Sunday, August 31, 2014

Rollick Green

The enthusiasm of the night’s breech is palpable
I can feel how much you want this
To open and be taken
As if I saw you and you are joyful for it

That we may still smile when the cloaks reveal the bones
Grinding knuckle cartilage to discomforting discussions of lubrication
Yuk, Yuk, Muck, Muck
Where fears spin the heads of focus

Into worry and self-conscious grinds of permanence and options
Is he tall enough; does he motion his tango on beat?
Are his eyes too much gutter-punk Peter Pan never in a homeland?
Where certain subjects taste like insecurity no matter how many times he eats them

So he is on edge as the leaves hit his lips
As if the whole world sees him as a fraud
Wondering why anyone would want this sludge bug maggot sack
Trying to reverse the perils of self-definition

Standing in the present, blocking the labyrinth stories
Reverberating limitations in a varied or common flavor
That his worst was not too bad enough to warrant excommunication
Racking how easily self-sabotage is accessible

At the pierced veil of contact promising isolation
And all its calming numb and assumptions that we were hated as a default
Saving the court time to arbitrate the facts and circumstances
Instead of a standard that we are not meant for partnership

We are this or that or some story of folly and crap
So damn son decide which life you will live
In these tock tick years to wallow or dance
Even poorly is better than oblivion

And yet the sun’s blade sits just outside the city’s gates
Raising the farmer’s seed into a sky of felicitous wheat
The stone gray is a world away and the green is rollick

Ah son, breathe and go adventuring 

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