Thursday, February 14, 2013

A rant: the blade runner Olympian Oscar Pistorious

I really am saddened by this.  A gun, a gun, God takes your legs away or a lion ate them or your legs were taken in Apartheid retribution as sacrifice to some disgruntled tribesman and this Pistorious uses a firearm.  Bad form indeed.  Captain Dan is wagging his mighty fist in disgust!

Terminator-two morphing death blades are at the ready with customizable shank-sharpened kill-lances.  This bastard got to stand, (figuratively of course) on the world stage and see the public lust for sensationalism.  Up thee one further my boy, one further for supermarket tabloids and trump Obama’s state of the union speech and Korean nukes alike.  There is no better story than a murdering transformer Olympian.  You were so close and yet you denied us that scintillating glory sir.  Bad form!  Bad form! 
There is only one recompense, prison-suicide by whatever form of new metallic lower-appendage is granted you in your inevitable confinement.  The irony being the state could just steal your magic pogo- legs and Mr. Pistorious would be left to become the quickest ass-scooter to ever inhabit a penal colony. 
There is of course the determination of your guilt, but as with most modern Americans I prefer to assume the more titillating tale even at the disparagement of the truth. 

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