Sunday, August 31, 2014

Appetizer for a Siren

I got nothing left
This fight was over six rounds ago
Frump blood cough
Let me wheeze

Dumpster lunch; sounds enough
The heaven oozed out lurched in parking lot
Like a dried slug traversing midday concrete
See the fucker fry

I want to be like Angus and the bacteria
Adapt multiply get up again, again, and again
This time like the so many, hope got me with that left hook
Chin slid sideways, cranium back, kidney seized

Cut, extract in warm bath words floating in red rose water
Swirling hemoglobin candy floss like no-wave goodbyes
Staring at toilet paper or recycle bins empty by curbs
Windows smudged in pollen summer’s bake

I do not even notice the seasons anymore
Time is one day, just blinks, flickering scenes in spasms
Of celluloid flapping the motion picture lens like masturbation
A man stands, a man falls, a man stands, a man falls

No Popeye spinach just rat hides and cockroach ass cheeks
Squished and frolicking in matted hair and crusted feces
Rotting like a Halloween pumpkin, watching limes and cucumbers
For her Pimm’s cup fester into blackened spores on the counter

One night of choices and sliced that vegetable into rounds
Thinking lengthwise was just a suggestion for the cocktail recipe
Split faith like this simple syrup was wanted approaching need
A space in a life appreciating gestures of forethought

Stable boy go back to sleep in the straw
Even the sheep want to be left alone
Moonlight is too bright just a phase
The fullness swallows, chokes on the black locks

The siren gnaws on his ingratiated grin bedazzled in the moonlight
Comatose glazed eyes like double hard-ons stuck paralyzed like a spider’s delight
Chewing his ear, sipping his cheek and cast casually into the sea
As flotsam, a quarter eaten nothing disinterest ranking below digestion 

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