Sunday, August 31, 2014

Spelunking with Sharks

Traveled to me in the belly of a shark
Curtain veil of teeth, triangle sheath ringing
Fists full of jangle rattling the tense
Now or past, unplugged and crashed

Eyes blue and cold, gray in shudder
Tame the monster and lash that thin line
Cross a double helix rung like a mission bell
The bombs are scouring from above

Sanctuary or leave the fire to chance
Napalm tempting dawn to stay out in this dark
Bending flint in the second the Earth gives
Allowing a cycle to reinvest one damn breath

A head breaching the surface, even crocodiles have to breathe
Been here holding these cards for a creaking screen door
Trouble banging the gate, letting in what the devil has made
Raging like peace forgot to show; you wanted heaven’s lie

You got me darling six rows of spear heads in jaws
Spare parts and junk yards piling in this frame
Driving a thunder road rattling wheels and brimming steam
Take my hand become a killer lover in the night

Tales of letting and let down cautious lever tilted stiff
Soaking in the oil of words we both know have never worked
If a bend in the ray could make a flower grow another way
Maybe we could try, but no orchard in caverns to buy

Coming out or in, down in the maw or burning the bin
Of domesticated metal and mop and glow tiles
Rotating the shined decades and the monster grinds
Thrash the definition of never letting blood in blood

Destroy the fortress for an intruder’s scent
Death before release even if the assassin was an apothecary
Poisoned from these native spores

Distance, distance the shark always wants more 

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