Sunday, August 31, 2014

A prayer before a hurricane 8/28/14

Peace, Love
We are all interconnected through God.

Help me remember life is not about me
When I hunger for happiness
Guide me to be where it is I am supposed to be
So that I may feed that path

Help me remember that depression
Does not exist but in the choice
To ignore that path elevating the self above the whole
Wallowing in insecurity

Help me remember time is an illusionary palette
For the physical to dab and swirl upon a spiritual canvas
Bodily circumstances are but waves to ride or abjure
Not to establish worthiness, but to paint in one mural

Help me remember there is no darkness
Only the absence of lightness
The colors of man mirror the colors of God
Reciprocal as a quark and the nuclear atomic force

Help me remember there is no cold
Only the absence of heat 
The fires of man blockade the warmth of God
We are home in the vacuum of space driving as a proton

Not to find happiness, but to cast our color to the brigade
In an interplay of empathy so that as I move
Countless others react so in I find the origin of my movement
Time fades into a singularity

As this has always been done, all at once
Like a standing instant of absence, creation, and portrait
We always have and will be each


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