Sunday, August 31, 2014

Want to be a Pill Popper?

If you do exist, I’ll suspend, but if you do
What am I here to accomplish, perform, uncover?
I have run out of fuel, tank, kaput

I am embarrassed by my choices and
Lack the will to choose an alternative
Simple foundation to have a partner to be present
For the will to do

The energy required to search drains the preponderance
Of what I can produce
The anxiety of being on alert peeking behind eyebrows
For potential avenues of progression

The call up says try, try son because
Your mother wants you to be happy before she dies
So do I
The numb lake rolls a scrape tide

Central love yourself before others will
I tried, I give up; it has never worked in thirty-five years
That is more than what Jesus had
Have not used that word in a while

The nights and days feel like used toilet paper
Soiled before I get them
I pull from the roll and the feces is pre-smeared
I wipe anyway, mix the truth, own the iteration

Alarm clock, computer screens, accountancy
Commutes, dinner in one garbage bin
Read, shower, sleep, see the kid every other end of weeks
Send out the flares to the gawk; there is no answer

Mother knows and that is why she cries

Because the pill does not change a damn thing   

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