Sunday, August 31, 2014


The thunder drop of bottom rung
The bell of the dirt piled spread over a coffin
The wrapping illusion of wooden capsule preserving a body
As if the worms will not find the crevices

The light fading into a gasp of departure
From down-lookers losing a placeholder
In a novel knowing their name is coming
Reading verses and dust riding wind to land lips

The starkness of immediacy whirls the crowd
For finger sandwiches and deeds recollected
Heirlooms and would have done stamps awarded
Daddy holding her two-wheeler at six

Rape at sixteen or was it standard teeter-totter
Arrest and driving sloshed, courses imbibed and forgotten
Algebraic unknowns proved in puffed cosmetics
Friends that revel bastions of femininity

Spin the cranium throbbing flash forward past present
What the body will never create flushed in options
Dissipated raw like a hurricane churning a garden
Abruptly, wanting to crawl down into that dirt

Cuddle with the absence of culpability to perform
Be immaculate in vapid opportunity
Let the crossed hands pray in perpetuity
For what a body does when called a corpse

Compared with the lake of treading breathing demands

Hungering to sink and be statuesque 

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