Sunday, August 31, 2014

Musing the Doe

Spent this life searching for my muse
Slipping in the sip 
The intellectual and sexual
In control and wanting to be taken

Understood in the nudity of thoughts
Daring an audience to bend past assumptions
The woman is a living dare
Inspiration like a fired wick

I am drawn in by the cogs of the clock
The hands dancing pointing at numbers
Lost in Latin rhythms converted from Germany
Hard beat in the shade, shock to the knees like thunder

Transposing the appearance of an entertainer
This is all for her; their looks are the refrain
Of a ballet of rebellion asserting, dangling
And how I imagine the inspiration

Hesitant to look because there is distance in it
This proximity of voice to voice
Behind the makeup and costumed grace
Do not want to approach too fast to spook the doe away

Dancing like an animus in the antlers
Dreaming alive like painted mist
Confliction and acceptance, desire and election
Wanting to see beyond the imaginary

The dichotomy of psychology and kinetic art
The spectrum thrills like lightning
Muse to write of where she finds her passions like flints

For where my thoughts may go 

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