Friday, August 28, 2015

3) Faith: The Meme: What and Why We Are

3) Faith
 [Remember to keep holy the Lord’s Day.]
{Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.  Six days you shall labor, and do all your work; but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God; in it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your manservant, or your maidservant or your cattle, or the sojourner who is within your gates; for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day; therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.}

Faith requires belief in what is not observed.  The unobservable is transfigured from the realm of pretend into the miraculous to validate presence in reality.  The miraculous becomes sanctified.  Faith therein becomes a structure of support for the superego to retain rather than dismiss the connected ideas.  Faith is convenient to dismiss negative information which contradicts prior volition or truths one consciously or subconsciously chooses not to face.  The fact we evolved from and still are animals who could eradicate each other at any moment and what our volition represents is the ultimate fact buried under the Meme.  This perpetuates religious faith. 

Faith prompts people to utter the dubious, “Everything happens for a reason.”  This mantra keeps only supportive stimuli and converts non-supportive stimuli into optimism, selective editing, or attributes the event to a later proposed consequence in the judgment of a higher being whose existence, knowledge, and planning shall not be questioned and need not be comprehended due to faith. 

Questioning the logic or planning of god, harkens back to the second commandment and will be punished.  The very idea of thinking of questioning god could then be attributed as the cause for the non-supportive stimuli.  The omnipotent-being knew such questioning was approaching and modified the events of history to preemptively compensate.  The Meme preys on this human-neurosis and origin story of a negative feedback loop.

All presuppositions of a theistic society require faith in an improvable unverifiable insensible deity.  Stories are carried through memes in oral and written history to convey events where such a deity has violated the void of empirical evidential matter to confirm the existence and interplay of deities inside space-time.  This is conveniently truncated by the Meme prior to recorded audio or visual technologies.  After photography new religions are more often than not dubbed cults.

Given the isolation in historical timing, one is left to question if the entire contents of the Bible and Qur’an are edited scripts.  Not only is the miraculous tautology impossible, but the characters (e.g. Jesus, Moses, and Mohammed etc.) may have never existed or if real manipulations of truth.  The players in this theater may be amalgamations of people who did or fictionalizations of those with alternative agendas.

Religious faith often begets ritual to affirm faith in the presence of others.  (E.g. Church requires at least two be gathered in His name.)  Pageantry, exercises, kneeling, standing, arm-flapping, chanting, stage-shows, megaphones, banners, stained-glass windows, ornaments, relics, sacred spaces, aromas, holy confections and brews, recitals, karaoke, and readings are all core elements to religious faith. 

Faith by itself is a feeble, fragile, feckless conception.  Faith’s clay is mutable and powerless without consensus.  One can believe in the flying spaghetti monster, jesus, Tom Waits, or cthulhu.  Without others around there is no vessel to fill with faith; there is no traction in the Meme.  Myth, lore, consequence and representations similar to evidence must be required to magnetize the faithful around a syncretic nexus.  See the deceased otiose faiths of Zeus etc.

The third commandment presents ritual to the center stage.  Ritual is critical to solidifying blind obedience in the lack of empirical evidence which would be used in its place if available.  The faithful are commanded to go to services every seventh day in number three.  Not attending or observing the various iterations of abstinence associated with the arbitrary window of time (whether it is not consuming mammalian muscle tissue, bowing to the proper longitude and longitude of a historical city, or not puffing a cigarette) the thought-control is in consummating obedience in the devotee to reaffirm faith so that the Meme’s power rejuvenates. 

Parents instruct ignorant children to replicate such behavior, often inside a microcosm of a single flavor of organized Pablum ritual.  This mutes the adult-child’s rebuttal once aged.  An adult is much less likely to reveal criticism in a large group setting and even less likely in one that includes minors.  The smell of glib absurdity is sublimated as Christians with Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny are taught to outwardly lie to and bribe their children for their children’s “benefit.”  Adults are hampered from amending their ideas on the parting of the Red Sea or metaphor of Jesus turning water into wine at Cana to parallel transubstantiation or asking what DNA was in Jesus’ semen? 

Adults are taught to observe, create and not speak of the make-believe around humanity.  The cult of holiday is in every way an insidious beguiling of the populace to usurp pagan ritual with religious obedience in a macro level effort for compliance to social norms to repress individual volition and maximize consumerism, patriotism, group-think, and fundamentalism inside the Meme. 

After American Labor Day the assault begins with Halloween which mocks paganism and bifurcates make-believe into monsters and religion.  This segregates religion as sacrosanct and monsters as ludicrous to convey the two are not equally fantasy.  In Thanksgiving, patriotism mocks pagan natives and honors and sugarcoats imperialism.  Christmas, Hanukah, etc. confirm faith and religion to the serotonin release of capitalism.  This coincides with college and professional football, hockey, and the World Series in baseball to encourage the populace into passionate zealot-like behavior mirrored in soccer and cricket outside American myopia.

The waste of resources to rejuvenate the cultish meme of faith by ensnaring capitalism is the central American cultural ethos.  It is in no small way linked to the American brand of fundamentalism.  America is brash, vengeful, and arrogant in asserting its separation of church and state as long as the U.S gets a large helping of god. 

God is understood to be Christian by most Americans.  Jews can tag along as long as the gimp allows abuse when convenient.  Hanukah like other non-Christian northern hemisphere solstice religious holidays in the West is lumped as a smokescreen of inclusion.  The marketing campaign of the intentionally ambiguous slogan of Happy Holidays diffuses the Meme so that its religious tentacles ensnare with a public skin display of mirthful constriction and the hardened muscle of generations of atavistic population control asphyxiation. 

Kwanza and Ramadan are corrupted into the commercial herding just as the Shia Ashura resembles the Christian Easter “Holy Week” to the Jewish Passover before it.  As long as humans designate these apportioned times as special or a holiday, the Meme is working. 

To an atheist every day is an equal holiday in such regard.  To the anti-Meme, time is an equal platform; the specificity for historical mandated elation to commemorate an arbitrary calendar’s numeric placeholder is an abduction of volition.  Such memories and thoughts could be had at any moment and are bias to the false-exclusivity on individuality to the celebrators. 

Veterans Day in America of soldiers vanquishing enemies is the inverse end of barrels and shrapnel to bodies beyond borders.  The event is about protection from fear and marketing death.  Thanksgiving is amnesia for imperialism and slavery given vantage point.  So in the religious and secular designated histories find conflict born into the Meme, rather than the absolute of goodness or badness. 

Symbolic ideologues of such holidays like: Uncle Sam, a kind pilgrim and cooperative pagan, Santa Claus, cupid, or a Leprechaun represent Meme-masters roping and whipping cows to the slaughterhouse or fenced confines for alternative purposes conducive to the Meme’s greater objectives sheathed inside the costume of holiday.  Flags, luck, fated-arrow love, and sleighs all distance volition.  The holidays are barriers to observing astronomy linking humanity with the atomic universe by simply looking up at the sky.  The celestial cycles are bulldozed first by ‘pagans’ then the religious marketed products of holiday, which in the end is all the rapacious Meme.


The intentional hijacking and converted missile status of four commercial airplanes struck a level of panic and irrational level of fear in America that the amped up xenophobic fallout prompted invasions of Iraq (who played zero part in 9/11) and Afghanistan.  The entire department of Homeland Security was created.  America passed corporate-friendly tax policies against its long-term self-interest to stimulate its economy as if the financial security of the world’s largest superpower was threatened by the loss of four airplanes, two and one quarter buildings and about three thousand citizens.  Worse carnage was avoided by the volition of astute humans accepting death to plummet in a Pennsylvania field rather than the Capitol building.  

The U.S. economy was not threatened.  The U.S. was a poked lion.  A display of strength, a puff of the mane, a flex of the shoulders, a dangling of the testes, and a piss and a shit all around the neighborhoods of the globe for the U.S. show who is still king.  Like the animals we (humanity) are, the U.S. urinates and defecates in claimed territory so that nobody fucks with the apex country of the Meme.  If the curtain does not rise on this theatrical production and close in acts that conclude a final of winning then the lion risks repeating Vietnam.  That is why in 2015 the United States still has troops in Afghanistan.  The theater of marketing victory (the perception of order through dominance [the Meme]) has always been the point.  There was never a real risk of abating functional small group bombings or assault rifle violence on U.S. soil.  The chaos of volition of individuals is still absolute.

After 9/11 the United States did not know who sponsored the murder of U.S. citizens through aircraft.  The FBI eight months past September didn’t know.  Maybe the terrorism was plotted in Afghanistan through Germany through the United Arab Emirates and the United States.  Osama bin Laden became the poster poker of the lion.  Evidence was what the lion said was evidence.  The marketing campaign needed a Jafar to explain who dared insult the sultan.  The U.S. prepared its Aladdins to go to war in Iraq despite logic telling the majority of the world opposed to the invasion doing so would just poke an ant hill increasing the likelihood of terrorism and do little against the actual terrorists.  The U.S. started a global manhunt for Bin Laden.  The Meme saw a chance at a new villain and tried to expand the fear of that marketed villain as a mechanism of control so that W could emulate Reaganomics.

The Patriot Act led to Americans violating the U.S. constitution to spy on domestic and foreign people on a massive level without prior cause.  Snowden, Assange, and Manning are condemned on a global level for uttering truths.  The collective superego denial of facing the reality that at any moment a group of small individuals could convert an airplane into a bomb and cause mass destruction set off a tidal wave of self-debilitating, self-defeating, economically-cannibalizing compensating behavior in theist-majority America.  Brittan followed suit.  The Humans-are-not-Animals meme was in full panic or glory depending on how one views the garish aftermath.

A non-Meme reaction would be to step away from over-reaction and focus on what the realities of why and how America is subject to such threats from militant Islamist-based country-less terrorists.  Where does their power and money come from?  (The ultimate answer is the power from the fear inculcated by fundamentalist theism.)  How could their numbers grow or decline based on how we proceed.  America has chosen to combat a figurative hydra in a nationless rouge-terrorist threat by attempting to cut two of its heads (Iraq and Afghanistan).  Mushrooms sprout in the side-casualties of drones to haunt the surviving descendants of the World Trade Center.  Pakistan is an Islamic refuge for the Afghan war.  ISIS and Syria is fallout from the Iraqi power vacuum.  Yemen becomes an egg sack. Saudi oil is sacrosanct.

If we misinterpret how Al-Qaida and ISIS fit into the Meme, we risk compounding this form of terrorist threat.  Al-Qaida’s is ultimately pro-Meme in the same way churches, mosques, and synagogues work as partners with governments to perpetuate the Meme through control.  Al-Qaida uses the fear from the Poor exploited by the systematic economics and governmental policies to gain power.  Al-Qaida teaches external volition as one is abdicated from responsibility for murder via religion and is righteous in doing so to infidels labeled as the West (non-Muslims).  This is despite most of the humans killed by Al-Qaida also being Muslim.

Al-Qaida utilizes the values of the third commandment in imposed obligatory behavior commanded by Allah.  This is the original Abraham-derived monotheism teleological suspension of the ethical Kierkegaard described in Commandment One.  One suspends the morality of the faith because of a fundamentalist interpretation of instruction from god to murder.

The inability of Islam and all forms of theism to segregate morality, virtue, and goodness from the necessity or concept of a specified interactive god fuels Al-Qaida through the inherent hypocrisy the requirement a specified god mandates.  The three Abrahamic-derived monotheisms are inherently designed to employ this hypocrisy to justifiably kill through the story of Isaac.  Humanity must see such killing as immoral.  When humanity inserts the badness back into this form of deistic-instructed killing and social control the anti-Meme has a chance to conquer this form of fundamentalism.

When humanity separates goodness from theism, then evil will have no bearing of righteousness commandeering such linkages.  In this the imaginary lines of country, religion, and race might dissolve and natural reflections into the machinations of the ego to acknowledge the autonomy and culpability of our volition might progress.

The threat of killing spreads fear in the same way dictators like Saddam Hussein are used by the West.  Although far less controllable due to the loss of a skeletal economic system for the Meme to manipulate, the rogue actions of Al-Qaida allow the Meme to implement a broader security state, military-industrial complex, and correlated profits across the globe. 

The potential chaos of Al-Qaida being outside a government is less than ideal for the Meme.  This particular brand of fundamentalism’s evisceration of volition through martyrdom makes Al-Qaida for its majority pro-Meme.  This is like the Catholic Church which supports other forms of martyrdom whether in a coliseum, Crusade, a heart’s self-denial, or family planning center. 

The chaos of a militant dictator imposing fear in the Poor to submit is pro-Meme.  This mirrors Al-Qaida.  This is something the First-World derivation of the Meme would want to impose on the Third-World.  The Meme does not want chaos in the First-World.  We will discuss this further in Commandment Eight under theft.  This is why such terrorist organizations are both ally and foe for the Meme depending on how well the quotidian physical destruction can be confined to the Third World.

Prayer, ribbons, and flags for troops and victims are ritualistic placations to the Meme in the third commandment.  A U.S. president cannot give a speech without uttering god bless America.  This is a juvenile mocking of the citizenry.  Our pledge of allegiance and pre-testimony swears are adapted to require god’s inclusion.  A politician intertwining such a self-destructive meme with public policy discourse coddles the people as if god is on America’s side or that this phrase brings favor like the third commandment. 

If we ask ourselves why America is this way we can look at the Meme’s collision with the New Deal carried forward from FDR in the 1930’s under President Eisenhower in the 1950’s giving Labor more power in business.  We can look to the coalition between Christian leaders and the business community to convince the Poor to vote against their self-interests under the idea of merging the identities of both a capitalist and a Christian to believe in a perverse libertarianism where the rewards and difficulties of life are apportioned with one’s efforts and actually ignore many of the New Testaments teachings on the Poor.  This is exactly what the Meme wants to do, delink social interrelationships and treat the wealthy like Herculean demigods who earned their way to keep the Poor laboring in an unachievable idolatry.  It contradicts the core of what Jesus is attributed to teach, yet because the Meme fuses the idea of god with politics, those politics are most often supported by the most evangelical American Christians.

Look back to GM, DuPont, the Chamber of Commerce, Firestone, Hilton, IBM, Maytag, Sun Oil, and the National Association of Manufacturer’s and a speech by Rev. James Fifield in 1940 to fight collectivism through religious faith.  Look at the slogans, “Freedom Under God” and “Slavery of the State.”  The New Deal is evil creeping socialism.  Eisenhower’s own Christianity began the Presidential Prayer Breakfasts in the 1950’s.  The Soviet stance was atheist socialism.  America became Christian capitalism inside the Meme as the cold war set its roots in the post nuclear era. 

Sid Richardson, an oil tycoon, one of the wealthiest dudes in America in the 1950’s started the run of Reverend Billy Graham and the evangelical capitalists with the help of William Randolph Hurst’s media.  Down with unions; government restrictions on business are Satan’s work.  We get prayers at D.C. cabinet meetings and patriotism gets fused with piety to drown out Woody Guthrie. 

The pledge of allegiance, money, postage stamps, and our national motto: all got converted.  This is mainly in the 1950’s.  Ever since Reagan every presidential speech has god bless America as the official closing.  Read Kevin Kruse’s One Nation Under God.  Look at 2015 and Indiana’s religious freedom bill.  Look at southern states like Louisiana’s Bobby Jindal and Arkansas’ Mike Huckabee trying to paint a picture that religion (i.e. Christianity) is under attack in America.  There is a false presentation of war in a paradigm Southern and evangelical voters typically respond to rally the Meme.  

America cannot tolerate films or media presentation where the hero fails or that the hero is not of a Western-overtone.  The hero usually can only be Eastern if the conflicting enemy is also Eastern.  The images of Jesus and his apostles are coated in factually inaccurate to the region European features.  To insert a darker face or a tyrant-America out of anomaly context is to present a flawed god to the West and thus to the dominant meme.  This insecurity to face the full circle reality of the American and Christian empires brings about constant requests for godly blessings coordinated with the Meme in the third commandment.  

Inverse faces operate in the Middle Eastern Islamic empires descending from the original Caliphate from the 7th and 8th centuries from Muhammad in the Arabian Peninsula through the Rashidun and Umayyad Caliphates stretching through the Indian subcontinent, the Middle East, the Iberian Peninsula, to Northern Africa and later into Indonesia.

The god-bless phrase must be ritualized or mythical penalties will be had.  If the word god was replaced with any sort of specificity, the univocal phrase would be condemned.  The ambiguity allows a broad untruth.  Each listener is provided sufficient subjective interpretation to find tolerance over protest.  The knowledge if the word Jesus or Allah were used in “god’s” stead shows the immaturity of the phrase, the politician, and the people the politician purports to represent. 

You can look back to 1964 with prayer in school and see that it was Protestants, Catholics, and Jews who rallied against a constitutional amendment for school prayer after the Supreme Court said state sanctioned school prayer was unconstitutional.  The religious organizations felt the lack of specificity would dilute prayer.  What it would have done is reduce their splintered powers and further expose the Meme.

The U.S. god is understood by the preponderance of Congress and federal and state governments to allude to a Judeo-Christian paradigm.  The constitution does not state this directly, but it has been long understood that not stating makes the Meme stronger than explicitness.  America’s steadfast support of Israel and cricket-chirping support of the Palestinian people and predilection for bombing Islamic states in comparison further communicates this bias.  Look at what that bias has done to our national security.  The Meme benefits from this lack of specificity in overt language by explicit endorsement in action to coalesce power behind a religious consensus in America as a microcosm of the planet. 

The opposing iterations of consensus in Western Europe and America, the Middle East, and East Asia actually aid the Meme.  A single global religion would be a one-legged tripod.  The segregated ideas of god represent varied product lines to sell and lines of defense to protect the Meme through infighting over semantics rather than the flawed commonality.  Diversification makes corporate entities, viruses, and investments stronger to prevent collapse.  Jesus and Mohammed work the same as having both stocks and bonds in the Meme’s pre-modern portfolio. 

The uproar over weapons of mass destruction is a direct Meme-response to the limited-synthetic security States are able to provide citizens against rouge nationless terrorism or guerrilla warfare.  The Department of Homeland Security, NSA surveillance and foreign invasions at best provide security based on faith.

How safe is a person?  The safety can only be verified by a nonoccurrence which bears estimated likelihood that because such terrorist events have not been common, that such terror will not occur in the present.  The safety-systems are often granted false-credit for nonoccurrence, as if all non-occurrences are the result of the safety-system.  There is little evidence that TSA actually stops threats from boarding planes.  Internal tests in 2015 verify their error rate at ninety-five percent at catching fake prohibited material from being detected in searches.  67 of 70 weapons got through checkpoints.  The annual budget for the TSA in 2012 was $7.6 billion.

When threats materialize, the threat is marketed to be an anomaly not a systematic vulnerability.  The U.S. and British governments cannot guarantee or truly prevent such threats.  At best the theatrics in response are illusions to avoid the greatest threat: panic which results in chaos, which could seep towards reducing the adoption-threshold of the Meme.  

This is why the U.S. and other global powers do not really participate in military humanitarianism.  The U.S. may advertise aid to characters labeled as innocents so that Americans may dub the American military-industrial complex movements as Good and the regime being confronted as Bad.  What happens to the lives of the foreign Poor in these countries is dust under the rug outside the occasional marketing effort to validate an ongoing federal expenditure or replenish faith in a flag.  In many cases U.S. action is a direct result of the title role of innocents and evil-doers flip flopping with the threat of unleashed chaos towards the Global Power (U.S.)  Often Global Power security would be best served by doing nothing since today's oppressed become tomorrow’s oppressors. 

Iraq was taken off the terror list as Cuba was added in 1982 to offer Saddam U.S. aid before we used Hussein as a scapegoat to display order after 9/11/01.  Cuba was finally removed in 2015.  Ousting Hussein in many ways bred ISIS in the chaos enveloping Iraq and Syria flushing refugees into Turkey and Greece.  The U.S. funds a fake Iraqi army to defend the shambles of a country with the irascible tone of a Wasp haggling price with a Babylonian bazaar merchant over a paperweight as countries crumble.   

Afghanistan’s role versus the Soviet Union in the Cold War compared to guerilla Al-Qaida stronghold paired with Pakistan is the most glaring modern example.  The U.S. supported the mujahedeen rebels in the 1980’s against the Russians.  The Pashtun population in Pakistan/Afghanistan has never accepted the British imposed Durand line of division.  Pakistani President Muhamad Zia-ul-Haq was a fundamentalist Islamic military dictator who helped generate the Taliban.  

Conflicts in Darfur, Somalia, Kosovo, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and Vietnam etc. have created a string of post WWII conflicts where the Global Powers have determined political apathy or selective involvement based on the threat of spilt-over chaos to threaten the Meme rather than humanitarianism.  War becomes a meretricious marketing endeavor. 

WWII was possibly the last major conflict predominated by my tank, plane, battleship against your iteration in organized uniformed uncertain conflict.  The Cold War showed the world the trump card of nuclear weapons in the post Cuban Missile Crisis landscape where JFK’s arrogance or dumb luck over the socialist threat and some defunct missiles in Turkey almost led to WWIII.  JFK’s faith in Khrushchev’s desire to avoid mutual nuclear human destruction and the happy near miss of a Radio Moscow broadcast avoided an apocalyptic event.  Vasili Arkhipov blocking an order to fire submarine nuke torpedoes on October 27, 1962 might have saved more lives than any man in human history.  Any significantly escalated formal engagement of Global Powers via tanks, jets, and submarines is countered by what U.S. citizens did to Japanese citizens in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and what might have been if pre-emptive aggression had prevailed in October 1962.

Post WWII only the world’s superpowers are permitted to have nuclear weapons.  Israel is allowed to have them covertly through the U.S. and Western Europe, but Iran cannot.  See the Dimona reactor.  Iraq cannot.  Any insectile country which might have a score to settle for past or current exploitation cannot.  The Meme requires such an imbalanced order.  The Meme is repressing science and entropy to manufacture this unsustainable pretext. 

The reality that U.S. and Israeli use of preemptive force builds global consensus to support global WMD buildup is dismissed in the arrogance of the Meme.  The non-apex of the Meme sees the apex as the greatest threat to safety due to unilateral engagement based on events like the post 9/11 Iraq invasion and the Israeli occupation of the West Bank.  The apex sees itself as a liberator and peace preserver.

The zero-sum of humanity and the U.S. chemical and WMD-hypocrisy was entrenched so that a level of escalated panic and psychological sensitivity would forever be imbedded into the American psyche by what line Americans are ready to cross.  America has collective guilt over dropping the bombs and is thus more concerned that no party ever uses nukes again.  Subconsciously America is aware that of all countries the United States is due such a retaliatory blow even if the strike is less likely to come from Germany or Japan.  America has made sure to install itself as the proxy military of both countries.

This leads one to question the necessity of constructing and investing in tanks, jets, and battleships.  Taxpayer-funding for global-national corporations like Boeing and Lockheed Martin mushrooms political patronage and stock prices.  Suggestion of non-necessity is anti-Meme.  This would reduce the appearance of order over the marginal-order such investments provide.  This has to be weighed against alternative budgetary uses of the funds. 

This will be discussed in Commandment Seven on stealing later, but one can see how for the U.S. Republican party no amount of defense spending will ever be enough.  The idea of opposing defense spending as a matter of principle is the anti-Meme goading chaos by reducing order.  The mathematics: the number of tanks, soldiers, jets, or bombs is irrelevant to the appearance of choosing entropy.

Global Powers must be able to engage in a commensurate level of faith that one will not launch nuclear warheads at the other.  Nuclear war’s most likely scenario would come from Israel launching nuclear weapons at Iran, followed by retribution cascading into an eventual non-missile nuclear detonation from inside the United States by a fundamentalist nationless rogue group displaying how defenseless the West is to stop such acts when there is no nation to fire a nuclear weapon back at.  The United States would be stuck with its many nuclear penises in silos with no one to fuck, but a vague idea of which enemy to market to extract the amount of blood the American people under the Meme would expect to sustain the shredded belief that Western governments could ever really stop such a threat.

In lieu of international trust or true security from such a threat we have massive economic sanctions against States deemed untrustworthy.  A lack of trust is typically associated with countries with dominate religions-memes, which contradict the religions-memes of the Global Powers acting as the driving force behind the sanctions.  However the root is economic whether it be American democracy to Soviet or Chinese communism or Wall Street to OPEC.  See America’s policies with Saudi Arabia versus Iran.  Saudi Arabia’s Wahhabism is far more fundamentalist than Iran, but the Saudi’s play economic ball.

Religion is primarily a costume to commandeer the wealth-creation mechanisms and systems.  The power drawn from predictable control of regional and global wealth ultimately determines the balance of trust.  Such actions become entwined with money, natural resource extraction, and most importantly preservation of the Humans-are-not-Animals meme.  The Meme must preserve the appearance of order and the subsystems of maintaining order. 

The work week is modeled after the third commandment to allow observance of the Jewish and Christian iterations of Sabbath.  The meme of religion becomes attached with commerce in such habitual repetition.   Labor during the week; spend money and pray in services on the weekends.  Workers alternate from caffeine to speed through Monday to Friday to alcohol to slow down Saturday and Sunday.  Each encourages the Meme by avoiding the power and potential introspection of being in the now.

The third commandment captures the absurd falsities of the book of genesis on the origin of the universe and planet.  The six day formation is a level of untruth unfit for retort.  Possibly the greatest danger inferred in the third commandment is the creationist ideology.  Modern humans, who deny Darwinism, evolution, and the true nature of what we are and come from, do so in protection of their core god meme, which is inside the Humans-are-not-Animals meme.  Faith is slathered on seven-fold to retort science with blind rhetoric and nonsense such as, “Why do monkeys still exist if we evolved from apes?” 

Like climate change, evolutionary science presents a roadblock to which theists often split ranks.  Most theists agree with evolution.  A lesser number agree with anthropogenic climate change.  However the point is not to win over the deniers, for that requires no argument.  The scientists of our planet have researched, evaluated and concluded on compelling evidence in each case. (See the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC)  A debate where the evidence of faith and holiness are considered on par, if not trumps to carbon dating, thermometers, barometers, hurricanes, forest fires, extinctions, deforestation, oxygen levels, and droughts etc. is a farce.  Even Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si May 24, 2015 recognizes this. 

Einstein warned, “If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would have only four years of life left.  No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man.” Scientists warn the average rate of vertebrate species extinction is 114 times higher than normal.  The losses since 1900 should have taken 800 to 10,000 years.  Elizabeth Kokbert’s The Sixth Extinction documents the past and warns what is occurring is based on what we are choosing.  What is occurring is not normal.  Humans are choking the foundation of our survival.  Will we choose empathy?   

Vehicle choice can also be syphoned in the extremes across the Meme.  The sports utility vehicle is pro-Meme with its ride-high seating position, armor-like weight for overly fearful passengers and disproportionate carbon emissions for many drivers who rarely if ever go off-road.  Pick-up truck cowboys appearing larger and faster typically hauling nothing but a single human is also pro-Meme.  Electric hybrids are anti-Meme with smaller footprint, eco-consciousness, and greater acceptance of the risks of vehicle operation.  A Smart car being smashed on an interstate is the anti-Meme accepting death and interconnection.  One can group carpool mini-vans and motorcycles the same way. 

One can extend this linkage to large quantity of progeny and small in families.  One’s indulgence in the perpetuation of one’s genial line is often commensurate with one’s dedication to the Meme. Genial perpetuation is ego worship.  Seeking eternal life is ego worship.  Accepting death in a realistic swallow is anti-Meme.

The things the average solitary driver verbalizes to other drivers also exposes the Meme.  Our animal comes out in road rage.  We curse and criticize drivers insulated by steel because our fear of death is closer.  We know we are in moving weapons.  If others are in the car maybe we don’t call the other driver a fucking asshole or throw our hands up because while they were staring at their cell phone, slow on the pedal, and eek through the yellow we catch the extra traffic light.  When we do that it is the animal coming out in our alone space swimming around in the social pool flashing our disdain for the Meme where we feel no one can hear us.  Look at the car behind you next time you swerve into their lane or break too hard.  The animal is right there ready to roar, especially in males.

Another variant in human behavior tied to faith and the planet is vegetarianism.  The religious/ sacrilegious idea of eating human flesh in Catholic Communion contrasts with the traditional Catholic forbiddance of meat on Fridays (the day that Jesus supposedly was killed.)  The host is/represents human body.  The wine is/represents human blood.  The idea of god is a direct reaction to bury the meme of cannibalism and animal-like murder between humans.  The Eucharist both indulges the hidden id urges for cannibalism and unleashes our animal nature while at the same time framing the idea as sacrilege to preserve the insulation of the god-meme.  One cannot eat the Eucharist alone; one must be permitted by the Church (the Meme).

Diving into the underlying rationale for vegetarianism, one can see it is not the death of the cow; it is the excessive resources required and earthen liabilities created to grow the muscle tissue of the cow nourishing the consumer’s body.  Less water, corn, land, air pollutants, and time is necessary to provide similar nutrients through divergent plant-based (sun-energy-based) means per gram of sustenance.  (Note the metric system is anti-Meme.  Metric represents a consensus.)  Less carbon is created from the plant versus animal waste.  The concern for health detriments to humans from factory farming of animals is anti-Meme.  To be concerned for the extinction of humans or any mass death is anti-Meme.  The Meme can offer wealth to usurp such risks.  The goal of wealth substitutes for the goal of existential awareness of shedding the self in the constant now.

Capitalist highways are linked to the proliferation of an animal-based diet.  Marketing the idea of a plant-based diet to lower health costs while destroying the economic engine of animal-based industries is anti-Meme.  The Department of Agriculture and Wall Street have comingled dietary suggestions and institutionally monetized what is against humanity’s best interest by creating wants for unneeded levels of meat.  The biological directive mapped by our evolution relies on a majority plant-based diet.  The heart disease and cancer rates accelerating in Western diet-societies are like an elemental organic response to the insurrection to what a fast-food drive-through represents.  The fiscal subsidies to animal feed corn and soybeans distort the total economic implications to the pro-Meme focus on the ego. 

The question of “What tastes good now?” springboards from our biological processes to treat fat and sugar as rare energy sources valued on our tongue cells.  We want what is rare, despite knowing what water is to our bodies (sixty percent of biological us.)  We do this in human relationships.  We want and chase what runs away from us.  We ignore and avoid what wants or pursues us.  We cannot get that later.  We can get that later.

This predictable response mechanism is used as distraction to avoid the shedding of the ego to think collectively in what the sun, plants, and water represent in our concurrent spiritual existence.  It is this very delinking of what tastes good for me now because it seems rare to what is best for what we are now which is the challenge and the purpose of the extinction risked in the beautiful artful awakening present in the human diet.  

Eating plants is in a way acknowledging the ready availability of love.  Love’s exponential extrapolating principles are like a germinating seed.  Love and plants are not of low value despite abundance.  Love is trapped in seeds in all of us awaiting empathy to acknowledge our fear of interconnection.  In this way plants are a blueprint of the anti-Meme.

The probability of human sustainability on the Earth is theoretically prolonged by preserving Earth’s resources.  Antibodies, hormone manipulation, and harvesting animals are the more economically efficient methods in the short-term.  This does not encompass the full profit equation for the negative consequences on the planet, animals, or humanity in the long term.  This is pro-Meme.  The consideration of these variables is the underlying anti-Meme being addressed by vegans and vegetarians. 

The Meme will attempt to convince humans need meat for protein to be strong apex examples mimicking the pursuit of financial resources, of dominating others.  Elephants, deer, hippopotamuses, and bears are either herbivores or plant-dominant omnivores.  Human vegans can achieve commensurate physical strength through beans, soy, and other plants.  Certain vitamins like B or iron may require supplements.  The colder the climate the more unrealistic a full vegetarian diet may be for humans, but like most of life absolutism is a goal of the Meme.  A morsel of pork or mutton sinew does not fell the people.  Systematic mathematical consequences depleting resources mandatory for survival fells the people. 

The Meme wants us to focus on body and ego.  A seed grows from sun and water like a miracle in a time capsule of genetic material.  To distance our species from plants shuns empathy by distancing our atomic connection from the animal’s muscle tissue we kill to consume and our common link through plants with all animal life that the We Are Not Animals meme attempts to shield.  For the Meme we can become more than animals by being the dominant animal. The point is not the mammal or the legume.  The point is the interconnection of all life.  That is what the anti-Meme ‘we are animals’ means.  

Therein we are animals made to eat and be eaten.  This is the anti-Meme.  Factory farming as an institution is an apex militarized derivation of the Meme so that the methods, chemicals, agents, and process of how living beings are set to live in the equivalent of concentration camps to become never-living tissue wrapped in cellophane for a refrigerated Wall-Mart bin.  A human asked to sit face to face with the bovine or the ovine and enact volition to cease its arteries flow in an undisrupted circuit who could not press blade to throat should not segregate his or her volition from the lifting of that cellophane carcass into a checkout line.  In eating the muscle tissue one is commiserating in death.

The anti-Meme omnivore accepts his or her role in death, in killing, in participation in all systems he or she engages.  She or he may eat meat through divergent methods, less meat, or no meat.  This choice is a function of the only mechanism we control, volition.  Like the killing in abortion this is owned by the anti-Meme.  Like the passive lack of acknowledgment to the factory farming industry, racial privilege, systematic injustice drenched in political apathy, or the commercialization of healthcare or education systems, the anti-Meme acknowledges the role of our individual volition and in many cases attempts to evolve our role within those systems. 

The very anti-Meme idea in the superego is seeing quasi-equality with all life.  Humans are openly viewed as animals in the vegetarian and vegan memes.  However the extrapolated divergent consequence upon domesticated animals incapable of surviving in the wild without human assistance reveals the root of the vegan or vegetarian meme, which is to counter the Humans-are-not-Animals meme. 

Vegetarianism is not solely concerned with the physical pain of the animal.  In all likelihood if humans crossed a threshold of vegetarianism or quit eating pork or beef all together, but still consumed chickens, the number of domesticated farm animals of the no-longer eaten species would plummet towards extinction without human intervention.  Therefore the campaign for vegetarians to get the world to stop eating cows is not necessarily in the genetic best interest of the cows from a Darwinian standpoint.  One would have to adopt Gandhi’s one time sentiment, “Hitler killed five million Jews. It is the greatest crime of our time.  But the Jews should have offered themselves to the butcher's knife. They should have thrown themselves into the sea from cliffs. As it is, they succumbed anyway in their millions.”  Although it may appear extreme and sardonic, this quote may be Gandhi highlighting the evolved role of the ego given the eternal universe while accepting what is beyond one’s control in our temporal physical form.

We are animals.  One may imagine humanity in a gigantic circular herd.  The mass swirls with conceptual immortality of the Meme at the center and death stinging those at the perimeter.  The Meme represents the societal rules that communicate and enforce the push of members of the collective towards the edge.  Gender, race, ethnicity, religion, and economic status force people to the outskirts where death is perceived to be more probable and protested less by those at the center of the Meme. 

The anti-Meme understands these forces are arbitrary and based on the ease of communication and physical imposition, not logical derivation of quality.  The anti-Meme accepts the chaos that we are each vulnerable to death.  Being at the Meme center of the circle white heterosexual rich Protestant American male does not make one immortal.  The Meme has elected and empowered these and other qualities to impose order to the social herd.  The order has always been held in volition.  An animal can eat another at any moment. 

In many ways veganism is the ultimate evolution of the anti-Meme communicated.  (Not only will I not kill another human, I will not participate in a system that kills or exploits another animal.)  The empathy and volition communicated are key to have viable replacements for the communication our species craves and uses the inefficient current Meme. 

A consciousness that all human life may end for scientific reasons does not sit well with a theist.  If god sent a meteor, earthquake, or drought, these can be tolerated.  If man’s misuse of water tables and carbon emissions warms the oceans to create massive hurricanes and raises sea levels and empirical scientific evidence is presented to a theist behind a global consensus of scientists such as the IPCC, then such evidence is often determined to be an inconvenient truth, the talk of crazy men, too expensive to confront if true and too difficult to change behavior.  Environmentalism requires a collective empathy that threatens the egoism central to the Meme’s power to drown in accepting chaos.

All of these responses are correlated with belief in god.  Evidence has to be ignored or not-required to believe in god.  Faith is the substitute.  Therefore faith is more likely to be applied to other issues or the absence of evidence in a theist’s spiritual life creates overcompensation in how much evidence one requires in matters of business, science and social interactions before trust if god is not a variable in the equation of determined credence.  One is found to be more judgmental, skeptical, and to form unchangeable opinions.  This mirrors the escalation of commitment to faith.  If a believer is confronted with opposing ideas, the faith is doubled and redoubled to preserve the comfort.  Infidels are despised and viewed to be subjected to the harshest penalties.  Sometimes infidels are subject to worse levels of perdition than murderers.

The underlying linkage between the faith required by the third commandment and concepts like the formation of the universe and climate change is that if god did not make the earth on such a schedule then the Sabbath is arbitrary and an invention by man.  If the bible is literal then this is a problem.  If sin is attached to nonattendance on the Sabbath, then that is a problem.  Nonattendance leads to lower tithing, which is the underlying objective of commandment three. 

To adhere to the Sabbath implies a tithe shall be offered.  Some preachers even go so far as to instruct it is even more important in times of financial stress to tithe.  Doing so will somehow assure god’s graces.  The more blood from the stone the closer one is to god.  Money ensures longevity.  The ego avoids hell.

Religion’s tax exempt status in some governments is directly correlated with the third commandment.  Societies lose billions on resources to institutions that provide some health and welfare work, but little else besides placating the Meme to maintain societal hierarchy and order.  Often diverted funds and more importantly student and parental energies to private schools weakens public schooling systems making it more difficult for classroom environments to have a mix of socioeconomic backgrounds.  This expands classism.  Societal class-position becomes ingrained.  Scientific ignorance is often also perpetuated through buffoonish religious explanations to continue the narratives of goat herders. 

The exclusivity of what makes an organization “religious” is entirely subjective.  The Internal Revenue Service uses terms like ‘recognized creed and form of worship, definite and distinct ecclesiastical government, formal code of doctrine and discipline, distinct religious history, literature, regular congregations, Sunday schools for religious instruction of the young, schools for preparation of its members, established place of worship.’  What any human or group dubs god or god so that one can take a tax deduction to pay another human funds for that human to say feed, clothe, or hide themselves under the cloak that the payee is facilitating the work of said god or god could be Jesus, Zeus, Shiva, Allah, or a gym membership. 

We get together at the church of the horse track every Sunday.  We teach of the trifecta and sip scotch from the tabernacle of Johnnie Walker.  We hand out pamphlets and literature on the vast history of equine lineage.  The governing council of your ass gets beaten if you don’t pay up and what hat to wear to the derby guide the Bukowski flock. 

Everyone worships whatever we invest our attention and energy in the now.  The act of choosing what we focus is the temporal altar of our volition.  To some that is a religious organization according to the IRS to some it is a yoga studio, a casino, a stock price, fashion, food, or sports franchise, but most commonly it is our ego.  We are coupling an external place or group with our ego.  The paradox of worship is if we are god any worship in a traditional sense is self-worship.  An omnipotent god would not want the worship. 

The divinity of god being all, everything that we and the atomic universe and the spiritual universe constantly are would imply that worship as a measure of focus is directing which section of what we are to choose to give our volition.  The more egoic the less the universe is fed through flow within itself.  The more finite and limited the more we make our energy like a light under a basket.  The more we shed the ego the more we explode like a star to participate. 

We understand our interconnection that we are not special as humans.  All is connected because we are more than human.  We are stardust.  We are the instinct of the canine.  We are the petal of the lotus.  We are the extinct microorganism.  We are the evolution of the complex brained being of a future derivation on a planet beyond our vision.  We are interconnected all.  In the Meme to say we are not animals is to say we are not the all.  To say in the Meme humans are special is actually an insult to the totality of what for lack of a better word is god or the interconnected everything. 

The paradox of worship is that only by losing the self can we worship the whole which includes our self.  In this we transcend selfishness; we join the divine we all share.  We quit viewing life as a journey, but as a single transitioning moment that we are in, which takes no road, but that of awakening, no footsteps, only awareness, consciousness.

If we view human life as a workbench, a quest for a subsequent spiritual life, this is the ego’s requirement to rationalize reaching the divine through a concept of time.  What is always and everywhere is.  There is no road, no gate, no tool to fit, only us releasing (self).  Shedding what is unnecessarily held to validate the shell of the self is done in choice.  We are to be in the choice now.  We are to be intimate with consciousness of what takes no path to reach, no step, but stillness, humble ego-less stillness.

If god is assumed to exist; what if that god is frustrated with being worshiped?  What if that god thought after creating everything, why are beings wasting time congregating in buildings singing in festivals of sycophancy?  If that god somehow was to degrade omnipotence into the folly of a human-like psyche, why would insecurity, jealousy, or happiness be mandatory variables?  Such beliefs imprint our ego onto god in the ultimate solipsism of the Meme.

What if under the Christian paradigm this was the primary intent of the man known as Jesus?  What if Jesus was to destroy religion and assert independent volition of kindness over maliciousness?  Jesus was to destroy eye for an eye (i.e. eat or be eaten).  Jesus was to assert volition; daring to approach the anti-Meme.  The gospels were written not by Jesus but by men or groups of men in lingering periods decades after Jesus’ biological attributed period which divided the human account of Meme time into B.C. and A.D.  A.D. makes time more digestible to shroud the idea of a universe always existing.  What if Christianity is a corruption of the ultimate anti-Meme by the pro-Meme?

If any such human asserts such anti-Meme messages and other humans followed, the speaker would likely be condemned in the last year of B.C. or the 2013th year of A.D.  The storylines can be debated, but the logical human reaction is displayed in countless examples under the Meme.  

If such a god were to be angry, forms of religious practice may draw rather than diminish such anger.  The miracles of declared prophets are in one fashion testaments to the limited imagination and prowess of such a god.  The third commandment declares the opposite (i.e. god desires worship).  In a variant of Pascal’s wager this could prompt more wrath, not less.  The Meme seeks to set the mortar of worship firm, while the anti-Meme alludes that worship ranges from arbitrary to detrimental.  Does humanity not have better things to do with our limited resources?

Ultimately it is disengaging our imprint of ego onto the concept of god, that might allow us to release the imprisonment our individual human ego confines us to a myopic prism to view the full spectrum of not only our physical atomic reality, but our concurrent spiritual reality.  Then we can see that neither ever ends, both simply are.  We often associate the end of respiration or brain function in biological death as an ending because we identify as our ego.  We are not our ego.  God is not a conceptual ego mirror. 

When we release our idea of god’s ego, we may release our ego.  The two are entwined.  As John Lennon once sang of what god might be, “God is a concept by which we measure our pain.”  In ego release we may then begin to see god and who we really are as part of god absent the paradigms of individuality the ego so often desires.  In this freedom the idea of what we are traditionally worshiping in the third commandment becomes clearer that the worship is the worship of the self.  We are bowing, singing, cajoling, requesting, pandering, politicking, and praying to the idea of self.  That worship is a false road.  Proselytizing and fundamentalist evangelicalism reinforce group approval of such ego-worship. 

Acts of kindness and generosity mixed in such worship are independent of the second-level idea of self god represents.  When we worship in this sense we shed the ego and recognize the all that we are is also a component.  In offering our sister bread or brother a hug we are loving the universal whole as we share as both giver and recipient.  We do this to be in the moment.  The moment itself is the reward to our universal self.  When we attach such kindnesses as a form of tithe we become a slave to the ego.  When we identify that the collective is simply a threshold of common volition choosing good for the sake of good subject to change without retribution by the Meme, then we evolve into the anti-Meme.  

To Commandment Four: Hypocrisy

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