprehend as time.  The Meme can misguide us in this dichotomy by hungering for an anthropomorphized universe deemed our father-god rather than the cold faceless-expanse deemed universe.  Anthropomorphizing brings ordered comfort, definitiveness, magnanimity to humanity and a cessation to contemplation beyond our planet and individuality.  What would such an imagined father-figure do with genitals?  What would it mean for such a being to focus?  Why does the universe need to exist rather than nothing?  What is nothing?

There need be no command to spark the universe for knowledge to exist.  We can continue our next thought knowing that we do exist in this iteration of the universe in these dimensions, perhaps interfacing with others or a greater measure of what we are as a component in a common collective in manners we cannot perceive, contemplate or ever bear awareness.  However these potential segregations of the consequences of our volition are life not magic, but scientific normality given the full spectrum of the universe.  The Big Bang and Crunch or similar reorganized netting into black holes and the fog of dark matter represent focused potential pit-stops in a journey of infinite time to create the illusion of relativity. 

For as probable as such a universal accordion may be as part of the story, humanity will most as certainly be extinct before or at maximum as a result of this process.  We do not need to biologically exist.  This check to our ego is daunting for the Meme to confront.  The greatest lies of the Meme are a direct result. 

The idea that we-are-not-animals covers up the primordial soup the protein chains we came from before.  Whether we rode to Earth on a meteorite or not, the sun’s rays evolved the beginning of cells in water.  The billions of years to consolidated energy into mass backtrack in reverse from planets in a system to galaxy to nebula to a universe blinking.  The Meme gives us many stories as discussed in the third commandment, but ultimately each is dodging science to see a before the before as if there has to be one. 

Either we have an unanswerable question or the universe always was.  The 13.7 billion year old Big Bang is a yawn to the greater universe.  What if our entire known universe could be but the brain cell of a larger being?  Striations of energy and matter may act like nerves.  Even if that being were to exist this would still not make such a being our god or that being or its perceptions the limitations of totality.  Anything is possible.  It is probable that the complete atomic reality of the universe is a structure of improbabilities comingling so that the collective confluence dwarfs any thought humanity will ever be able to contemplate prior to our inevitable extinction.

The idea to link god as both creator and after-life haven are segregated mandates.  A concept of god is the name given to the spectrum of life giver, observer, arbiter, taker, compensator, and punisher.  The amalgamation of these roles is done by the Meme to simplify that any exist given the inextinguishable ignorance to such derivations of thought beyond human sensorial capability.  Since none can be proven or disproven the monopoly of such potential powers are consolidated in the name god.  These are refuted by that which exhibits no evidence can be refuted without evidence.  This is similar to the tooth fairy, centaurs, or zombies.  

God is a concept this treatise attempts to define in terms of the Meme.  The greatest attribute of a human-god is that such a god provides exactly what one feeds the god, sentiments.  We worship what we invest our energy, our focus.  Religion’s god is entirely separate.  God is the thought like a mirror of one’s ego, superego, libido, and id interpreting the universe and reflecting back every stimulus into an internal canvas.  We choose what we paint there across the spectrum of what we choose to perceive.  If there is a segregated spiritual journey parallel to the atomic journey there is no evidence that empirical evidence can exist inside the atomic of the partnered spiritual journey.  We can project, imagine, hope, fear, love, hypothesize a concept as the author has done, but to definitively declare any such journey or god as truth is a false indulgence.

Morality, honesty, respect, stealing or not, killing or not, loving or not are measurements of volition not god or any interface with a parallel journey.  The Meme sabotages this reality for its own distortion of truth to make the human condition easier to handle given the uncertainties and certainties of death by slathering such conjecture in the paint of our ego.  We cannot accept death, so the Meme cannot accept death.  The duality of such similar dynamics is why the Meme is so prevalent. 

We are taught by the Meme to seek god for a special relationship to mitigate these fears.  We are to never ask god for a manner of performance.  Those depicted in holy books are sufficient.  The anti-Meme is as the anti-apostle Thomas.  The anti-Meme wants to finger the wound for blood and finds the attempt for verification rational and fair.  The anti-Meme sees this as an admirable request to avoid a chaotic detour for humanity into ghostly dirges and ethereal cloud-carriages for a lack of due diligence. 

The untruth of commandment seven includes a claim of exclusivity on individuality.  Individuality is an illusion based on the consciousness of an organic brain.  Humans are a single cell divided into a network of cells like a rat, lion, turtle, fern or albatross.  The notion of seeking a god or god buries the simplicity of this biology with a fantastical diversion.

The result is boats of Meme-dependents holding the comfort of godly passports self-imposed to wait for a nonexistent jailer, judge, or jury.  There is only volition in the atomic.  The cliff-dropping nothingness of such absolutism prompts fear and is the foundation of the Meme.

Misguided puppies are whimpering at the doorway of a never-seen master for a meal that was never and will never be prepared.  The canine’s stomach enzymes are eating itself appearing plump.  The pound is full of un-adopted pups euthanized all certain the master would come.

The Meme has become a colossal traffic accident having gawkers stare at Jesus, Mohammed, Abraham, Zeus, etc. slowing down human action from accomplishing rational growth.  The sideshow is stopping the thoroughfare of knowledge.  Traffic can barely budge.  We are sidetracked by knowledge that is not knowledge or better false-knowledge that is not empirically-true knowledge. 

Even if such false-knowledge is a valid commerce of faith post-organic life, the Earthly consequences of such an economy are overtly detrimental.  The morality sacrificed by the collective to achieve the hypocritical parceled morality of the valid-faith negates the benefit to humanity by including so much manipulation, maliciousness, and fraud in the means to such an end.  We lose our greatest asset, volition to a taint of absolutist irrelevance swaying every thought.  Humans are better not knowing and not attempting any definitive behavior, laws, or systems based on any commerce of faith or worship and to simply focus (i.e. worship) kindness, love, and interconnectedness as an end in itself in the now.

The Meme seeks to truncate knowledge and control those charged with dispensing, translating, documenting, and utilizing knowledge.  This is why professions like theologians, politicians, journalists, and teachers are central to the Meme.  Scientists of every variant: psychologists, biologists, chemists, physicists, cosmologists, etc. are particularly dangerous to the Meme.  Artists of every variant: painters, musicians, poets, dancers, actors, film makers, comedians, writers, sculptors, etc. are dangerous to the Meme.

One may ponder; why if education is universally understood to be so crucial to any society would governments elect to limit funding to education in favor of militaries, corporations, and religious organizations through tax deductions and exemptions?  Why wouldn’t decreasing the ignorance and increasing the intellectual capital of a people be a nation’s top priority?  The math should matter relative to the functional effect resulting on the humans choosing these budgets.  The extrapolating math is often discarded for sentiment.  Certain topics become forbidden akin to the second commandment to criticize.  The Meme is at the center of these quandaries. 

Why is there money for war, but not education?  There are no bake sales for F-22’s.  The evolution of the Meme’s influence in the modern classroom comes in a conglomerate of non-teacher experts engineering political macro-level administrative solutions.  As previously discussed we see this in No Child Left Behind, Race to the Top, standardized testing, curriculums, analysts, think-tanks, PHD’s who have never taught the fifth grade, the ratio of collegiate administrative costs to actual teachers in the classroom and foundations.  The local teacher is a surrogate member of the Poor under the Meme.  The local teacher is viewed as a drone due to the danger innate to the position. 

A rouge history teacher could undue generations of engineered versions of events.  Thomas Jefferson might be shown a deist.  Darwin could be unopposed by creationism or fundamentalism.  Holden Caulfield’s angst might be examined deep enough to prompt a protest rally.  Einstein’s thoughts on religion might be discussed.  The flag pledge might comply with the bill of rights.  (Under god might be lost or discussed that it was never in the original.)  The American ideal of universally accessible class-ascension by progressing through the standard hoops of high-school to bachelor’s degree to debt to compliant entry into the industrial system might be detoured into rejection or rebellion.  The Meme’s role in the world might be identified.

The Meme cannot have this.  Therefore the Meme places teachers under tremendous constraint.  Education like healthcare is a domain which maximally benefits from socialist-funded macro-level assets being placed into the volition of local-experts (i.e. teachers and doctors.)  Federally-funded web-based software that could empower each of these local-experts represents a boon to true-democracy, a key to the next evolution of the human-mind, and a nuclear-apocalypse type event to the current Meme if done absent sabotage.  If done incorrectly it represents a greater-shackle by the Meme to assert control.

If any teacher or doctor in America, and thereafter the globe through internet access had the equivalent of the hive-mind of humans to assist their current task and curriculum through software akin to IBM’s Watson made by teachers for teachers and made by doctors for doctors, we would see volition on the grandest stage.  Teachers could have testing, homework, lecture, research, conference, templates and publically owned assets at their fingertips that interface the globe.  Homework and classroom lectures could flip like the Khan Academy model extrapolated out to encourage more critical student –guided thinking during the day.  Teachers would spotlight more than dictate.  Classrooms could shift to laboratories focused on laptops and tablets serving as adaptable interfaces redirected by in-classroom educators and web-conferenced and pre-recorded educators and experts.  To some degree this is happening, but the change is monitored and hijacked by the Meme to cull cooperation.

Career day could be shifted to web-based videos on the practical realities of careers starting in junior high rather than one’s sophomore year in college.  Real data about debt and earnings could be factored to craft college choices and career plans with a backdrop of critical thinking based on interest, aptitude, financial support, and integrate national need by area of study.  These types of logistics are paramount, yet repressed by the Meme. 

The Meme seeks to postpone individuals utilizing critical thinking, comprehending the connection between economics and social inequities, unraveling the untruths that spur noncompliance, and avoiding the profiteering of industry.  The Meme wants humans to drift through life never asking why and falling into last minute decisions based on a combination of desperation, ignorance, and false potential based on unevaluated interest and aptitude by distancing reality from youth in a form of infantilism pressed upon students by the Meme.  The Meme condemns critical analysis by young people as socialism, costly, and anti-freedom.  An individual has mental limitations, financial limitations, and does not need to plug into a chain as making more money equals more happiness or societal value.  

The Meme carves massive profits and control.  The anti-Meme recognizes our differences are our strength and valuing diverse paths in the educational web-work to productive adulthood makes us all stronger.  The more information and empowerment put into the local educator and the younger the age of the student the greater the extrapolation of that invigorated diversity.   

The Meme sabotages web-based assets in local-control because the path to nationalized funding and local management requires multi-level contemplation and is easily lumped in the American psyche as communist or socialist.  The end result would recognize our interconnection and risk chaos of us working together without being told what to do by a common mandate.  Civil War racism is not the only reason we still have state-based educational systems; the Meme is underneath.

Ideas like the Common Core are hated for the same reason ideas like the Affordable Health Care Act are hated.  They are not the proper solutions, but potential steps on the path to a suitable web-based collective response.  Each also threatens the conceptual specialness and individuality the Meme tries to instill to cover up our animal-status.  Therefore each is anti-Meme and rejected at the impetus by the Meme as the government attempting to commandeer profit-driven industries.  In the past these assets would not be possible, but the internet is why the evolution is happening now and the Meme is more threatened than ever.  Greater human to human communication is anti-Meme.

Education in the United States should be designed by a congress of teachers with a background of mandated in-classroom experience voted on as representatives on a local level to have information technology experts, like IBM, create national web-based software based on the teachers input.  This tax-payer owned web-based software can adapt on a student by student basis to the level of that student inside that classroom.  Thus we create a best way to do fifth grade or sophomore year etc. that is broad enough to be paired down to any student, yet pertinent to the student’s level and fair to the available resources provided to the educator.

Students could have a national knowledge accreditation profile like a Facebook page.  An expanded form of the Accelerated Reading program could document tests on books a student has based to evidence knowledge of that book.  The tests could evolve based on educator panels.  Educational films and videos could be tested the same way if elected.  Knowledge in any area demonstrating competence in student-driven areas based on passing tests of knowledge in web-based controlled environments could act like scouting badges where desired by educators.  A student could virally learn and absorb a subject matter they are interested choosing from a platter, not a singular score.  Programs for empathy, mediation, volunteering, athletic prowess, music, visual arts, mock-trial, poetry-slams, theater, and student leadership training, etc. would all be presented.  A student could evidence participation in those events like a digital yearbook for a potential college applications that colleges could use like a of students if desired.  Students could post vine or longer videos to display their student life.

The roots of the learning tree would be based in cultivating a love of reading as the primary method for a human to absorb knowledge.  To accentuate this, the world of audio books and web-based video would be powerful digital forms of reading focused on exposure, absorption, and retention adapted by student.  Simply watching a video could be a badge.  There does not have to be a test.  The idea that someone could fake educational achievement through clicks is a false problem.  The Khan Academy is a great example of this already being done to some degree. 

Students should be able to push play and have an entire semester of lectures read to them on the first day.  Maybe they don’t understand it, but they get introduced and can go back and digest later.   Maybe the video is not even their class, maybe just related in a previous year, because the current is not available.  The point is the exposure to knowledge is not hindered by opened based on the choice of the student and the educator on a local level having full potential access no matter what school district they are located. 

When education is viewed as competition the Meme wins.  This is one reason teach-to-the-test is so debilitating, when the test is so narrow.  The narrowness of the test is a function of the limited education resources.  Typically this is getting into a particular school.  When the school becomes all the information and available knowledge humanity has accumulated via a systematic knowledge filter utilizing the hive mind of the internet then we begin to eliminate that unnecessary access limitation by designing more effective and efficient anti-Meme educational systems.  The anti-Meme is to understand that mutual learning and the expansion of knowledge, coincide with the obliteration of ignorance which naturally enhances empathy, love, and interconnection.

Taxpayers could set up web-based learning lotteries with tickets to assist in college education based on achievements inside the page.  These could be sponsored by private businesses with advertising to help fund the educational system as long as the advertising was controlled to name the sponsor only.  Coordinate this with day in the life confessionals from adults using those skills in real jobs documenting applied knowledge, work-life balance variables, degree requirements, and compensation from across the globe.  National coordination could allow that as a student progresses from kindergarten to college a student cultivates a shared communicated love of learning and how it grows with them as a full human in and outside the ‘classroom’.  

Teachers from all over the world could link into the Facebook of Learning and share ideas with educators and students on common subjects.  The taxpayers could fund the conduit for knowledge to explode.  The only way educators can do this now is through disaggregated underfunded systems.  The Meme wants this to be segregated. 

Elections by the local teacher adapt the information and method of instruction to that pupil.  Not all information has to be used.  Not every student in the same class has to have the same breadth of knowledge presented over the course of a semester.  Being thirteen may not mean you were in eighth grade scholastically, but you were socially with your peer group.  A student could be taking high school, college courses, or third grade reading depending on that student’s place and current status in the educational spectrum.  The versatility for a teacher to direct this is in the web-based assets to that room and a teaching team, including online guidance counselors and tutoring.  The child’s performance will determine progress.  Some kids will never perform past a sixth-grade level. 

Students, parents, and teachers can be linked to the same web-based asset (the Facebook of Learning) to coordinate in class-work and homework.  Books could be digitally read to students in certain instances.  Video guides to help parents help their kids are imbedded on everything from the subject matter, to learning disabilities, to college major and workplace applications etc.  A parent could add tidbits to highlight to a student where the knowledge goes, why it is useful.  Lobbies of after-school Skype-tutors on the same lesson could be waiting to help.  Audiobooks of classics or government contracted digital book purchases could be available to every child on-demand to every student for free.  A more restricted volume library of other books for rental could also be made available to compensated authors.  Although the natural result would be text book authors being independent contractors or employees of the national education systems so that taxpayers would own the work product. 

The spectrum of a grade level is agreed upon and revaluated on a perpetual basis by an electronic caucus of educators and available for public inspection over the web.  Students can prove evaluations wrong and transcend levels upward or downward based on performance.  In this way a common-base is maintained but adaptable to the student.  Standardized tests could be tiered by aptitude for layers of students by progressing the value and difficulty of questions with previous student responses like the GMAT exam.  When school boards focus on group results the classrooms become homogenized as if every student is destined for college.  This is how the Meme asserts order and control, the conformity ideal and the illusion of reward.  The teaching towards a single test decreasing in relevance as the myriad of learning badges is amalgamated into a digital presentation of the more complete student.  Grade letters or a number do not necessarily mean you are failing or succeeding at becoming educated.   

True thinking and learning is a balance to the local reality of capability of students, the home-lives of students, the funding to the classroom including not only the teacher’s salary but the informational technology.  If no public school in America ever had to buy a direct textbook or in class digital material, because they were replaced by federally-funded updated web-based software owned by taxpayers on a national level with variations local teachers could elect, the administrative costs to the American taxpayers would plummet.  The knowledge available to the average student would skyrocket.  The same is true from preschool to PHD programs.  The major reason this does not happen now is the Meme.

This adaptation is only possible with the use of the internet and the anti-Meme conquering the legacy of racism and religious fundamentalism linked to mandating that education be a states’ rights issue that kept segregation as a foundational construct into schooling below the Mason Dixon line.  The Meme sabotages this from occurring by viewing a federal solution as a one-size fits all solution triggering the cold-war anti-atheist-socialist pro-Christian-capitalist American variant of the Meme.  This is exactly the opposite of what this type of bottom-up approach entails.  A web-based Facebook of Learning would be the ultimate adaptable interface to match needs of student with appropriate resources to local educator to assist in educator that individual student.  The goals should be to move away from testing to a more diverse method of learning, increase funding to reduce class sizes, improve teacher training particularly in using the digital assets, and pay teachers more in salary, but less in defined benefit retirement. 

The logical methodology of such an educational web-based software combined with local electives mirrors what is ideal for a modern single-payer universal healthcare system as previously discussed.  Both of these types of arrangements are completely anti-Meme.

The Meme will condemn the expenditures of education, healthcare, food and housing assistance, including free breakfast and lunch programs for students.  Anytime the Meme markets public assistance it is to foster jealousy for the middle class against the Poor, as if the tax dollars of the working class are all being spent on the Poor, rather than to see a full budget of the tax revenues not being collected from the Rich or understanding the profit equations of global firms.  The Meme does not wish to do the math to compare social aid to missile stock piles, tax deductions, or corporate welfare.  The Meme knows that order requires inequity.  If a member of the Middle or Poor does not see one’s working contribution to the profit of an Upper firm then one does not see the cost one has paid in the lack of tax on that capital as it resides in a bank.  Math exposes the inequity. 

An economy breathes based on the volition of humans choosing to rise, work, and actively contribute labor and resources to aid the perpetuation of the collective survival of the species.  The motivation to encourage that labor comes in rewards.  When those rewards are so disproportionally linked to the labor dysfunction occurs in the sustainability of the entire species.  That is what is occurring now.

A significant percentage of the masses must be convinced they either possess or will one day be capable of possessing a threshold of upward mobility where the progressive taxation levels rebuffed by the Meme might apply to them.  The masses are encouraged with the lottery mentality and game and reality shows described earlier to view wealth as attainable. 

Even if the top taxation rates in America only apply to individuals making more than four-hundred thousand dollars a year, a person making one-hundred thousand a year will see this as pertinent to their individual expenditures.  The mathematical differential between a billionaire and an individual making six-hundred thousand a year is intentionally avoided by the Meme. 

Hyperbole is crucial.  Being anti-freedom, anti-free enterprise, and anti-jobs is the translation of the Meme responding to, “Could the lion keep a smaller share?”  The hyperbole is a lie in plain sight by the Meme.  This is false-knowledge.  When international trade treaties or contracts are signed or publicized, politicians and company spokespeople speak about job-creation.  What the Meme really means is profit-creation (i.e. Chevron’s stock price is going to go up.)  When upper percentile tax cuts or increases are discussed the Meme pitches the same job-creation or job-destruction spiel.  If tax increases on oil and gas companies are discussed, Chevron says I hope you like riding a bike to work.  Math is avoided. 

The Meme does not want the masses to collectively pass a threshold of education.  If there were no desperate masses who would do the Poor’s work?  The order of the Meme requires a dysfunctional education system, which leaves a large percentage of the global population marginalized.  The Meme does not want the average person to be more intelligent and pass a threshold of skills that will presumptively equate to a level of independence and demand for labor compensation and a rejection to farm a field or toil in a factory.  That same education leads to free-thinking.

If everyone had a college degree, where would the exploited masses come from to maintain the hierarchy and order?  This is one reason some stronger champions of the Meme are so irate at food stamp and social assistance recipients on a subconscious level.  Those at the top of the Meme understand that education and social aid are paths that destroy the foundation of order and the top of the Meme’s pedestal-status.  The main reason however is to get the Middle to resent and blame the Poor. 

This is why one saw the 2013 United States Republican House of Representatives acting the way they did.  There is no other game plan, but protection of the Meme.  The Democrats, who on an elected level, are also at the top of the Meme understand this as well.  Ideas will get suggested but the ideas are like the Affordable Health Care Act, not a legitimate single-payer system.  The Meme allows a quasi-solution that looks semi-plausible, but is ultimately deficient and can be sabotaged behind public-view in a lump dysfunctional perception of government to foster public apathy and disengagement.   

The Democrats in power are only there through a filtered system controlled by the Meme, which requires submitting to the Meme to wield legitimate candidacy.  Occasionally you get a Senator Elizabeth Warren, a former Harvard law professor to push the anti-Meme or the openly gay former Representative Barney Frank or Senator Bernie Sanders, who is the first open socialist in decades, but they are few.  Most Democrats just tow the business and Meme line.

Candidates must sacrifice volition for the greater good of passing the requirements of partisanship to be placed on the ballot.  An individual with balanced ideas untethered to a party-platform threatens the Meme.  Even if post-election one was to play the game to get elected and then hatch volition on the floor of Congress denying partisanship, the Meme would ostracize and condemn such a politician. 

This is one reason why we have politicians processing obstructionist filibusters, proposing legislation which has no chance of being passed, but guarantees public spectacle to assert the Meme.  Democrats and Republicans proselytize political ideology the individual politician in private may acknowledge as flawed or disagree.  However in the public space, individual volition is neutered.  We become costumed clowns slathered in cosmetics. 

The will of the politician is hijacked by the Meme.  Consciously they may be oblivious, because the mechanisms that maintain their political power is the perpetuation of the Meme.  The politician’s actions are chosen.  The man or woman is choosing, but the choice is shrouded in ideologies that are subconsciously associated with a reward system that says, “When I follow the Meme I am rewarded.”  Therefore Republicans and Democrats follow the Meme whether they ever considered what the Meme is or that it actually exists. 

If America ever instituted a web-based proxy voting system for significant floor measures in legislative bodies from town, county, parish, state, and federal levels, then true democracy would stand a chance.  Through verified identification logins at least as secure as those used by banks, we could revolutionize advisory voting suggestions to our traditionally elected representatives to bypass the flawed campaign financing and marketing process to make our D and R elected officials as functionally subordinated to the will of the people through a cell phone app.  One’s registered zip code could determine what measures one could proxy-vote on through the web.  Filtered text and email alerts could go out to notify voters.  Actual votes would be compared to advisory votes and render a reckoning come re-election given thresholds of authentic public participation.

We could tie votes through linked American bank accounts and shift pennies back and forth through electronic fund transfers linked with the individual’s tax payment account with the IRS.  Basically the federal government could put a penny into a taxpayer account every time the person voted and then remove the penny.  This would verify the identity of the individual for voting and potentially lead to a full digital shift for the facilitation of government payments and receipts through the accounts used.  Most people could use their normal checking account.  There are millions of Americans without a bank account.  We could create proxy accounts used only for this purpose in a form of digital bank like a governmental Ally bank with automatic accounts for all citizens when registering to vote. 

It is not perfect, but it would deter foreign parties or domestic groups from flooding votes through hacking accounts and concurrently provide incentive for people to protect their login.  If America so wished it could coordinate with banks operating in the United States to produce a mutual secure login link from the bank to the voting database.  This would cost taxpayers money to design and setup the system, but banks would benefit from increased traffic, and could be forced to comply based on federal law and public good.  There are few assets more valuable than democracy.  The Meme fears true democracy: an open vote by the people without pre-screened candidates or policies.

Politicians could conduct traditional polls in less internet-savvy constituency populations such as the Matures and Seniors to compensate.  These groups are the primary remainder of residential landlines anyway.  However the reality of such a system is that it probably is not feasible until say Generation X is where the Baby Boomers are in say 2013.  So that might be 2035 depending on how technology and biology collide. 

Why is this not discussed?  The one-party Meme system politicians know America like most places would pass equality over fundamentalism given a popular vote given the obliterator of ignorance the permeation of the internet represents to the globe.  Popular vote by proxy on any issue takes away the ability to persecute the most vulnerable pockets of our humanity and expose that we understand that we are all interconnected. Once we demand recognition of policies that reflect that interconnection the divisive policies of distracting voters and purchasers with how we are different will not produce the same results of gerrymandered compliance achieved through lobbyist buying politicians.

A web-based public policy interface could include other added benefits.  The government could coordinate a system of nonprofit and governmental volunteer and community opportunities creating a digital-town-square and public forums.  Up until now this has primarily been left for each separate city, state, and federal department.  This is a disjointed and more expensive approach.  This is intentional segregation by the Meme.  The Meme will always prefer to avoid group cooperation.  Utility billing systems (gas, water, electric) could also be integrated, which would save the American people millions of dollars, especially in rural areas.

Most humans are not defined by the polarization of political partisanship, yet post-election the opposite citizens’ views of the D or R elected are most-often entirely ignored.  Such an internet based system like that described for education and healthcare is at the heart of the modern evolution to the anti-Meme.
Religion assists the Meme to get people to vote against their self-interest fiscally and socially.  The eighth commandment presents an air of thou shall not lie from one’s government and church, yet most people have a low opinion of congress and organizations like the Vatican. 

Language in the Meme becomes distorted to restrict knowledge.  Politicians do not want the average voter to understand economics or the terminology because that makes them more difficult to manipulate.  The Vatican mandated a dead language in Latin to perform the mass for years.  Literacy was outlawed amongst Africans in America while slavers read from English bibles to stampede over African faiths. 

Thomas Paine wrote in the Age of Reason, “The setters-up, therefore, and the advocates of the Christian system of faith could not but foresee that the continually progressive knowledge that man would gain, by the aid of science, of the power and wisdom of God, manifested in the structure of the universe and in all the works of Creation, would militate against, and call into question, the truth of their system of faith; and therefore it became necessary to their purpose to cut learning down to a size less dangerous to their project, and this they effected by restricting the idea of learning to the dead study of dead languages.”  In this vein Paine said that language did not create knowledge, language is a vessel to either grant or deny access to expanding knowledge. 

Once we can converse then we share knowledge.  The ability to converse is a foundational tool, not the inherent value of empathy or understanding what life is.  The anti-Meme seeks deeper analysis of what we are through science, mathematics, philosophy, poetry, art, music, etc.  The Meme focuses on memorization of grammar, historical events, and computational math not physics.  The Meme wants the books written a certain way, with restricted editing, even better in a language non-native to the potential reader.  The Meme uses language as a marketing tool restricting how certain subjects are described in both breadth and implication to make people love the very altars we sacrifice our volition to be controlled.  

Why then do people wave flags and crucifixes if the administrative bodies which regulate their memes on Earth are held in such low opinion when looked at from far away?  The reason is that the Meme segregates reality from sentiment.  We feel pride and love in the sentiment and repress and disconnect the reality.  We attach our individuality to the marketed ideals of the associations: the brave soldiers, the kindness of Jesus or Mohammed, the heartland, our senator (but not Congress), and the comfort of heaven.  We distance ourselves from Nagasaki, the crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, or the realities of the Dustbowl and the Great Depression. 

The Meme wishes us to avoid such truths because they hurt to face compared to the comforting sentiment.  Our government and our churches have initiated wars and the exploitation of the Poor.  The American healthcare system profits from human sickness, not wellness.  Loan fees and risky subprime housing lending does not incorporate wages with a specialized mortgage deduction.  Instead upfront fees create Poor renters labeled home-owners on property that reverts to banks and debt that reverts to taxpayers.

These hard-truths are traded for sentiments.  The Government and the Church have the Poor’s best interest at the center.  The healthcare system wants me to feel better.  Society wants me to be self-sufficient with the dignity of a home.  If I work hard I can have the dream.  Belief in sentiment is key for humans to bury our inner animal.  Our animal status wants to dominate others.  Sentiment allows for the domination without the disturbing overtness that would uncover the Meme.

Superstition is pro-Meme and another exception to the do-not-lie commandment.  Sports encourage superstition to affect the outcome of games the viewer has no direct interaction through the pixels transported by a satellite stream.  Commercials play on the notions of rally-caps, rubbing a head, removing a sock, or turning branded beer bottle labels as triggers correlated with one’s team victory.  If a team scores during a certain person in the crew taking a bathroom break, the crowd may demand or joke the person should stay away. 

Other superstitions include horoscopes and astrological fates tied to wealth.  The Meme wants to spread the idea that the wealthy are blessed and deserve their wealth rather than family history of snowballing up or down or systematic inequities.  This false link is the base of modern American libertarian conservative capitalists from the 1950’s into the modern era that manipulates the Poor through a form of superstition in the form of trickle-down economics.  Caste and karma systems prey on similar superstitions. 

Not walking under ladders, avoiding black cats, and finding four-leaf clovers are all permeations of similar pro-Meme false-knowledge untruths.  To a degree so is “Do good to others and others will do good to you” and “Do bad to others and bad will eventually come back to you.”  While kindness and meanness are correlated to how one is treated, this is a byproduct of volition, not karmic superstition.
Another bastion of pro-Meme superstition links back to the human obsession with Big-Weather.  Weather becomes pornographic indulgence to see the wanton destruction of a hurricane, earthquake, or tsunami and the craven indulgence of witnessing how little human society and thus the Meme can actually control.  The aftermath drives us to churn inward like the Carioles effect to unleash ourselves into the winds of knowing there is only so much we can do.

Humans are drawn to the meteorological news for a veil of chaos.  We participate in a lingering marvel over events termed “acts of god” in property insurance policies.  The superstition goes back to all manner of Greek Mythology, biblical linkages and deity interfacing with the climate of Earth and the universe.

Weather is also the filler on newscasts to keep eyeballs glued to the screen.  Journalism costs too much.  By spouting ad nauseam regurgitated tidbits and sensationalized screen-crawls viewers can fill in the blanks as if the news is a movie script and not an attempt at one-to-one presentation of occurrences.  Framing, perception-shifting, and conversation-shaping are key.

One can always tell it is a slow news day when basic weather forecast is the lead.  Broadcast networks blame viewers for demanding immediate information.  This is a corporation rationalizing poor product quality because it maximizes profit.  This translates to a ratings shift on which has the most entertaining newscast, not which presents journalistic integrity.  News organizations cannibalize the information dispensing industry. 

The spouts were once constricted to CBS, NBC, and ABC.  The internet and satellite horde has allowed contradictions to simple manipulations and white-noise to massive manipulations.  The Meme is threatened by more outlets, so the Meme’s response is inundation.  The truth can hide in plain sight.  The truth is a plain picture with little editorial, shown once and able to be pulled up on the internet when desired by a viewer.  False-knowledge paraded and replayed in constant repetition tends to make the truth a needle in a haystack.

The concept that there is no relevant news worthy of global, local, or national report is a farce.  Journalistic potential is ubiquitous.  Viewer interest is not.  The scale is driven by advertising dollars.  The problem is in the suggestion that these weights are not being measured by the Meme. 

Forthright, transparent gamesmanship is preferable, yet so often besmirched by the wry smile of a Fox News Fair-and-Balanced or an MSNBC focus-point in gawk-caulk.  These two American extremes are at least somewhat honest due to their targeted markets.  The Associated Press filters the media-horde.  This is where true commodity-journalism crafts its fetid monotony.  

Occasionally public non-advertising based organizations like NPR can get a straw through the quagmire.  Foreign journalist like the BBC or Al Jazeera also can sometimes penetrate the Meme.  America provides itself a version of the truth as reality as a society and as individuals.  Any true American journalism is pushed to a fringe or subsidized based on targeted marketing like 60 Minutes by some fringe benefit of hocking dick and heart pills.  This is relevant as a reference point of what we are comfortable viewing, discussing, and acknowledging given the Meme.  

Many of us question afterlife the first time our parents try to give us a response on what happened to our dead pet.  Sparky is not in doggy-heaven.  We knew it then, but rarely let it out.  This is part of how the Meme is powered and grows. 

Followers of the Meme are much more likely to obsess over a pet such as a canine or a feline.  Pro-Meme themes include anthropomorphizing the mental complexities and requirements of the animal by worrying about the dog’s or cat’s physiological wants and desires as if the animal were human instead of the more limited faculties of the canine or feline engaging in symbiosis.  Humans will take the animal on more walks and buy the animal more treats and human-like accessories the wild-counterpart of the species lives fine without.  The purchases and obsession with the bowel movements, worries about what the dog thinks of the thunderstorms, its relationships with family members and strangers, and treating the creatures likes members of the family are all pro-Meme.

This is in direct support to the Humans-are-not-Animals Meme.  If symbiotic animals granting companionship, protection, rodent elimination, food, or clothing such as: dogs, cats, chickens, sheep, or cows are given personalities to an excess degree beyond their natural animal instinct and instead ordained with the fears and contemplations of a human, we are not only saying humans are not animals, but that these human-like animals are not even animals. 

Manifestations of this meme can be witnessed in the variety of inventory available for purchase at pet warehouses, grooming centers, and pet training academies.  Humans often feel a pack mentality which a dog assumes as comfort is cruel once established by an owner who would rather call the dog Smoochie-Poo than dominate. 

Pets can take on the role of surrogate human offspring in some cases.  The Meme’s inclination for adults to extend childhood in all forms and superimpose the demand for innocence in children is bridged to dogs and cats.  The Meme wants to reinforce imposing a land of make-believe where dangers are distant and sexual activities are kept in the prison of the bedroom.  Dogs do not get in heat and blatantly wish to procreate.  Fourteen year old girls do not want to engage in carnal thoughts or activities.  They do not masturbate with shower head massagers.

If the Meme can keep the illusion of children in houses absent of children, say after the young ones have gone off to college or grown then pets can rationalize engaging in parental and thus child-conscious behavior.  Uncomfortable subjects which the Meme instructs us not to discuss are less likely if one is treating a full grow mastiff like a three-year old human.  We are less likely to speak of what humans are, where we came from, why we do what we do, we can continue to play make believe, attend church services, sit in front of the television for haze-head sports, and engage in festivals of distraction. 

Anthropomorphizing pets is just another form of superstition to ignore the science of why dogs and humans relate well.  We perpetuate superstitious untruth because it is more palatable and comfortable than facing the reality that we bear a similar fate and life as the canine.  We are animal, yet refuse to swallow and acknowledge the thought.

Animals do have feelings, but these feelings are like us a function of cognitive capacity in neurological function to recognize interrelationships in what is and is not life sustaining and enhancing for mutual benefit or unilateral detriment.  Dogs, cats, dolphins, elephants, or primates etc. will display kindness to humans or other animals in or across their species.  Animals like us bear a comprehension of interconnection and the beauty of love based on this scale.  This kindness is limited based on biological capacity, not spiritual capacity.  The spiritual is a common totality shared by the universe.  The biological is a portioned arrangement inside the atomic with illusions of segregation.  This is anti-Meme.  This form of a non-human displaying compassion, at times superseding instinct or traditional eat or be eaten roles diminishes human exclusivity on in such arenas so crucial to the Meme.  The idea that an orangutan might hug an orphaned tiger cub if the two were to ever meet is anti-Meme.

The Meme encourages us to think All Dogs Go to Heaven and personifies and anthropomorphizes animals when convenient to make animals more human, more like us.  We attribute the occult to perform the reverse: vampires, werewolves etc. of us more like them.  This explains the thematic overlays and targeted audiences of say the Bernstein Bears compared to Dracula.  These characterizations are all ego-worship in broadening the scope of what human is and reducing the scope of what the universe is.
We make movies like The Matrix, In Time, V for Vendetta, Star Wars, Children of Men or movies based on books like Lord of the Rings, The Count of Monte Cristo, Harry Potter, which conduct veiled and not-so veiled assaults on the Meme.  Most of these subject matters are reserved for the science fiction genre.

To display a nonfictional direct attack on the Meme would spur fury and rage in rebuttal from the Meme.  However if we put symbols we will show up in droves as good fun.  In Star Wars a hooded dark-side of the force emperor manipulates the masses.  In The Matrix a robotic hive-mind created by man, which feeds off the humans who designed it to present the illusion of life, rather than reality.  In each a Christ figure; Anakin Skywalker and Neo are used, destined to be saviors.  We have previously entertained the realm of Harry Potter under Commandment Two, which mirrors such storylines.

There is a reason these science fiction universes are found to be so appealing.  It is because so much of the world seeks to unplug from the Meme, yet is not sure exactly what the Meme is, how to accomplish tolerating a world without the Meme, and what to insert or trust other’s will insert as a substitute.

Star Wars, Harry Potter, and The Lord of the Rings are three of the top five grossing movie series of all time as of 2013 making over sixteen billion in U.S. dollars collectively worldwide.  Harry Potter is number one.  Out of the top fifty grossing movies in history only four that were not overt science fiction and those are Titanic, the James Bond themed Skyfall, Fast & Furious, and The Da Vinci Code.  The Meme and anti-Meme are blatant throughout such films as Avatar, The Avengers, Iron Man, Transformers, Pirates of the Caribbean, Jurassic Park, Alice in Wonderland, Batman, Spider Man, Twilight, Shrek, and Inception.

Even the adjusted for inflation top grossing films of all time demonstrate human preoccupation with the Meme which include in order: Gone with the Wind, Avatar, Star Wars, Titanic, The Sound of Music, E.T., The Ten Commandments, Doctor Zhivago, Jaws, and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Other films toying with or exploiting the Meme: Ghostbusters, Indiana Jones, Percy Jackson, X-Men, Willie Wonka, G.I. Joe, and any horror movie.  Films which reinforce the Meme include direct religious movies such as Jesus of Nazareth, the Last Temptation of Christ, The Passion of the Christ, and the aforementioned and eponymous Ten Commandments. 

Almost all Disney cartoon feature films reinforce the Meme.  Most are based on Christ metaphors and classic European fairytales or stolen storylines.  The recipe calls for a child with a deceased or missing parent: Cinderella, Ariel, Jasmine, Belle, Simba, Hercules, Aladdin, Tiana, Oliver, Pinocchio, Dumbo, Mowgli, Pocahontas, Snow White, Nemo, Peter Pan, Aurora, Mulan, and Bambi etc. 

By eliminating one parent from the equation humans naturally feel sympathetic and endear ourselves to the character.  We see ourselves as orphans.  Our biological progenitors are not our ‘parents’.  The Meme wants us to see god as our true parent.  Our loneliness and inner darkness of feeling lost in the openness of existence see god as a font of structure, order to avoid the chaos of the anti-Meme. 

Just as Christ had his missing father in heaven rather than on earth we are bound to have a greater level of concern for Disney’s creation.  We are meant to miss our divine father.  Moses was an orphan in the basket.  Muhammad’s father Abd Allah bin Al-Muttalib died just before or a few months after Muhammad’s birth.  Muhammad’s mother Amina bint Wahb died when he was around six to become twice orphaned.  Muhammad’s wet nurse Halima brought him to his paternal grandfather Abdul Al-Muttalib who died when Muhammad was around eight.  Muhammad was then left to paternal uncle Abu Talib and his wife Fatimah Bint Asad. 

Most of the Disney storylines are stolen or purchased from Chinese legends, the Brothers Grimm, Galland, Shakespeare, Andersen, Collodi, European fairy tales, Kipling, Salten or Mother Goose.  The roles of underdog-hero, reluctant, but beautiful princess, and Faustian bargains with dark-skinned villains rotate and recycle the Meme.  The orphan theme of the Meme is rampant. 

Films, books, and art help distort sentiment and reality.  By bringing the dream-work into reality the Meme is more threatened than supported.  This is one reason the most popular modern films tend to be creative child-like anti-Meme storylines presented to adults as parents of the world digest the notion of the anti-hero and the anti-Meme.  Dreams process false-knowledge.

In this knowledge, we have convinced ourselves we require commandments to attain morality and civility.  This has never been true.  Morality, civility, and almost all forms of altruism inside species generate from the long-term advantages such responses to the prisoner’s dilemma iterations all life, but particularly more complex life engage.

Humans are animals who can contemplate likely and expected outcomes to utilize altruism for the good of our species given knowledge.  We do this even if there is a risk that a certain short-term benefit to the individual is less valuable than less certain, but greater benefits to the whole of the species and environment to which that individual belongs.  This is a major reason why market-regulations are so crucial to operate an optimum free-market.

To evolve and successfully avoid extinction it is imperative that humans base these long-term versus short-term, individual versus group, calculations on empirically-based true knowledge rather than false knowledge.  The exceptions of the eighth commandment hinder the mathematics and ultimately risk a compromised threshold of volition determining the fate of humanity. 

Television, movies, and the internet help us hide loneliness in synthetic human iterations.  We form false relationships with characters portrayed in celebrities as if we knew them as substitutes for true love and intimacy.  Actresses and actors become hermit crabs inside ideas of what a screen or tabloid portrayed.  Hundreds of humans become representations of the human connection we innately seek distancing reality from our volition in our immediate environment and homogenized by the Meme.
No one is really what you see with your eyes or the sounds you hear from their lips.  Sensorial stimuli, even more so on a screen, are snippets flailing and wandering in the madness joyous, sad, and indifferent.  We are insides and energy and consciousness that empathizing with one another is an objective, and never really accomplished.  (We attempt empathy.  We attempt knowledge of the other.)

We are all going to die, be forgotten, and be completely forgotten given time.  Everyone we have ever encountered will die, be forgotten.  What of our existence, what was the point?  This idea of over, of time, of life is not about memories or histories or tallies or equity in property or land or nameplates or endowments or some derivation of cock measurement. 

Life is a constant now realizing the beauty that there is no individual only a collective.  What we might think we are is a shard glance in on a vast membership that we can never detach except for our flawed so often blind egoic perspective.  Individuality is an illusion in the now.  Death is irrelevant, being remembered is irrelevant.  Investing energy in knowledge of the shell is so often irrelevant.  

Doing, being in the now is relevant.  Whenever one might think one has run out of chances, run out of time, one has not.  One may run out of time to do something the ego thinks it has to do or has to accomplish to meet some goal, express some confidence or avoid some accretion of failure.  Those are about the self.  Strive for goals, make those part of doing, but recognize and accept that reality is not going to make most goals accessible.  Be aware of what is presenting itself and what options one has in how to handle the now based on what one has prepared oneself to offer in that moment.  This is true knowledge.  

To Commandment Nine: Energy

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