Sunday, August 31, 2014

Ain’t no Sword

I never wanted to put that alpha male coat on for you
If you needed to see the beard and the gun with the thump
Push others down for me to stand up
Well sorry I do not perform circus acrobatics

To grab your attention; this, this in here, these thoughts
Are for me, not for you
So if that means I spend most of this life
Alienating people who might have gotten to know me

Well, I guess I am mangled
I tried at times to shimmy my ass, put on some semblance
Of face to ask, to converse and the distortion was palpable
The discord between love sick and confident inquiry

Left trails of non-response
The actresses stared blankly and stuck with the actors
The cheerleaders kept to the crowds
The smokers kept in the clouds

Fuck it, give me the pages; I’ll figure it out later
The post it notes and rollicking legal briefs
Stab wounds and rural streets
Bible bastions and baby dreams

Halloween here is my candy I don’t want a single piece
Easter here is your painted egg of soft boiled ick
Christmas here is your transformer fir and cookie sheet
Birthday here is your accolade I never did a thing

Showing up for what; was there a choice made?
Molded simulacrum in a blood bag umbilical noose
Spat out and watching what constitutes brave
The scent of bubble gum prompts nausea

Never asked, contemplating take back
The phony rank, hypocrisy smut, sugar addiction, cake-batter lust
Vomitus lacquer paint the eye shadow envy
Response like cardiac perdition; savior is late

Never going to say; ain’t that brave
Spoke and asked, but some ain’t that brave
Ashes burn the story cold ain’t no hero here to raise a sword
Just words, just words baby, that’s all I got 

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