Sunday, August 31, 2014

Surprise, surprise

Surprise me God, surprise me with a reason to hope
The list keeps playing out to the script of alone and unreciprocated
I am so exhausted in the maelstrom of feeling cursed and bowled
That no matter what sip of love’s kiss I seek

It is too much to request and will be repaid in the belief
That it is better to not try; to not exist; to go away and un-live
I would like to believe there is some connection between this path
And another’s that the darkness in edges has allowed me to discover

This coloring of the universe, a parcel to my basket unwrapped
That I am capable of fitting like a puzzle piece into the wounds of the other
Without even having to ask why, how, or when, just to let it be
Based on the confluence tied in to moments shared in this almost impossible faith

Doubted and tried and somehow I become counted with the brave
Troubadours of soul-folk-punk-rocks scattered in the flashed knots
Untied at the midnight almost executions that there was presence to claim
Why this deed not be done; that he speak now and hold his peace

Breathing a shared breath from that point forward
Looking at the staircase of broken bottles and bones
An altar worshiping nothing but the voice calling a common home
I give you what I have to give; keep getting back up, but not sure

If I have another, spit in my eye and I
Just wanted to have some time out of the rain
A sunny day to hold hands and play  

Where God; I am about to drop 

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