Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Vacation Nothing

I don’t want a vacation, not in this,
Reprieve is relinquishing a contrarian’s greatest asset, his obstinacy
Consistent in the glare lighting that which he finds unacceptable
The population grows until it is easier that he vacate at times 

For the masses accumulated overpower his shambled flame
So that he be better to remove himself than attempt to change the tide
So in, to take a moment for breathing just sucks in the smog
The nothingness becomes all the more nothing, expanding in viral-clog 

Until what he thinks he wants also becomes part of the nothing
Then there is only nothing and a vague image of who he once was
Having coffee in a green field, but he does not drink coffee,
Yet on this day he is and the grass is so bloodedly verdant 

Welcoming like the way a lobbyist against an industry
Would later take employ inside that industry rationalized
As changing the machine from the inside, busting the cogs and manipulative variables
Yet the lobbyist stays a lobbyist of a varied-colored jersey  

His limbs and skin meld like metal to the hive-web sticky and bolted
The sugar is in his eyeballs and he no longer cares for the grass   
The streets are music-less and full of bovines and dung smearing under
The smiling go-getters skipping everywhere
Like a knife slit cheek to cheek tattooing the grin  

I do not want a vacation; I do not want to go to Mardi Gras
I do not want to play Lenten games or lick the ash white from the lawns
I am wary of the oblivion leviathan of apathy; the monsters of variance
The wanting of difference to be different and finding Different  

Cream-filled with the same nothing, the nothing cackling behind jester-cheeks
Trying to paint a smile on me; the want to be left alone is maniacal
Drug addict of the pragmatic, keep a head down and keep stitching, keep farming
Keep welding, keep pumping, keep walking, no skip now son, start skipping  

Or you will think about the nothing again, take some time, have a drink
Catch a break and breathe, a week, two, a month, six, a year, five,
How much you need before the signs don’t look like the signs?
The foggy nothing mist of morn filtering in and the absence is torn  

To make one believe there are no faces, no souls, no hearts, no hands
No answers, no demands, only the nothing like a hovering fog
No, no, nothing, I will not take a vacation, because I am watching you
I am always watching 

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