Sunday, August 31, 2014

Contemplating September First 2014

Another fucking holiday three-day weekend
The code of make plans, make plans, got plans;
What are you going to do with this freedom?

Like a god-damn mirror
Too bright, too bright
Reflections of other times

Look how young we were
Skinny in the picture
Crawfish boil right before the hurricane

Rabbit hole descend with the roots and pretend
The turnips and the onions still grow down there
Gnarled in the fallow dirt

Glorious spiraling into the maw of self
Teeth chew obsessive compulsive focus
Blocking the world and exacerbating madness

Mayhem of depressive lust for the numb oblivion
Seeing what is wanted a galactic distance away
Not graspable in this life, this body

Succumbed to acceptance that this face is not meant
For an atmosphere of oxygen
Alien on the wrong planet

Of ants urinating on calendars of feces pile Labor Days
Christmas and Independence fireworks
The glare is sheening vomit

Too much agreement that the alcohol helps
Give me some more maybe I can’t tell yet
Universe help me, I just thought about waking up again tomorrow

I need some nice for a while, just some nice
Give me a ride if you might; these two dollar shoes hurt my feet

Praying on this dusty road 

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