Friday, August 28, 2015

5) Death: The Meme: What and Why We Are

5) Death (Murder)
[You shall not kill.]
{You shall not kill.}
Murder is the grand taboo.  The Meme simultaneously promises eternal salvation post-death and forbids murder during life.  This mystifies death to appear not as a destination for our ego, but as a portal of ego continuation.  How can the living be motivated to service the Meme if such an amusement park doorway of individual account is ajar through suicide? 

Would it not be advantageous for the heroic soldier to be shot, fireman burnt, mother to die in birth, pedestrian to step in front of the bus, boy to drown, girl blown to marrow from the drone, or cancer to spread its tumors?  Should not the immaculate death unrequested to circumvent the anti-suicide meme be viewed as a blessing?  Could we not bypass the work to enter heaven’s garden in Earth?  Humans wail in horror at the loss of loved ones despite abiding by the Decalogue.  The gap of uncertainty that prompts faith floods with dread under deluges of death.

The fifth commandment says you shall not kill.  Human life is elevated to a premium, a work of god above animals and plants.  The Meme is tantamount in this dissemination to approval to kill the ram, fish, and fowl, but not other humans; unless god commands the killing or god does the killing.

The god-meme shall smote enemies into pillars of salt!  The exceptions to the fifth commandment are wielded by those who have permission to kill as an act of valor, protection, and Good compared to those who kill as an act of sin, assault, and Evil.  The Meme presents an invisible judge sorting the events and a non-invisible version of authority in various governments and judiciaries to capitalize on the results. 

This leads to humans under the Meme having a completely unrealistic view of death.  Humans are killers.  We are omnivores.  We kill because our cerebral cortex puts us at the top of our food chain.  In an alternative environment we may be the food of another organism besides bacterium.  Humanity could be wiped out or farmed by aliens with superior technology like Native Americans to European gunfire should such aliens exist, are capable, and choose to conquer Earth.  The Meme shields us from focusing on the unpredictability, darkness, and disturbing choices that result from this reality. 

We eat death to sustain biological, but not atomic life.  In the atomic paradigm nothing is alive or dead, only shifting between stages.  Whether through a salad or muscle tissue, the life of organisms is traded in a barter of consumption, digestion, and fecal matter to fertilize the next iteration.  We are cells evolved based on the interfaces of how the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients interact with the bacterium and proteins engineering our genetic transport mechanisms. 

We are interconnected so that in stark reality death is not chaos, but a necessary stock market of fuel exchange.  When we dodge death, we risk overpopulation through manipulating the environments like ruminant mammals from natural predators or from infesting the planet and drawing our resources scarce for the betterment of a section of humanity and the detriment of the whole. 

Humans created the Meme to protect ourselves from ourselves.  At the apex of the Earth’s food chain humans are the dominant predator of humans.  The Meme is the insurance policy to prevent the small human-wolves from devouring the human-sheep by creating giant-wolves in the form of governments and corporations.  The analogies and interworking of the Meme would probably be found in a similar capacity on any confined environment of the dominant planetary predator with a cerebral cortex capable of manufacturing such a generation to generation evolutionary survival mechanism in the mind.

We all have demons within us battling out in armies.  Demons staring down demons just glaring there at the monstrosities so alien and repugnantly odd to each other that each squadron of demons wants to devour the others, but most of the time they do not.  The demons just sit there brewing fear, sweating it out afraid of the power of the other demons.  Their limbs, wings, and claws just sit there idle not attempting annihilation and enacting mutual destruction.  We are the universe in this way. 

That is all the world is jungles of fearful evolving bodies wondering why we do not just kill each other, seeing love, wanting love, believing that yeah love works sometimes, but eventually someone will flinch and love is gone and the demon bite-marks come.  The incisors leave tattoos and chunks of flesh from abdomens under bed sheets.  We are all scared especially at fifteen.  Fifteen might be the crucible of human existence as far as suicide goes.  The lugubrious demons on the inside, the doubt, the not understanding everyone is just like you.  It gets better, but the demons never really leave, just get bigger and hopefully we get better at loving to keep them at bay as we try to figure out what the hell love is.
Humans must accept our killer status.  War machines are mirrors.  One can see the Meme’s views on tanks, bombs, and rifles versus ricin, sarin gas, or a nuclear warhead to see the true point of war.  Weapons of mass destruction are more intimate to our internal.  Bullets are a more realistic and omnipresent potential executioner’s device and bring about less panic.  There is more order to a gun than a nuclear bomb.  The bomb threatens the Meme with a much higher level of chaos because it presents the specter of death ubiquitously across populations. 

When a human is shot in the forehead or slashed through the gullet, the individual is dead and the specificity of death is encapsulated to that person or the family of the murdered.  News blips of death’s indiscriminate stinger blow like gum wrappers in the street.  When a shooter struts into an elementary school or lobby and sprays flesh, the Meme is frazzled into cross-continent communication.  If the same number of humans, say eight, were gunned down in separate instances than in the same audience of a Colorado Batman-movie-premier the Meme utilizes a divergent interpretation.  The gum wrapper becomes a war-mammoth landfill in Times Square.  Connecticut kindergarteners write Christmas lists in crayon staring up at a gunman.  Gaza third-grader sees her home razed with a flack-jacketed Israeli standing watch.  The Meme casts one into civility and the other into mental illness.  White-privilege inside the Meme also plays a role.

We fear the unpredictability of being hunted or dying through an impersonal untargeted random act.  We obsess over murder motive for such reasons.  We desire explanations for death, when so often none other than kill or be kill, I wanted to kill, or I was afraid applies.  A single human putting a bomb on a subway train or airport lobby defies the Meme’s order to the extreme. 

God must command the bomber through such vile manipulations as jihad or the person must be an anti-Meme infidel.  The person must have no fear of perdition to do so, for most followers of the Meme would weigh an eternity in hell for such effrontery to the fifth commandment.  The lack of hell as a safeguard to control chaos is a major reason the Meme persecutes atheists. 

Humans ponder what kind of sick and demented person could do such a thing.  We quickly grasp at specifying any ‘lone-gunman’s’ age, race, gender, religion, middle-name to avoid spill-over hatred, and if possible face.  The septicity of a lone-wolf or the leader of an amorphous group brings back the sensation of calm to the Meme.  If the Meme has a surface level poster-child and a default internal explanation of anti-Meme or crazy then most people inside the Meme will go about living the Meme. 
When such quick drying epoxy is not applied, then we get into organized conflicts, the department of homeland security, CIA surveillance and more thickly-layered numbing agents to persuade the public that the threat is truly under control.  The actual security from new burgeoning threats from similar rogue parties does not have to be substantially reduced.  It is the perception, the external, not the reality or internal that is critical to the Meme.  

However if rather than exploding inside a commercial luggage compartment, the bomb drops out of the air from a tax-funded aircraft through state-sanctioned killing, which was not explicitly intended to kill all of those people, but only a certain individual or some of them then such a bomber like say an F-22 and the taxpayers funding him are relieved of culpability because the shell of the explosive is barcoded with order by the Meme and the corporation that produced said bomb.  In this benevolence we find patriotism, stock prices, and our self-interest indemnifying our concern for some life under the fifth commandment.
We give ourselves permission to act as god inside the Meme (to kill righteously).  Outside the Meme we indulge our id in our true animal kill-or-be-killed reality.  We are living both inside humanity.  We often process these types of events through the Meme consciously and through the anti-Meme subconsciously.

We get to violate the first commandment through the idea of determining the greater evil.  The greater evil has rationalized violating the fifth commandment for causes the violator deems just.  However his rationale is in error, therefore we must interdict.  We must kill or be killed. 

However in the Meme we are not animals.  We are police officers.  We are soldiers.  We are heads of households with rights to bear arms defending our homesteads.  We are within our rights to become temporary killers and still observe the Sabbath.  The Meme gives us discretion to preserve the greater good of our life and our children’s lives.  It is the ego’s perception that trumps when the fifth commandment faces the choice of love or fear. 

The concept of our genes and biological wealth sit in the backdrop, but are perpetually in the foreground.  We refuse to entertain death or extinction.  Acceptance of such is so heinous a contemplation that we are granted this dexterity to kill and still feel righteous and holy. 

Vengeance is born from such logic.  Identification with genetic and ethnic ancestor’s battles becomes our battle.  We become blind to the universal-one through fixation on the ego and the painted tithes we pay through such historical strokes of the Meme as: religion, nationality, ethnicity, or political party. 

The god who provided the Decalogue is a vengeful being; so we are by example to be vengeful when threatened.  Otherwise we will be taken advantage.  Killers will not stop killing if we do not communicate that killing is wrong by killing the killers.  This cycle of blindness populates the armies of the globe in droves.  To unweave this tapestry one must accept his or her potential extinction in the absolute.  Acknowledging extinction is anti-Meme.  Accepting the irrelevance of individuality and the fraud of the ego is anti-Meme.

One must not only be willing to accept death, but the death of all humans.  Extinction is not desired, but it is sadly possible.  The anti-Meme seeks to avoid extinction by acknowledging such.  Every member of family could die on some level of pursuing the principles of the anti-Meme.  The volition of others could result in nothingness or living forms of perdition.  The Meme does not goad extinction, our choices do. 

These are for the most part theoretical battles.  One can be as Gandhi or Martin Luther King.  These are strong examples of the anti-meme to commandment five.  For the fifth commandment must be read with an except for, you shall not kill, except for when you have to kill to perpetuate the Meme.  The Crusades, Jihad and each war humanity has ever known has had some form of this exception.  Bob Dylan’s “With God on Our Side” is a commentary to this strand of the Meme. 

The sanctified killing is not vanquishing a person or a personalized entity.  The except for rationalized killing is killing the anarchy of unfettered volition.  The Meme puts us here for a purpose whether that is to conquer a country from natives, a civil war, or a world war with uncounted dead. 

Evolution and extinction volley in the balance behind these forced misconceptions.  We have done so much work as a species in beguiling ourselves from the stark terms of our perch atop the food chain of our planet.  Environmentalism watches human-exceptionalism from across the savannah.  Why should humans worry about preserving a world made for humans when the god-meme ensures our habitat?  Ban the words climate-change; god will prevail! 

The Meme promises god will take care of us.  God serves as the ultimate bailout in a psychological backstop.  Human extinction is therefore postponed as remote under the Meme.  Humans may consciously acknowledge some measures of science and even the not-truly expected interface of a deity to save the species when environmental instability is pushed to an anthropogenic brink.  However subconsciously, the Meme is providing false reassurance that tips Meme-follower’s conscious thoughts towards inaction or rejection of environmentalism as non-science. 

The Meme crafts mythologies around the end of days.  These are centered around god’s vengeance to segregate the living based on faith in a reinforcement of god’s encouragement of the killing exception under the fifth commandment.  If human extinction were to occur through a threshold of melted ice caps due to elevated planetary temperatures due to carbon and methane or a solar flare, these events would have to be placed in the same basket as a seven-year old dying of cancer under a theist’s internal explanation to the inaction of a deity.  If systematic environmental degradation of habitat exponentially accelerates the extinction of interdependent species ultimately resulting in crippling food supply to an unsustainable threshold in a functional global famine that leads to human extinction, the Meme won’t be around to say, “Oops!”  Under the Meme god is always awarded a plan and a reason.  The improbability principle of the universe could not simply enact a scenario where the increasing disorder obliterates the kernel of order we dub humanity through the inhabitable status of Earth.

How can faith in the Meme be retained?  How can the Meme’s ownership of the economy of death continue?  One might also consider a subconscious desire for carbon-based non-viability for humans on Earth not as an accelerant to a non-desired biological extinction, but to a desired apocalypse that reunites Meme-followers for faith’s reward.  The Meme’s acceleration of human extinction, if viewed this way, would appear perversely intentional.  When the Meme is goading war, climate change, resource depletion, over-population, macro-economic destruction through exacerbating the consolidation of wealth; one might see these as activities to pursue extinction to achieve a promised paradise.

For the anti-Meme the control of carbon emissions is a function of human empathy to communicate our interconnectedness with our species with all species with the planet and out into the universe the multiverse, ultimately to oneness.  The rise in ocean temperatures links to the life cycles of floating microorganisms susceptible to continuation, evolution or extinction based on subtle shifts in Celsius.  The osmosis of these beings, corollaries to our progenitors, create most of the oxygen we breathe along with plants.  As the Meme fights environmentalism it seeks to sever this link, claiming we are not animals (i.e. we are not interconnected to everything) and in turn escalates our extinction in a form of ego worship that we do not need the oceans or forests, they do not need us.  The Meme in many ways stakes that god will provide; god created and god will save humans through eternal salvation, god makes the choice.  The Meme buries us from the volition that we are making the choice to expire and there is a choice we each can make netting into a collective to combat that expiration.  The anti-Meme says anthropogenic climate change is real and a puzzle we are to attempt to solve to demonstrate our empathy with the universe.

The Meme is responsible for all burial rituals outside of basic biological hygiene.  Certainly the segregation of rotting tissue in organic matter that a human has no plans on cooking and consuming is required to prevent the spread of bacterium and disease.  However the spiritual conations of death acting as a doorway rather than a wall or transmutable exchange of atomic energy are perversions by the Meme to capitalize on early-human misunderstandings of microscopic organisms and organic putrefaction. 

All manner of reverence to the skeleton, skin, and the expired vehicle of a human is pageantry that does not do honor to the individual, but placates the mental devotion to the Meme the continuing humans employ.  A group of anti-Meme humans could gather, tell stories to remember a deceased human with no illusions of the ‘afterlife’ of the ego of that human after doing due diligence to dispose of the body in a biologically healthy manner for the living.  In biological death the ego of the individual ends, the spiritual arrangement that was that self rearranges inside the universal whole as volition diffuses.  Volition is only a vehicle holding a cached assortment of the universe in the illusion of time. 

The Meme brings up the subjects of souls and prayers for the deceased as if the sentiments had pertinence to the dead.  Self-satisfaction for the completion of rituals applies a manufactured order to death.  Various obtuse burial pageants are conducted across the planet to coddle the Meme.

The concept of afterlives, god, spiritual beings and the symbol of souls are crucial to the Meme.  The Meme has cancelled death.  Death no longer equals death for the self, but a passageway to another form of existence for the ego.  Why; because our psychological insecurity in our ego demands the pleasure, justice, and perpetuation such a non-death represents.  This is like our natural reaction when drowning; we strive for air, for perpetuation.  

Mummies and the inefficiencies of land use for cemeteries with the often ridiculousness of funerals are pro-Meme.  Cremation is anti-Meme.  It accomplishes the scientific necessity of disposing of the body with negligible remainder to burden the planet.  Building over cemeteries is anti-Meme. 

The ultimate anti-Meme post-death practice would probably be something like Buddhist monks having their bodies fed to vultures absent spirituality, but focusing on the biology.  One can imagine a vulture farm as an alternative type of funeral home for the anti-Meme.  Loved ones could simply lay the body naked in field and watch the vultures or other carrion peck away the human muscle and blood until nothing remained but a skeleton for jackals.  Use the waste of the vultures for manure to grow a garden.  Feed the vultures to a carnivore.

Such a business would probably be outlawed.  If ever suggested the media outlets would be a-buzz and document the proposed outrage of the brash assault to the Meme.  Is this not giving back to the Earth, an inexpensive natural alternative, and a testament to the will of the deceased’s acceptance of death and the cycle of biological recycling?  Would this not be less resource intensive and consuming?

A casket funeral of embalmed tissue flush rouge cheeks and sprayed hair follicles to stamp the theater of life into a corpse is a diversion by the Meme.  It is a profit opportunity that sequesters biological material away as if our bodies are special to participate and immune to the biological recycle as animals if we are caked in cosmetics and stuffed in a bank-tube mausoleum.  We play keep-away in caskets.  The box is priced out like one more message to equate financial investment with a religious token to Charon’s ferry conveyed publicly in a storage compartment and festival.  Our bodily fluid leaks and skin smears into crumply soap-like grease adipocere.  The Meme wants the darkness to hide decomposition as if we were not a opossum done playing tricks.

The Meme makes death more about serious ritual.  Death is solemn, somber and less of a celebration of life.  Pro-Meme followers certainly will have joyous moments in death rituals, but most often the serious portion of the festivities must be well documented and paramount to those of a more mirthful tint as to pay homage to the Meme.  Laughing at death diverts the Meme’s intended focus of life.  If the totality of life is viewed as finite versus the specter of hell then the order of the Meme is threatened. 

If the burial is bungled and perdition comes into play if not done properly, then the Meme has a powerful tool in death rituals.  Death is already the highest fear next to damnation the Meme can wield.  Therefore it is of utmost importance to codify the process by making humans see cemeteries, keep cognizant of death, speak of death often in religious services that have nothing to do with funerals, and when death does occur the Meme orchestrates the process by asserting authority throughout.  

The Meme imposes sensitivity to criticism.  This prompts intense defense mechanisms shrouding: country, public policy, prophet, god, behavior linked to this insecurity which encapsulates death.  Humans cannot speak ill of troops carrying out the hands of war, priest, mothers, fathers, parents, holy books, Jesus, Mohammed, Chairman Mao, and ultimately rituals.  In funerals the dead suddenly become revered, yet spoken ill of as just a flawed human the week before.  Post death the organism is now associated in the realm of the inscrutable unblemished with god as we would like to see our ego post death, forgiven.  In the Meme, it is god’s place to judge the dead, not humans.  This entire mysterious world is placed into an impenetrable trunk of refined conjured dignity which is lumped with the god meme. 

We pray for the dead, which is ultimately a narcissistic, self-serving, and insecure act.  We demonstrate the arrogance that our thoughts are pertinent to the decision of an omnipotent imagined god-jury.  We reinforce our commitment to the god meme.  One day we know we will die.  If we submit such prayers while living we are in a manner purchasing lottery tickets to Pascal’s wager for our ego.  We might remember them out of love, out of kindness in the anti-Meme, but to say things like “Bob is looking down on us,” or “I wish Keisha peace,” these are codling the ego of the speaker.

If we are to face a similar spiritual tribunal our lawyering for the deceased predecessor demonstrates a threshold of seriousness for the authority of such a judicial body.  This is in spite of being limited to the ignorant limitations of human existence.  The act was accomplished on mere faith.  We do this publicly in part so that if our living-contributions are found deficient, those who survive us will emulate such lobbying on our behalf.  Our ego buys eternity insurance by our octogenarian grandchildren praying an elegiac rosary alone chanting our name on a sofa in a darkened room. 

The Christian crucifix is a grand example of death fixation.  Crosses serve as a claim on death, a reminder of what is to come, who owns the process, and why the Meme must be followed.  The morbidity is diluted in the joyous miracle of resurrection as if the monster has been conquered.  Easter coupled with Golgotha erases the biological cessation of the symbol and carriers the ego beyond death in a narcissistic daydream basket.  The wall becomes the doorway out of blanket darkness into light.  This in turn takes the greatest human fear into a joy.  This is a joy requiring faith.  Faith is the lifeblood of the Meme.  The Meme breathes in the rhetorical and suffocates like a fish in open air of the empirical.  

The Meme does not want laughter at death because that could spill over to life and uncover the Meme.  We associate dishonor to the deceased by doing so, but this is really disrespect to the Meme.  The dead do not care.  The capability to care is no longer applicable without cognitive brain function and the loss of the ego.  Even the words cognitive brain function threaten the Meme so much that one will use breathing machines and feeding tubes to argue for the Meme through a proxy absolute-respect for life.  These theatrics are often not realistic hopes for the functional survival of the dying, but reinforcements of one’s internal fears redoubled as recommitment to the Meme as the non-dying view death.  This is the ego lobbying the god-jury that we did everything we could to keep this other alive and not be as god on Earth participating in the decision of who dies or allowing an individual to damn himself through pharmacological euthanasia to mitigate biological pain through the cessation of biological life. 

This is a veiled section of the Meme that god picks one for death.  Chaos does not exist; accidental or tragic death is actually order under the Meme.  The Grim Reaper or Fate are comical characters of this part of the god-meme.  How can a pro-Meme human turn off a breathing machine?  God will let humanity know when the death (killing) exemption under the fifth commandment becomes validated like a hall pass.  This is why euthanasia is anti-meme.  Suicide in all forms is anti-meme.  The potential chaos is far too great.  Organ donation is anti-meme.  Look at organ donation participation by fundamentalist Muslims and Christians.  This threatens the sanctity of the body and the crucial death rituals.  An outlandish meme-fetish hints that one will find use for one’s body in a potential afterlife.  

The Meme will tell stories that if one has a leg blown off in war, in heaven one will have that limb replenished.  At the same time if one’s body is buried improperly this could risk one’s eternal heavenly ability to function.  The contradiction in these extremes is often washed over in other forms of miscellaneous rhetoric by the Meme promulgating the inanity. 

There is no empirical evidence of the relevance of these death taboos, so the Meme capitalizes on our human desire to live and cheat death for our ego.  Unfortunately in the area of organ donation, this often expedites the deaths of other desperate human beings who might enjoy elongated organic lives with the cellular tissue of these pro-meme deceased. 

A Muslim heart transplanted will pump blood in a Christian chest.  Cells may reject based on blood type or some organic factor but not on a variable of the Meme.  (Next time one encounters a racist that still believes people of different races are in fact different, ask them if an African man’s heart works in a European chest or try a pig heart in a Muslim or a Jew.  You can always go cow.)  In the event of a successful transplant say after a car accident, the Meme will quickly apply that god had a plan and everything happens for a reason.  [Biologically there are correlations with ethnicity and reducing organ rejection from a scientific standpoint, however this is a correlation, not an absolute.]

Our newscasts obsess over the idea of a viral outbreak or some microbial assassin in the form of virus, defective cell, brain amoeba, or bacterium such as mad cow disease, SARS, Ebola, AIDS, or cancer.  The Meme has hijacked and compartmentalized the AIDS fear to the sexually promiscuous or needle sharers.  Thousands of people still die and suffer from AIDS, particularly in countries like South Africa primarily spread through heterosexual acts.  Safe-sex and sex education are particularly detoured by the Meme.  Therefore any sexually-spread epidemic is treated differently by the Meme.

Basically anything that could kill massive numbers of human beings or jump out the dark based on behavior or being in the wrong environment is publicized in an exaggerated manner often out of proportion with the actual physical risk to the human population.  The Meme capitalizes on this disparity with other distortions which profit from human fear of death by valuing rhetoric over the empirical.

We may wonder why one airplane goes down and another does not.  One soldier watches the man next to him get blown to bits, shot in the chest, and he lives.  One wins the lottery and you do not.  Millions are born into third world poverty and someone in middle class America bitches about traffic?

Why is this?  Maybe this is because it is not about us.  It is not about any of our egos, about making things fair or about the beauty of suffering.  There is no beauty in starvation or ignorance making AIDS or Ebola worse than they already are to endure.  Nothing is beautiful about the fundamentalism of Boko Haram burning thousands of humans to death.  Some may ask where is god; how could this happen.  Those are the wrong questions. 

That is the universe of the atomic and volition of certain humans in some cases making shit worse, making fucked up travesties because they are so god damn lost or the circumstances collided as such.  God has nothing to do with that, because if god as a concept is what we are behind it all in an interconnected universe any suffering we have is an opportunity for reaction and response. 

People choose how to suffer, like Viktor Frankyl to suffer well or not.  To give into believing it is about vengeance or reciprocity in a physical or spiritual form are false road desires of the ego.  Correction through punishments for wrong-doers is important.  Sometimes force requires force to combat, but it is the nature of our understanding of the mental battle of being honest in why and how future and the current conflictions are preventable on a collective level that is important. 

Calling out the Meme is key.  Calling out the hypocrisy of any type of fundamentalism or patriotism or ethnic identification or differentiation of worth or value or similarity based on such false physical constructs as gender, sexuality, religion, or country of origin is the foundation of preventing war.  All are illusions to mask what is beyond our hearts and minds with how we decide to flow in the universe we are constantly in an inescapable now. 

The train wrecks, the bullets through windows, the heart attacks; there is no god deciding who lives and who dies.  There is no puppet or candle maker watching us burn keeping our flame going or snuffing.  We simple are in a constancy of both physical and spiritual form. 

Deceased grandfathers are not gone.  The collection that one through the illusion of the ego may have recognized as our grandfather’s self is no longer aggregated in the autonomy of his physical mind piloting the atoms that went in and out to maintain his body for however long he conducted respiration.  That autonomy over those cells has ceased.  ‘His’ atoms are moving around just as they did when ‘he’ was alive.  ‘His’ spirit is as much a part of the collective now as it was in the illusion of then, which was never confined or limited to his body.  The collective is always; it is beyond space time; so one can never lose our grandfather; just like our grandfather was never separate from us, because there is no us.  Our grandfather can never be gone. 

Our ego may cry.  We may pre-miss the body as we contemplate its frailty, the form, the opportunities lost in this limited view of reality.  That is human.  That is part of the beauty of our parceled perspective of the human condition, but in true awareness we do not morn the dead.  We accept the now, treasuring what we can be, what we can do in the now we have.  That is our charge.  The Meme is like insulation to distance us from the rawness of this potential truth.

Bodies lay dismembered blown and stitched in voodoo medical patch work mash tents.  Red smudge black deformed while head wraps hold flaps of cranium flesh of exposed limp skull disguising the leaks like soldier Swamis.  Cries in the darkness are mesmerized by fright.  Hands claw air to hold in an ocean of smashed tin can helmets and rationed cigarettes waiting to be smoked.  The Meme in war packages these bodies into the nameless living and plaque worthy heroes and heroines in death. 

A man leaves his love in the swamps of bayou Louisiana as part of twenty-five from Labadieville and Napoleonville.  A crew comes back, others don’t, one entombed in that ship in Pearl Harbor according to an octogenarian grandmother on the verge of tears.  I exist because he was on an isle in the Philippines watching the machine-gunner next to him split in flesh as he fed bullets into the maw of the barrel.  Lost, his body picked up that gun and made his way back to crew to wed my father’s mother stateside.  I exist seeing my father’s tears, panic of Vietnam like no fear I have ever seen him express.  I keep my grandfather’s canteen for yoga.  I have the freedom in peace in a military fueled by bodies of less than one percent of the American population prompted in the backs of Meme patriotism, poverty exploitation, and ultimately the drive for one human to stand up and defend others in personal sacrifice. 

The blur of why we fight gets smeared in the reality that we never should.  No war need ever exist.  The anti-Meme knows this, yet why do we do what we do?

Suicide is outlawed by the Meme, because it provides a free thoroughfare into paradise to bypass the exploitation of the Poor, who are required to cultivate the order the Meme needs.  Correlated with suicide are the throw-away members of society: the homeless, prisoners, the infirmed, mentally-ill, etc. 

Why not offer prisoners helium suicide in the Meme?  Wouldn’t American Republicans salivate at the financial savings provided by offering desperate prisoners the outlet of a painless, self-initiated helium-inhalation suicide?  If a prisoner does hang himself by belt in prisoner, the first thing you are likely to hear, “good my tax dollars won’t have to pay for that sorry bastard.”  The self-preservation meme erupts in jubilation at being able to bypass the god section of the Meme.  Neither side of the one-party-system coin will utter such an outlet to prisoners, let alone the general public nor ever adequately address the funding required for sufficient mental healthcare services in prisons.  The Meme would be threatened and protests would rage.  Look at the struggles of Jack Kevorkian, the Hemlock Society, and other death with dignity measures in America.  Mental healthcare as a whole is anti-Meme.

What if a human could choose to legally die when one wishes in the presence of family on video tape?  One might announce, “I am Thomas Jefferson intending to end my own life.  I am inserting this tube which I know will kill me voluntarily, sober, and without external influences.  I am doing so to send my life’s acquired resources to feed the Poor rather than be scarfed by the healthcare system.”
The Meme will vengefully order a man to death, but not allow the man the control and volition back to elect to peacefully consummate the act himself, particularly in a Meme-fortress like a hospital.  The Meme wants people to taste the vengeance of the fifth commandment.  God can kill.  Humans achieving permission inside the Meme can be god for a second.  If a human tries to disobey the fifth commandment through suicide it is an effrontery upon the first commandment in a human acting as god.  Vengeance has a measure of justice, which has order, which brings comfort from chaos.

If suicide was permitted the Humans-are-not-Animals meme would be threatened due to the notion of inconsequence.  The inconsequence of living or dead presented in suicide is stark, abrupt, and tied to the manufactured mysticisms enshrouding death and humans toying with our societies with conceptual afterlives.  Heaven and hell sit like weights on a scale, which if removed unyoke the oxen.

The anti-suicide meme is to prevent people from taking shortcuts.  Without the anti-suicide section of the Meme, logical algebra could be processed that murder plus religious-reconciliation equals heaven or that some sort of pre-sin voucher style reconciliation pre-requested forgiveness plus suicide equals heaven.  In Catholicism suicide is a mortal sin.  In jihadist-distorting Islam, this special form of suicide violates this section of the Meme, but is used to prosper greater fundamentalism given the absent god not doing more for an “oppressed” people.  The preponderance of Muslims view jihadist-suicide as what it is, despicable evil and a violation of the core of the qur’an.  Both Christianity and Islam are love at their core; it is the fundamentalist dogma that focuses on suicide not for the care for the human but for the insolence to god.

Ultimately the anti-suicide component of the Meme is so crucial because without it the Poor could opt out and trade human suffering for the perceived joys of heaven.  If the Meme promises eternal paradise, why wouldn’t “drink-the-Kool-Aid”-type suicide cults spread the globe?  Even evangelicals doubt their “faith.”  The anti-suicide Meme gives the faithful a detour from exploring the logical contradictions of their faith and the Meme’s relationship with ordering society.  It is a wall preventing exit from a maze.

Religious people may indulge in the false comfort of absolution through reconciliation.  The Meme sells snake tonic in such ways.  The Meme grasps a powerful authority over guilt.  The commerce of indulgences in the history of religion is a prime example.  The guillotine that hell represents post-death is juxtaposed against a mythical wiped chalk-slate of a soul.  The currency of such economies of guilt is tithing and adoration of the Meme. 

Meme suicide is often the ego pitying itself.  Please fondle my corpse and pay attention to me those who would not love or see me the way I felt entitled.  Such marketed suicides are the indulged ego. 
Addiction can be precursor costume over that path.  In the cage of addiction one may either die because our body hits the limit to quit biologically or one picks up that mental ball previously set down.  Abusers will abuse others as a form of addiction to prevent internal inspection in a similar manner.  We put our hands on our addiction announcing that the addiction has been doing all the work we have postponed.  Sometimes people get to work, choose sobriety and go through the hell of withdrawal of realizing the drugs will never do what the substance once did again, the mind’s biology has been broken and spiritual volition must invigorate the self.  That can be it.  That is the choice, pick up the ball or die.  A ball alone in the grass can be a DUI or a bullet or a heroin needle happiness of a warm gun in a bathtub.

The more enlightened anti-Meme suicide is to say I quit; I don’t want to play this reality anymore.  I am done.  That form of suicide is total volition and chaos to the Meme.  Publicly the Meme media will often mention mental illness to combat this.  However suicide in either case is mostly anti-Meme in the idea of acknowledging the constant presence of volition, even in its darker quarters.

Humans entertain the notions of why not violate commandments of the Meme if forgiveness is so readily accessible.  Why shouldn’t malicious humans prey upon those who abide by the Meme and practice the fifth commandment without the exceptions?  The violators of the Meme or those indulging in the crevice of exceptions for the fifth commandment can penalize those for their anti-murder, anti-theft, and anti-violence outside of diffused Milgram-experiment culpability thresholds. 

(A Milgram experiment is where one will default to the obedience of an authority figure when suggested that the rules require a violation of one’s standards of conduct by associating culpability for one’s individual decision with the authority figure rather than the self.  In the experiment a subject was told to apply an electric shock to another subject for an incorrect answer.  When the shocker began to object the responsibility for the application of pain was abdicated to an authority figure.)

Humans will engage in the animal-like growth of unleashing the inner-persecutor.  Criminals of this vein often test the water line through lying, theft, physical altercation and ultimately into guilt-reduced or guilt-free murder of other humans.  The fraud triangle of rationalization, opportunity, and motivation computes in the psyche of the criminal.  Rationalization surpasses the restrictive Meme-mechanisms of the fifth commandment. 

Opportunity presents itself in a desirable resource: money, dominance, sexual stimulation, and rebuke of the Meme for hedonistic temporal consumption.  A human will engage in murder, theft, battery, rape, or what is often confused as sacrilege.  The blasphemy is often the internal conflict of attempting to escape the Meme.  The individual does not realize the totality or full presence of the Meme in terms of social structure, control variables, and influences upon him or her.  The conflict results in brash actions societies dub crime: killing, stealing, rape, and other iterations of fraud and dishonesty. 

The Meme implements prison and perdition to counteract volition when systematic disparities required for order fail and individuals choose acts of evil.  Atheists take away heaven and hell.  This threatens the control mechanism.  This represents taking away a toy, a cushion teddy bear, or a friendly comfort in heaven and a security guard in the removal of perdition.  The thought that when you die your self is dead in totality is rejected with immense vitriol from the Meme.  The idea that ego can commit horrendous deeds in the now of the biological state, shed all traces of the ego in death, and still participate as one always has in both the atomic and the spiritual whole absent of self undermines the most crucial foundations of the Meme.  The ego seeks justice.  The universe does not.  

The Meme pushes death back into a more palatable and distant prism.  Death is controllable through mitigating violence through legalities and incarceration.  Recidivism is seen as advertisement for the Meme.  Prisons are marketed as camps of suffering to reinforce the message of noncompliance.  The Meme intentionally overpopulates prisons and systematically sabotages reformation.

The idea of prison rape is quietly tolerated in the Meme as if a prisoner is deserving of becoming victim to a crime potentially worse than the offense generating his or her confinement.  Prison-status equates to absolutism similar to perdition.  Once labeled pariah, a Poor-prisoner is garbage and less-human.  The Meme wants the general public to comply with the superfluous human status ordained with a felony conviction while being afraid of the horrendousness awaiting rule breakers.  The Meme craves labels. 

If a prisoner escapes the Meme markets the monstrosity as a hovering beast over the populace.  Satellite news erupts to scour the countryside.  The Meme desires a hyper-consciousness of a villain-type threat to validate public resources and submission to the police-state, prison system, and totalitarianism and reinforce the felon is absolute-evil label created characterized in absolutism. 

The United States’ acts at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay: rectal rehydration, 288 hours in a coffin box, pole sodomy, water boarding, jumper cables, human waste, standing, pounding, dental tools up a hole, willful ignorance to torture.  Moral authority long vacated.  False confessions, $81 million to design interrogation based on Chinese communists treatment of terrorists.  All 20 cases studied claimed to prevent torture, all are false.  Capturing Bin Laden and dirty bomb plot neither were from torture.  In April 2015 a report on the American Psychological Association’s Role in Bush-Era Interrogation Program was released: findings collusion and legal and ethical justification to market Meme torture to the globe.

If prisons were factories of reformation or correction towards civil life, the Meme would have to address systematic disparities.  The Meme’s underpinnings to these interrelationships cultivate prisoners.  There can only be so much wealth circulated.  There are only so many legal-jobs that can generate self-sufficiency to feed an economy.  There are even less when economic disparity is so key to the Meme.  Purposelessness is underneath the dented heart of so many prison origin stories.

Sections of the economy are better served through socialist paradigms, others through capitalist.  However discussing why these differences exist threatens the Meme.  Absolutism is preferable.  Therefore they are compartmentalized through political partisanship rather than empirically determined. 

Humans inside prison systems are often absent the comprehension and capability of a suitable non-exploitive purpose given their intelligence quotient, socioeconomic background, or perceivable future capabilities that could generate self-sufficiency.  A man without a purpose is dangerous to us all. 
Purpose is central to the Meme.  The Meme promises, but does not deliver a special purpose to each life.  The anti-Meme finds purpose in self-sufficiency.  If a human can solve self-sufficiency in a way that does not exploit fellow members of the species past a threshold of harm, then for the most part that human is peaceful, moral, and functional in organized human society.

Human obsession with motive and finding the identity of murderers puts killing in a comfortable box for the Meme.  (Look at the popularity of the Law and Order and C.S.I. variants across television and their counterparts in crime based books and movies.)  If murder has a motive than death is less likely to escape the box we put it in to grab our ego randomly.

We lust after the gangster-ideal as a dream-like indulgence to express our inner animal and relish in the id’s indulgence to kill randomly.  (See stories of anti-heroes like Goodfellas, Scarface, American Gangster, and the Sopranos.)  This is acceptable with the hint of the mask of social acceptance as long as it appears to be fantasy and often coddles the insecurity of white-privilege.  Video games accomplish the same task.  The hypocrisy between police officer and felon dances before us as the Meme asks us to be less concerned with right and wrong, but with legal and illegal. 

The fourth commandment presents the god-parent killing infidels, but telling us not to kill.  God punishes those for not giving god what god wants, but asks us not to want.  Political ideologies are formed on these principles of being both the gangster and the cop.  The god is the killer and the law to say killing is wrong.  (God-killing does not exist, but the idea of sanctioned killing through the idea of god does.)  This hypocrisy is dangerous to the Meme, so careful differentiations are made to protect the Meme.
The hypocrisy of abortion in America can only be addressed by seeing abortion on a societal level and a separate individual level.  The societal is about finances.  The individual is about the emotional realm of the parents’ personal dynamics and logistics. 

On a societal level shouldn’t Republicans be pro-abortion and the Left be against it?  Right wing Christians in the United States often ignore the social justice doctrine of Jesus and hide behind abortion as a wedge political excuse to vote Republican.  This occurs despite abortion being a firm law and social justice being a fluid economic issue, meaning ones anti-choice vote changes nothing, but one’s pro-trickle-down economics vote changes take home wages in thousands of variables. 

Abortion statistically leads to fewer poor people, who overwhelmingly vote Democrat.  What if The Left admitted: life begins with mitosis and meiosis from half-cell and half-cell to become the unique combination blueprint for a single-cell.  The multiplication and replication of this cell results in an inevitable fully-formed human.  The single-cell is human.  Abortion is killing that human further along in the process, but we as in other actions of human life choose a form of sanctioned sanctified killing.  

To kill a late third trimester or birthed human bears the reality of further developed cognitive function and cell reactions to trigger processed pain.  These are biological lines marking not recognition of humanity in the murdered, but our empathy for the experience of the murdered.  Early or late trimester abortion is still murder of a human, killing of a human despite the lower viability of survival outside the womb.  Billboards saying protect life ignore the actual reasons humans choose abortion.  These are about the marketing of the Meme not ‘saving’ or ‘helping’ humans. 

The Meme attempts to hide permitted social killing from us and puts god into play with souls to disguise our similarity to animals.  We are killers.  Look at militaries, murderers, state execution, police, stand your ground laws, and our systematic apathy to make choices which could save lives, but sit idle.  We are carnivores.  To admit our killer-status is to violate the original meme (dog eat dog) (We are animals.)  We are ok to admit when a fertilized cell of a lion becomes a lion, but somehow we shield our psyche to ordain humans as special.  The inability to admit this is the Meme on the Left. 

Republicans are so vehemently anti-abortion because of the religion superstructure around the We-are-not-Animals meme.  Democrats understand the political suicide of threating the core of the Meme about the myths about the origins of human-life and god and souls.  Humans understand abortion reduces the inescapable suffering of the Poor, but religion sacrifices economic for genetic prosperity drenched in the Meme’s control of the Poor.  Religion encompasses the majority of both sides of America’s one-party system and the globe.

The rational answer regarding offspring of non-self-sufficient parents is that no taxpayer should fund money after the first or second kid is requesting state funding to a mother.  The first share can be split under the discretion of the mother and restricted through digital purchases to nutritional based uses.  (Societies cannot do this under fathers due to the nature of paternity.)  Taxpayers will fund abortions, which are exponentially less expensive than childhoods of taxpayer-dependency.
Every time we move away from individual volition and correlated self-sufficiency, given a reasonable safety net, our societies suffer.  If we do not understand the macroeconomic exploitation occurring inside the Meme we will misconstrue the absence of a proper safety net to compensate for the exploitation created for the absence of volition.  This is where we collapse as a society by engineering systems which perpetuate the problems the solutions attempt to solve. 

The underlying social issue of abortion is tax-payer subsidized children and the parents of those children created who become less self-sufficient to expend resources rearing them both financial and emotional.  The functional answers to this social issue are contraception, science-based sexual education, and abortion post-fertilization. 

When the first layer of contraception fails and abortion is demonized by the Meme.  We excuse sexually active members of society to act like post pubescent innocents who did not indulge in the single drive of all life (to replicate one’s genes) and do not have to invest complete energies to raise the offspring.  This social convention has created masses of human-cuckolds. 

(The cuckoo bird will lay its egg in the nest of another non-cuckoo bird.  The other mother bird will warm the egg.  When that bird hatches, often earlier than the mother’s genetic brood, it often will innately shove other eggs out the nest if it can.  The bird is engineered to mimic the natural offspring and obtain food and growth.  The genetic parents of the cuckoo hatching are left free to mate more and more absent the wasted time caring for their egg.)  This is the Meme on the Right’s anti-welfare anger once the child is born identifying the foreign clutch of hatchlings mouthing for food in a predefined Meme nest. 

Humans must look at death and life directly and break these cycles.  Abortion-candidate mothers must be forced to accept a tax-funded abortion or achieve a greater level of self-sufficiency in parallel to the countless middle-class Americans who use contraception because the sexual partners understanding adding a genetic-vehicle in an additional offspring bears financial, emotional and logistical costs which must be internalized to the work of the sexual partners rather than externalized.  Millions of Americans choose contraception and abortion every year with this as a dominant rationale while paying to raise countless Poor birthed humans.  

Married and long-term partnership couples in their twenties, thirties, and early forties cycle through abortion parking lots daily.  Sometimes the mother is older and biologically there is either more risk or just the time of having a kid in one’s forties is just not what the woman or the couple desires.  Sometimes this is financial.  Expecting people to pay for an unexpected human from birth to college is around a $200,000 plus decision in America.  One would think the Right which is so much about freedom of choice in most economic political paradigms would prioritize this reality, but the Right is anti-choice because of the Meme.  Finances are a factor in these decisions, but foremost is an emotional calculus.

The Meme avoids the internal emotional arena of abortion at all costs.  On an individual level parents are torn between swelling attachment to a fertilized embryo and often the solidity of the emotional and logistical bond between mother and father.  Parents may be able to fund the child financially, but not emotionally, logistically, or mentally.  The act of forced premature fusion based on these dynamics between two sexual partners is maybe the most common variable that outputs the mathematics of abortion.  That has nothing to do with recognizing that fetus is a living human.  The mother and father will remember maybe always.  No guilt trip religious righteousness aids the most pertinent variable, love. 

Abortion is about the love for the sexual partner and the love for the child on an individual level.  The volition to choose to attempt love in these avenues is the crucible.  To kill or not is more distant, because loving is a longer term commitment once the false eternity of the Meme is removed, which is indicative of the magnitude of the potential emotional support system for the child.  The Meme puts the billboards to decry Planned Parenthood to transpose this reality of factual science for fictional religion. 

The American term pro-life is a misnomer.  No one is anti-life, but plenty of people are anti-choice.  This evidenced by there are no forced abortions in America.  No one protests a mother keeping her child at the impetus.  If there were those forcing would be anti-life.  Those having abortions are electing a choice.  Those not having abortions are electing a choice.  The term pro-life is a childish Meme term in adoration to the false absolutism of Abraham, that only god can choose to kill.  Certainly a woman cannot choose.  God allows the state sanctioned killing or the violence against women in punishment for a man’s inability to own and control sex bursting from womb-envy.  This is directly amplified by the Abrahamic monotheism in the old testament and the qur’an. 

Billions of Chinese are forced to consider abortion as population control.  Millions of Latin and Central Americans are denied access to abortion due to the dominant Catholic-meme as an ancestor from Spanish colonization.  This creates a tiered system.  Those with money pay for sanitary conditions and a back-door hush-hush doctor.  The Poor imbibe roulette wheel concoctions to prompt miscarriages and coat-hanger equivalent botch jobs.  Without Norma McCorvey’s odyssey the U.S. may still suffer the same. 

The American debate on abortion is paralyzed from conducting this discourse on a national level because even the party which is supposed to be able to openly engage in the factual natures of science cannot fully do so because to state the obvious (human gestation is similar to all mammalian gestation) puts into question the concept of a soul, which questions god, which questions the We-are-not-Animals meme.

Human life takes on a sacred and sanctified indispensability inside the Meme when convenient for the Meme.  To request tax-payer funded abortion through a realistic approach is to risk political outrage from the Meme’s constituents.  The biological-gene replication meme and the Humans-are-not-Animals meme work together.  Abortion and suicide overlap in this regard.

Right-wing American Republicans are anti-abortion and anti-poverty assistance; as well as anti-social healthcare safety net for seniors and anti-euthanasia.  The same group is also the most anti-feminist and stalwarts of patriarchy.  The biological meme says replicate.  Both avenues of the Meme neither (politics nor religion) care about one’s wellbeing after that, with the exception that one perpetuates the Meme by submitting to order. 

The Meme’s anti-abortion status traps the Poor to have more offspring to increase dependency.  Abortion acts as a safeguard to preserve self-sufficiency.  Making mothers into Meme-cattle does the opposite.  The Meme’s ‘love’ of the unborn is compensation for guilt of privilege doing nothing for the living by appearing to help the helpless.  Look at child advocacy and foster services funding compared to anti-abortion tax-deductible religious donations by citizens.  In reality the Meme’s haughty supplicants to the ego are so often throwing bricks into the boat of women already on the verge of sinking. 

The Meme cannot allow humans to believe we have volition of life and death.  The Meme cannot tolerate a woman simply stating I choose not to birth and raise my child.  In the case of the patriarchy of the Meme surrounding abortion, the Meme cannot allow females to have volition over males.  The patriarchy in the Meme cannot biologically bear progeny so the Meme tries to maintain order by not allowing a female to abort a male’s progeny by her volition alone.  Since a male could desire abortion and a female deny his request, this insolence is contraband in the Meme by attempting to criminalize all abortion.  The Meme always wants control.  For most of the modern world that has been by placing the white male Christian heterosexual Westerner at the apex of the Meme while obliterating or rewriting recorded history where this was not the status quo.

In recent history the Meme proposes restricting abortion facilities to have doctors with admitting privileges at a local hospital, pre-doctor consulting visits, and anywhere from 24 to 72 hour waiting periods depending if you are in Tennessee or Oklahoma etc.  The Meme tries to distance volition. The patriarchy in abortion in this regard resembles Jim Crow with the equivalent of extra hurdles akin to the old literacy or political knowledge tests by Alabama registrar of voters.

There must be severe perceived consequences to a human applying volition to even his or her own life (being forced to grow a human inside one’s body or one’s partner’s body, then raise that human one does not have the resources or desire to raise) or (continuing to live in a body one wishes to cease operating.)  To permit such effrontery to the Meme would invite chaos and a disorderly society.  The Meme can craft exceptions to the fifth commandment, but regular humans cannot.  

The societal reality on an overpopulated extrapolating planet is that both sides of the abortion line of feigning saying the taboo word of murder with choice or life can be active in social aid of the birthed humans.  Support of choice still and life even more so connect one to the responsibility to summon empathy for the realities of foster children subjected to the lack of parental figures.  The anti-Meme is adoption.  The anti-Meme is volunteering and overcoming the perpetuation and expansion of self to be empathetic and recognize the interconnection of what the solipsism of purchasing the results of the ejaculate entering the egg of a pure breed dog at the very moment another mutt is euthanatized. 

Let us conclude the first half of this treatise with these thoughts.  One can look to the Buddhist’s Four Noble Truth’s in context to the Meme on death.  The truths seek to send a cycle of repeating lives by pursuing decency, mindfulness, meditation, and to eliminate wanting.  This is an incomplete surmise, but basically the ego, the desires of the self must be shed to not return to the biological form that life is suffering.  The only release from this temporary state of suffering is through this release of wanting, wherein all wanting is an intention to remain in the current state of suffering.  The Noble Truths pursue to see what we really are. 

This treatise may mirror some of these ideas, but the Meme sees the monastic sterilization as a form of ideal to achieve a goal of moving forward or escape.  In the anti-Meme there is no escape.  There is no change.  There is only this atomic constancy and the correlated spiritual constancy.  How we act, what we do as an individual affects neither.  The mindfulness and decency which the Four Noble Truths pursue is the good in and of itself in the constant now.  There never needs to be a reward of moving on from this suffering. 

Life contains suffering, but like the constant foie gras-fattening-type tube-feeding of Catholic guilt to parishioners Buddhist suffering implies an unlimited burden as a goal.  No amount of suffering is enough.  No amount of guilt qualifies one for worthiness.  In this one should pursue but never feel entitled to worthiness, which is in a way a paradoxical infinite regress of wanting which those attempts to end the dukkha cannot escape.

One can look at karma yoga inside Hinduism stacked on Buddhism.  In this we are born with positive and negative Sanskaras for our previous lives which drive us to behaviors in our current life.  We cycle through Samsara (rebirth) until our karma is cleaned out to nothing for our liberation in Moksha.  This presents life as the workbench in a similar manner.  The Eastern view seeks to end this reincarnation; ironically the Western to achieve rebirth in an emulation of Jesus at Easter.  The list of models that pre-date the structure of the Christ-story span Zoroaster, Attis of Phrygia, Horus, and beyond. 

As we age we may be tempted to interpret history through the scope of where we were during that period of time, in the expanse of suffering, as if our ego is pertinent to global events.  Our trunk of time becomes slender and perspective ever myopic as if how we feel is relevant as we approach biological death.  Where we were sacrifices objectivity for wizened ego tints.  The naivety of our youth left us more open.  So it is to that vulnerability we should aspire to be closer to the universe in the relative arbitrary framework of humanity into the greater portrait as we shed the ego.  One can look at this as with age we cling to entropy.  We attempt to constrain the chaos our machine is designed to dissipate.  This hypocrisy creates our suffering (the dukkha, the sanskaras, the sins).  We hold onto our ego to do this. 

Like Carl Jung warned our pursuit to shed the ego through the ego is an infinite maze that can paradoxically focus us more on the ego.  In the anti-Meme how we attempt is what is important.  A complete segregation of the ego for any human is impossible.  One can pursue to eliminate concern for the opinion of others and one’s mind of one’s self to pursue a selfless harmonization with universal interconnection, but by the nature of caring for the whole we invite the platform of the self as the foundation for that concern.  This balance of light and dark to define whole and individual is inescapable.

To believe in rebirth in such a way is a lust for an ego in precursor and a successor and ultimately an eternal self to cheat death for the Meme.  This clutches the lever of our ordered machine in an attempt to control the universe.  The anti-Meme sees that we do not have to be us to bear a measure of eternity as we are not even only a self now.  We do not need to seek god, the end of karma, or dukkha.  We do not need to do.  We only need to accept and be.  There is no place to go.  We are already there.

To sit and worship and expect god to react to feel something back with prayer, even the idea of asking god to help one’s self accept god’s will, the plea contradicts the very perfect omnipotence such theists so often imply in prayer.  If the god has set the path exactly so the sycophancy or discussion serves only the ego of the prayerful.  Such a god has known and is present in such circumstance even one’s difficulty or ease in accepting that circumstance. 

Conversely the atheist accepting the nothingness, as borderless non-reaction absorbing the conversational prayer is with the ego in order to attempt to shed the ego knowing a full segregation is impossible.  For once truncation of the ego were to be achieved one would cease to wield the volition to choose to participate in the attempt to lose the ego.  To see or choose through the ego is to perceive a sliver of reality.  To shed the ego is to exchange that sliver for infinite possibility itself (the ultimate entropy in equilibrium mirroring atomic thermodynamic equilibrium.)  The best we can do is an attempt to see everything that is unchosen as well as chosen through the interconnected all.  We can never actually perceive it, for the choice to perceive it by its nature limits what is perceived.

Beings are designed to produce entropy (chaos) to dissipate order.  If selves are organized machines of order, just like plants or snowflakes, then our purpose is to flow disorder.  We eat.  We consume resources.  We disrupt.  We build.  We grow.  We fight.  We love.  In all of these processes we release energy from ordered mechanisms (a fruit, a cow, another human, a lake etc.) and disorganize the atoms in them through consumption or spiritually through emotions.  Inevitably our atomic machines are consumed / disorganized through death.  Our emotions spread throughout all the beings we interact.  When we release the ego we allow this energy to disperse where it naturally flows from order to chaos.

God is the universe through the self responding not in severed retort, but in the volition to accept and act according to the ego’s irrelevance.  In this we trade nothing for everything.  We become closer to selfless.  Prayer in this way transcends any attempt to be understood, cared for, loved, coddled, heard, or bonded or to feel or hear the opposite end of a telephone wire.  We embrace the nothingness as the togetherness we seek with the universe, knowing we can never truly perceive that togetherness in the form we identify as self.  We seek not an answer for our ego, but to embrace our eternal nature as a shifting component of a whole devoid of individuality.  Prayer becomes an enlightened awakening attempting to simply be.

This has always been there.  The whole damn time, we can see where we are.  We can awaken enough to observe, to breathe in to notice the universe, everywhere, always here.  There is no marathon only stillness in a single breath.  We do not need prayer to get to that.  Theistic prayer distances us from that.  Meditation brings us closer.

By insisting we need to be a self, a body, to be relevant decreases our relevance in the universe by putting a barrier between our oneness in the film of the ego.  In the illusion of time and the actualization to recognize the always of is, we have and will barely be this version of self.  We ‘were’ not this shell for most of ‘time’.  Why would we not be ok with rearranging, to releasing this body, this ego?  Find peace in this now and not being ‘this self’ later as the illusionary arrow of time points us ‘forward’.  

Life is a series of continual simple choices made in the now.  Focus with decisiveness to act, to do and be in constant potential for change accepts the anti-Meme.  This lack of definitive outcome in the bubble of volition is the magic. 

Great things are accomplished in grains of sand carried one by one to form a mountaintop creating a machine of order that allows for greater release.  We can think of ourselves and the technologies we discover like natural exponents and accelerants to disperse energy and create entropy in this way.  The internet is maybe the greatest example of an exponential disbursement machine for sharing humans have ever built.  A rain forest is a biological environmental example.

A system of atomic laws envelops bodies housing subsections of spiritual energy indulging in the illusion of individuality.  To decide is awesome.  The moment of now churning that each parcel is choosing, the choice the beauty of volition to be of cognizant empathy and spin kindness or malice, this is our universal purpose of existing.  The interaction of all these choices, that we can choose love over fear, this is why we have always existed in the paradigm of atoms to let entropy go or to cling to entropy through ego. 

When we are the good in the world we can feel the veiled shell thinning between the atomic and the spiritual that we call self.  The shell is the self.  Losing the ego is losing the veil.  In classical yoga one might use terms like Purusa for essence of what we are and Prakrity for the shell or everything hiding this true nature.  Christianity might use words like soul and body.  No matter the terms or culture the self is an illusion we must see through and release to understand our interconnection to reveal the illusion of individuality is intended as a platform for the beautiful act of volition.

When we love; when we are present we can feel the veil lifting in our bodies.  Activities like yoga, meditation, altruism, teaching, and giving show us this.  We feel our beings in it elevating to a higher consciousness of what we are.  Our ability to focus on this balance of shedding the self and being does not put the other before the meditation, but there is beauty in accepting the moment the universe is more obvious to our consciousness. 

In the atomic we are like free electrons constantly flowing to the nuclear force traveling between attractions to bodies of morphing neutrons and protons.  If we know we are made of this, how can this not be our nature?  Individuality is a multiplicity of this paradigm.  How can it not be the nature of all things in the atomic? 

We step into ballets and operas of fired animation from suns to lips to water to a drop of plasma in a lightning bolt to a cardiac chamber.  We are all of this mirroring in the force between the bonds holding, letting go, and flowing, always flowing inside a whole that is in the absolute, stillness.
The illusion of time appears to quicken as we age.  A worker prints checks for the company every Friday.  On Thursday, Friday can be visualized in detail to the office and computer she will sit behind.  So in the foreshadowed repetition truncates our growth so that a day to a weekend, to a year, to decades of the remainder of our biological allotment slips in a flash of premonition as if choice is premade.  The Meme wants to distance us from the idea that we are always choosing in every moment we have.   

When we were young everything was new.  A school day was forever, the summer eternity.  The hours haze in a desert mirage depending on the novelty of growth we choose to fill the dunes.  The mornings, the bells ring in poetry, the art, the music, the meditation, the relationships forged expand our awareness of our participation in the universe constantly soaking us in the cosmic ocean.  In this we augment the illusion of time to appear to pass slower or quicker.  In this the anti-Meme finds intimacy to transcend time.  The Meme hustles for our forgetfulness, our sluggish absentmindedness, to put up black over-the-hill birthday yard signs and slide helplessly towards death clutching the Meme for safety repressing our purpose for existing at all: volition.  The Meme wants us to see the remainder of our lives as a scripted movie already filmed as if holding all the air inside a charcoal colored balloon. 

Maybe atomic choices churn the spiritual energy’s flow.  If the two planes do exist, maybe that is the connection.  Not to save or damn a packaged nameplate of individuality represented like a tethered twin on the flip side of mortality (the image of our body in heaven or hell), but to be beyond time in the equivalent of movement in a place that does not move inside what choice is on a scientific level.  What it simply always is becomes what is as the illusion of time unfolds because choice is possible in the magic act of our individualism.  Ordered machines like us are the magic anomalies of the universe. 

Our individuality is an illusion of the now, just as viewing light from a distant dead star, the arrangement is temporal inside the atomic coming together for a window of time existing only in the perception of the viewer constantly segregating and comingling to foster a vehicle of volition.  We view our ‘self’ through our biological mind’s consciousness painting the universe in choice.  Those choices flow in a current beyond the ‘self’ which we can either accept or fight.  We can either flow with or restrain entropy.

In June 2015 Australian scientists published an article that proves that what happens to particles in the past is only decided when the particles are observed in the future.  Until observation reality is an abstraction.  One particle can be in multiple locations in space time. 

As previously discussed under Commandment One, “Maybe light is not what we think it is.  Light is an electromagnetic wave, but what if light is photons mapping the extension of choice inside the theater of quantum physics?  If a particle can be anywhere in the universe, what if we in membership as an illusion of huddled particles are everywhere in the universe all at once.  We are simultaneously all choices.  We are all possible histories like a photon inside a quantum uncertainty principle reflecting the grand interconnection.”

What if these Australian scientists have peeked through the veil of how what is chosen later appears to determine what the now is perceived to be?  In this we see that now and later are only illusions because what happens later is simultaneously the past and the future, because it is always the now.  There is only one now made up of what is both perceived and the vastness of the unperceived.  One could translate the unperceived as what might have, but never happened and what might and will happen.  The rest is what we are perceiving to be happening in what we perceive as the present moment, which is in itself an illusion the same way the light of a distant star is or by its nature any atom on a quantum scale.  If one were to try to fill a jar of space-time with possibility, as if such a thing had a boundary, one might imagine that what is perceived to have happened is a miniscule count compared to the infinitude of might have happened given all the potential combinations of events in the universe. 

Under Commandment One we discussed, “The speed of light is a constant, not relative to position in the universe.  Maybe light operates under massless laws to paint the illusion of time.  Maybe nothing with mass can travel at the speed of light, but what if we are simultaneously massless only in this biological form we cannot perceive it, yet we are it.  Maybe that is what death reveals?  Maybe in meditation like a refracted light ray through a glass of water altering our view of reality we are more aware of a small bit of it, all light (choice) bumping into each other in this constancy. 

The entire unbound universe, does it move?  What of infinite mass, all the energy of atomic everything, does this balance all mass moving in constancy so that at the speed of light squared equates to stillness.  Nothing could ever view this, but maybe it simply is.  Maybe we as everything are in constant motion and constant stillness.

If our spiritual reality is truly independent of space time it would make sense that E=Mc2 attempting to explain space-time could not account for the parallel spiritual journey with variables that include space-time.  What if we do not transfer between the two, but we are constantly both.  What if the constancy of each balances the other like Newton’s law of reaction involving the entire atomic universe with the spiritual universe based on equilibrium beyond comprehension?  What if in so many ways this was the mathematical proof of science and faith?  Who knows?

Our false experience of living and deceased self would be irrelevant to this constancy.  What would be relevant is that each universe simply always is.  In this understanding we can quit searching to reach a place we already and will always inhabit.  Only the we is the universe and our self is merely an illusionary combination of a parcel moving inside the atomic universe mirrored in an identity-less whole within the spiritual universe.”

This passage has been repeated to connect maybe what we are beyond death to show maybe what we always are as this treatise continues into the second half.  The arena of quantum mechanics may seem like an odd arena to understand what happens after we die, but the true question is what is happening now and viewing our biological respiration as independent of the nature of those operations as we consider what volition is. 

The Australian scientists uncovered that on a subatomic level, a particle is guided by what state it is in the future, not what happened in the past, so on this subatomic level time operates backwards than the direction we perceive it.  If life is the laws of the universe creating organized machines primarily through exchanging energy from electromagnetic waves from stars, which on our planet primarily occurs in the element we call carbon bathing in that energy at a conducive temperature.  We can see that inanimate life in a star and animate life as us as any animal or plant operate by harvesting energy in an ordered machine and releasing energy through entropy. 

On a quantum scale the laws that would make the atom take a path after the path was taken may show why any atom would ever appear to ‘choose’ order.  Why would any atom organize if the entire arrow of space-time according to the second law of thermodynamics chooses dissipation or disorganization or entropy over organization?  Why would ‘life’ or a star or a planet ever form as the anomaly to this law? 

We are this.  We are these particles.  In this we may see how the particles that make everything are all possibilities all at once.  Every potential outcome of all particles in all height, length, width, and time exist at once.  The nature of what will happen changes what is perceived to be happening. 

If we are perceiving then that reality is by nature history.  The intention to perceive, the choice to act exists before the act.  A star is formed the same way.  In this, reality is painted like a delayed portrait of that section of what we are.  To our perceptions this may appear to be the only now.  However we are multiple things at once.  In most iterations our sun was never formed.  Not only are we not just a single person or a single self, we are all iterations, we are all selves.  We are the entire universe.  However we only perceive a small section based on biological limitations operating on top of quantum mechanics which function on the laws of the universe flowing entropy as a substitute for the human concept of choice.

Why did an atom go where it went?  Not because it chose to go left instead of right or to operate as a particle rather than a wave.  The atom went where it went because it simultaneously went and is all ways.  It went all possibilities.  Our brains may struggle to conceptualize this, because we perceive it went left.  The atom participated in forming this organized thing we call a star because we perceived it.  We perceive the light created from the star.  We perceive the energy moving into our skin supplying us with vitamins to survive.  However our observation in the platform of the now only truncated all the other possibilities of what it is also doing in the rest of that jar of space time called possibility (the realm of might).   

All that potential exists so that the definition of what is the barrier that separates one being from another, one nation, one planet, one galaxy, one nebula to the entire boundless or bound universe to a yactometer on a quark operating on a quantum scale, the largest is comprised of the smallest.  These rules of mathematics active in a particular universe as part of a multiverse serve to expose the flow of the whole shifting inside itself. 

In this we see that what we are is not a self, we are not a summation of particles, but we are possibility itself.  We are potential.  Volition is the paint brush of the potential that we perceive; it is not the determination of what we are, will be, or were.  We are always all things.  The past and future are only illusions.  We are always the is, as all possibility itself.

The Australian article says the particle changes, decides where it is after it is observed.  A photon is simultaneously both a particle and a wave.  A helium atom determined its form as a particle or wave to pass through a first grate depending on if a second grate was put in place after.  The future determined the past.  Cause and effect flipped the arrow of time on this quantum level. 

The act of measuring (perceiving) the atom or the photon later determines what it does now.  If everything is comprised of atoms and atoms change properties based on what ends up happening to determine what is happening.  This begs the question, “Am I choosing? Does free will exist?  Is volition real?  What is volition?”  

To this maybe volition is the reality we have chosen to perceive from the infinite potential possibility that we always are.  The measurement, the volition of choice to act, to look, to put in the second grate as a representation of choice changes what has already appeared to have occurred.  How can this be? 

We never go anywhere.  Nothing ever really happens.  All possibilities were already there in the realm of the might inside that jar of possibility.  The measurement in the future (the choice) just determines which one the observer perceives in the past.  Our brain says how can that be if the choice was not made yet?  But it was, the choice was made, all choices are made, because choice is not creating reality, choice is simply unveiling to the one perceiving a segment of the reality that already is.

There is no change from something that never existed or never was.  All things are.  The universe has always been.  The idea of a start or a finish or a now severable from all the other perceived versions of now in the database of our collective memories is all the same thing with all the things that could have been perceived and will be and could be perceived in what is the illusion of time in a theater that appears by the perceiver to move forward. 

It is merely varied perceptions like looking at a few grains of sand on a beach, on an infinite boundless beach.  To try to compartmentalize that we are only a self is to attempt to count those grains of sand.  No matter how much one searches for the perfect decision, the perfect way of being, the perfect definition of god, of reality, of conceiving what we are definitively, one is always just perceiving a handful of grains in a desert of infinite enormity that does not exist in the paradigms of human perception.  Yes, it is this, but it is also everything else.  To ignore that what we are is also everything else is the Meme.  To see humanity as special or disconnected in any way from this oneness with the universe is the Meme.  To see what humanity is and what the self is as interconnected and just a small perceived illusion of everything else is the anti-Meme. 

The beautiful opportunities in every choice, the ones appearing to be unmade, the dark and light, these are what we truly are absent of victory or defeat in a common singularity.  These choices determine the version of reality we perceive.  These are us in a single instantaneous pulse echoing beyond time or any perception of reality a human being is capable to let go of ego to see that we are all of this, we are our brother’s and our enemy’s decision, we are linked in choice to be everything that is. 

What we choose is what we perceive in confluence with all beings.  The choices made by what is perceived to be volition in the forms of a higher cognitive function mind deliberately choosing, a lower cognitive function animal operating on what we call instinct, a bacterium replicated, a virus attacking a cell or a photon taking both particle and wave, these are iterations of what possibility is.  This is the universe.  Reality is the subsection of this confluence our perception is limited to digest in this current form. 

Maybe the purpose is to acknowledge the interconnection through love and simply be in the now to feel connected as a component of all of this at once.  We are not to fear what we did not choose or could have chosen.  We are not to fear the tangent of possibility unrealized, but to understand and accept we are more than the summation of a pile of good or evil.  For we are not the choice, we are not the result of choice, we are all the possibilities at once not netting to a fifty one percentile of more good than evil.  There is no good or evil.  There is only acknowledging connection through choice or ignoring connection in a constant now.  One might in a religious persuasion see perdition as the absence of god or the decision to distance one’s self from interconnection; one might see god as this interconnection.  All the conceptual good or evil in the universe is perceived through that window of reality in the presence or absence of that acknowledged.  The good or evil is never created.  Both are already there.  We simply reveal one or the other to our self.  

To Commandment Six: Empathy

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