Friday, August 28, 2015

Family Laughter

My coworker burst into laughter hanging up the phone
That gut bursting heavenly release laughter then bends a body
To unhinge the human construct for an instance and announce
I have been seen; I have been heard

Every night she goes home to take care of her octogenarian mother
Across the street in the house she grew up in with six sisters
Cinderella is put to task bathing, feeding, and monitoring the intestinal processing
Of the collective’s mother

The father deceased through multiple sclerosis a decade before
Concentrated dependency formed like a leaden anchor
Slowing compressing the daughter’s time available to function outside
The auspices of full time job and duty

As the body of mother declines the adult diapers and stool relaxers take hold
Bow has broken as limbs approach not being able to walk
The depression medication has started hallucinations
Mother has gone wandering

For three days Cinderella has gone on a strike
Siblings even those retired must bear weight
A phone call explosion cackle
Mother is shitting across the living room

Daughter cannot hang onto the speaking device
As the feces is on her hand and mommy has burst a ball of empathy
Into the universe like a lick of god
Now they know, now they now

That beautiful circular swipe of fingers swaddled in a moist toilette
Of parent and child exchanging roles in the maintenance of an anus
And cleaning carpet

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