Sunday, August 31, 2014

Soul Behind the Monsters

Tired of waiting for my life to begin
Again, reset, resend, renter, rescind, enliven
Light of day reflecting in her eyes
I want to pray

That prayer that the root is not burrowing for concrete
Poured years ago surrendered to protect
Ensure the soil’s leach does not breech
What is left

Like a soul in hibernation holding out in art 
Sanctuary from dependence sequestered
Angry and afraid hermetic and vagabond
Walking for every flavor but love

Sipping in life and never getting drunk
Trading the alcohol for a sober airwave
Hearing the quiet space of a suburban street
Like nails scrapping chalky skin

Drawing horror and ecstasy in the space within
A woman fighting to be two things at once
Alone and not; I too have fed the beast
And this is what is left

Remnant chunks of hamstrings and chest
Muscles soaked in a bloody mess
Dance with me tonight; sway under this moon
Watch this lycanthrope transform at a vampire’s kiss

Eat me alive or murder me whole
I have been this beast for years
There is no damage in your decision
Unless your emotions mix and cure us both to plainness

No more fur or flight or fangs
The whiteness of sunrise and moon fall
Glaring that we are looking straight into blue eyes

Accepting the challenge to be the soul behind the monsters 

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