Sunday, August 31, 2014

Coffee Spoons and Counterweights

The visions of God, purpose, and plan
Slip like a sun beam curved off a cheek
How quickly a smile can shift into indifference
Passing innocuously in a parking lot

As she thinks about a cell phone in her purse
Who to call, who might be ringing to turn
The sounds of operations into that hope
Tingling of how a world might bend

The light of expectations refracting in
The sentiment of possibility extrapolating
From a line in a poem to the sound of an open door
Coming home and the dog detecting the pheromones

Wafting in olfactory measurement
Like coffee spoons and counterweights
Telling time in the fading absence
Of who departs in the morning and returns in the evening

Feeling the seasons in the embrace of wrinkling skin
All the apples traded to dare forgive a human for being human
Creating these fault line crevices for a purpose for the other
Need like structural integrity to the skin and bones

Haunting, her trepidation feels like loveliness
A place for him to give
Flown and fly, built and spilt, known and gone
The snow and silt gives him nothing but darkness

Forget the angles; adjourn the math; the horn it blows
Deaf ears for muted wind against the mast
His voice is a hollow well, dried and he does not know

Let him go; let him go; let him go 

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