Sunday, August 31, 2014

Fetal Yoga Yolk

Crafting real out of mystery
As time passes the threshold of ignorance’s cloak
To be a maudlin pity in a wrinkled festoon of a man
Dangling there asked to be purposeful

Huffing feckless ineptitude with exasperated lungs
Contemplating a towering stairwell
Of using these legs and abdomen to ascend
Not his who was assumed to be this

In the alcoves of assumption dodging  
Waiting to be found out by the troubadours and cavaliers
Of feminine role reversal clamoring for a good show
He is a haggard mess, insular and rolled

Tight, embryotic into fetal yoga where the ego
Is a tsunami encapsulated in a yolk
Pierced, the pulp oozes meekly
Contained, the maelstrom’s gale rains unending conundrums  

For whatever one is thought to be to the blind
One never was
Such is the scour of the internal eye

Drowning wretches 

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