Sunday, August 31, 2014

Arm around an Ankle on a Sofa

All I really want
Is someone to read next to
Where we can

Each be in a book
Present in each other

Without saying a word

Sharing like a nucleus of smashed amalgamation
Electrons whirling capable of trade
The neutrons and protons hold for equilibrium
Choosing in each instant to balance

The exchange is constant, foundational with the force
That could detonate cities perilous and marvelous
The fire and the fusion gambling where gravity cannot touch
Words are inapplicable in this understanding like a bond

All I really want
Is to share this calling
Where we can

Each be in a universe
Present in each other

Known on a level beyond 

Katrina IX

Ravens still pecking at the Saints after nine years
Eve of August 29th 2014
Noon and the sky darkens across the mast
A city of garbage mountains

Fit to cry today seen the family bibles soaked
Some wounds do not close
The sheetrock and shingles folded hands
Here are the people

Much better, much better
Time, time, time
Clouded break voice parade
Love was, love was a flood

Rain dogs and souvenirs
Ignatius carts and slum shards
Projects ain’t der no more
Shiny apartments and flotsam fire arms

Economic stimulus to get through 2008
Better off so many say-so rats in the maze
Begging pellets and hearts
Soaked up too much water from the street

Might never dry out
Insurance made whole
The cashed check lectures
Gentrification and street car serenades

Hill Billy hipsters and dread-locked cranks
Parties and beads kazoos and burlesque
Should be smiling more, but today
Today it still smells a bit of death  

Water in the air, rain getting ready to come 

Contemplating September First 2014

Another fucking holiday three-day weekend
The code of make plans, make plans, got plans;
What are you going to do with this freedom?

Like a god-damn mirror
Too bright, too bright
Reflections of other times

Look how young we were
Skinny in the picture
Crawfish boil right before the hurricane

Rabbit hole descend with the roots and pretend
The turnips and the onions still grow down there
Gnarled in the fallow dirt

Glorious spiraling into the maw of self
Teeth chew obsessive compulsive focus
Blocking the world and exacerbating madness

Mayhem of depressive lust for the numb oblivion
Seeing what is wanted a galactic distance away
Not graspable in this life, this body

Succumbed to acceptance that this face is not meant
For an atmosphere of oxygen
Alien on the wrong planet

Of ants urinating on calendars of feces pile Labor Days
Christmas and Independence fireworks
The glare is sheening vomit

Too much agreement that the alcohol helps
Give me some more maybe I can’t tell yet
Universe help me, I just thought about waking up again tomorrow

I need some nice for a while, just some nice
Give me a ride if you might; these two dollar shoes hurt my feet

Praying on this dusty road 

Appetizer for a Siren

I got nothing left
This fight was over six rounds ago
Frump blood cough
Let me wheeze

Dumpster lunch; sounds enough
The heaven oozed out lurched in parking lot
Like a dried slug traversing midday concrete
See the fucker fry

I want to be like Angus and the bacteria
Adapt multiply get up again, again, and again
This time like the so many, hope got me with that left hook
Chin slid sideways, cranium back, kidney seized

Cut, extract in warm bath words floating in red rose water
Swirling hemoglobin candy floss like no-wave goodbyes
Staring at toilet paper or recycle bins empty by curbs
Windows smudged in pollen summer’s bake

I do not even notice the seasons anymore
Time is one day, just blinks, flickering scenes in spasms
Of celluloid flapping the motion picture lens like masturbation
A man stands, a man falls, a man stands, a man falls

No Popeye spinach just rat hides and cockroach ass cheeks
Squished and frolicking in matted hair and crusted feces
Rotting like a Halloween pumpkin, watching limes and cucumbers
For her Pimm’s cup fester into blackened spores on the counter

One night of choices and sliced that vegetable into rounds
Thinking lengthwise was just a suggestion for the cocktail recipe
Split faith like this simple syrup was wanted approaching need
A space in a life appreciating gestures of forethought

Stable boy go back to sleep in the straw
Even the sheep want to be left alone
Moonlight is too bright just a phase
The fullness swallows, chokes on the black locks

The siren gnaws on his ingratiated grin bedazzled in the moonlight
Comatose glazed eyes like double hard-ons stuck paralyzed like a spider’s delight
Chewing his ear, sipping his cheek and cast casually into the sea
As flotsam, a quarter eaten nothing disinterest ranking below digestion 

Prisons Enveloped in Prisons

All the things I wish I felt permission to request, to admit
If you would try to love me back I would try to make it work
Try in the sidelines because I taste a familiar desperation
That coats every droplet of hope

I do not know if my tools of interpretation are distorted by a crimp brain
Or just a broken heart crumpled and blackened into charred tin foil
I saw your small acts of interest and wanted to bellow the fire
I wanted to believe that love could be achievable

Something could come easy or at least be an option for me to choose
Rather than another ghost teasing me in kiss-me go-away, no-silence
I thought there were feelings in there, the can was not empty
I had been valued above an exchangeable plastic nothing

I was a person that shown out to as unique
As all these words I saw in the quiet reader sipping cocktails conversing
Was real, like touching an inner part that transcending the expectation of years
I felt special and possible; I felt like time had purpose

Then I felt like a madman, a crank on a street corner bending nothings
Capability was rising as if the weight of these things I carry diluted
In the exit they hydrated into hippopotamus saddle bags
The songs, the shadowed corner, kissing in the foyer, the tempt

The want of possible haunts me in a cage of identified unwanted
I am dust in the hazy waft flustered into a retirement of nonsense
Pacing up those stairs like a lumberjack of depression
Hulking day after same day seeing a chorus of relative photographs in the hall

Thinking of the identity missing of cousins, uncles, parents, siblings
And nowhere in the mesh is any semblance of a partner
Waiting on trains, stations of benches and hammering rails
Feeling the clock like an albatross, caw, caw, caw

The epilepsy is dancing like plaque in a brain of shake
Prisons enveloped in prisons of mirage paroles taunting exits like sunrays
Sure you get to leave sir, but we will cut you in quadrants and one quarter
Will leave today with her and the rest get to stay, function here okay

Seeing distorted dreams parade like gingerbread houses flooded in milk
Made soggy for the sugar to swirl like crystal gum reds in the streets
Mush brown white icing clogged with cockroach eggs
Watching it all from prisons enveloped in prisons  


I have been this my whole life
Whether this had a name or has one
Is independent

Brain is an Asperger’s spectrum poet certified professional accountant
In other words a platypus

The drumroll symptoms of a syndrome:

Lack of eye contact, interpretation of body language, social cues
(I.E. the conundrum of flirting)
All feels fake, sycophantic, small talk, fuck not again
Bullshitting, colloquial banter; throw me in the wood chipper

Let me speak in poetry six leagues deep
Hide in plain sight, analogies and metaphors
Coping mechanisms to find a native current

Adherence to rules, principled like an extreme sport
Didn’t understand even after I got my faced bashed in
And refused to throw a punch; goodbye permanent teeth
Mouth is blockade flipper denture adolescence  

Felt my participation in the world outside my head
Always seemed entirely arbitrary to others
Ant in the hill, no home for me

I remember what I felt like almost any year of my life
Some ASPIE might take to rote memory of maps or factoids
I got ASPIE poet; I sculpt feelings like photographs printed on this paper heart

Sensitivity to environment
Mint, chocolate, bubblegum, never eat or smell, Yuk!
Rubbing alcohol causes Vasovagal reaction
Sleep in complete darkness
Low talker on the phone, “Thank you mam’s”
Please do not casually touch me

I could tell you about any NFL player from 1980 to 2000
Beat any Nintendo game for rent like a rodent in a maze
Every Magic the Gathering card or Simpson’s reference

Pedantic little professor goes off when on track
Silent most of the day
Peer to peer, ha!, at eleven give me an adult
At twenty-five give me dead writers

A lexicon to fill an ocean with notebooks
My favorite gift my mother every gave me was an electronic pocket dictionary
In sixth grade that I still tote daily to work

Alien on the wrong planet
Could not tie my shoes until third grade
Atrocious handwriting, could not manipulate fingers to play a guitar
If Dylan and Springsteen said, “Hey, want to learn?”

ASPIE spectrum did not grab empathy though
I got Superman x-ray vision
I see past the surface see your heart in the depths
Beating at one with the universe

Analyze every piece of stimuli
Between life history, foot position, career choice, habits
Poems on what I am bound to misinterpret will be there in spades digging my grave
Because I’m bluffing like a sweaty champ

But I would rather be a living poem and make you a muse
Than attempt to participate in the normal game, because I am not built to compete on the surface
The emotions go hells deep wandering into a warehouse imagination
To turn the corner and the shelves appear from the darkness like crabs in an oceanic trench

Relationships, huh? In thirty-five years I don’t need two hands to count
Spent lunch in libraries from junior high to college
Reading passing every subject but schoolyard
Selective mutism (Them no, these few everything)

Pragmatism too much work to try
Obsess internal surf poem waves
Nothing feels real but the existential universe found through the self
How many pages?  Text me a note, I’ll send you thirty

Quid pro quo, you know, you know?

Not a disease, no pill, just me
No cure, no standardized test
Just an ASPIE spectrum poet accountant platypus

Saying hello

Taking the Easy Out

I will never settle for a human who treats me
As if I am not worthy of humanity
Of explanation of the kindness of words

There is an inferno level of segregation
From face to face, from telephone, to email or digital typeface
Doing the distance business of truncation

As if what we shared cannot be set out into the open
Throbbing raw and given a warrior’s death
Slay the beast in blood gushing in the street for watchers

No back alley sniper shot
No Ebola cough transfer latent malignancy
No denial of the glory

Give me the arching open of love’s courage
To crack ribs and trade spare parts
Leave that given to a refuse curb

No I want to return the goods in person
Tainted by the spirit of love’s celestial damnation
Of all born to die

I want the raw passionate pain
Of witnessing you witnessing the acts
This is the audacity of love’s barter

Without we are reptiles fornicating in the darkness
Souls alive in the fire of this market

Burning down; the easy hurts more than the out 

Bird Girl

Bird girl
I give freedom not to think
Dance upon the thermals

The spirit
That brought poetry
Soak the words upon thy roost

Be kite string and buttons in your nest
Refuge from sky

The want
Give to winds as none is mine
The faith that the spirit brought us to be
Is still flowing

Into the winds

It shall rest 

A prayer before a hurricane 8/28/14

Peace, Love
We are all interconnected through God.

Help me remember life is not about me
When I hunger for happiness
Guide me to be where it is I am supposed to be
So that I may feed that path

Help me remember that depression
Does not exist but in the choice
To ignore that path elevating the self above the whole
Wallowing in insecurity

Help me remember time is an illusionary palette
For the physical to dab and swirl upon a spiritual canvas
Bodily circumstances are but waves to ride or abjure
Not to establish worthiness, but to paint in one mural

Help me remember there is no darkness
Only the absence of lightness
The colors of man mirror the colors of God
Reciprocal as a quark and the nuclear atomic force

Help me remember there is no cold
Only the absence of heat 
The fires of man blockade the warmth of God
We are home in the vacuum of space driving as a proton

Not to find happiness, but to cast our color to the brigade
In an interplay of empathy so that as I move
Countless others react so in I find the origin of my movement
Time fades into a singularity

As this has always been done, all at once
Like a standing instant of absence, creation, and portrait
We always have and will be each


Want to be a Pill Popper?

If you do exist, I’ll suspend, but if you do
What am I here to accomplish, perform, uncover?
I have run out of fuel, tank, kaput

I am embarrassed by my choices and
Lack the will to choose an alternative
Simple foundation to have a partner to be present
For the will to do

The energy required to search drains the preponderance
Of what I can produce
The anxiety of being on alert peeking behind eyebrows
For potential avenues of progression

The call up says try, try son because
Your mother wants you to be happy before she dies
So do I
The numb lake rolls a scrape tide

Central love yourself before others will
I tried, I give up; it has never worked in thirty-five years
That is more than what Jesus had
Have not used that word in a while

The nights and days feel like used toilet paper
Soiled before I get them
I pull from the roll and the feces is pre-smeared
I wipe anyway, mix the truth, own the iteration

Alarm clock, computer screens, accountancy
Commutes, dinner in one garbage bin
Read, shower, sleep, see the kid every other end of weeks
Send out the flares to the gawk; there is no answer

Mother knows and that is why she cries

Because the pill does not change a damn thing