Wednesday, February 6, 2013

A rant: A Letter from Generation X and younger to the rest of Humanity

Dear Us, 

If you were so unaware I beg to inform you that the death of religion is most underway among us.  We being the future of this planet and at minimum this America, which tends to be the most fearful of intermixed nations is becoming less and less uniform by the day.  The breaking of these bonds is probably frightful to most of you as the assumptions of your parent’s life fissuring in your adolescence has severed in ours.  We thank you for this despite our frequent confrontations in living rooms and kitchens.  We cannot take primary credit, but we will assert a line of demarcation, which I am compelled to communicate here.  

The three great monotheistic camps of this planet Judaism, Islam, and Christianity are diminishing towards oblivion on Earth.  As they are surely only found on Earth in these iterations, but given contemplation Quagnon, Bolarism, and Azhomnity are decayed just the same in other worlds many revolutions around their suns ago.  So in there are varied versions waiting to be born and in full warring revelry on others.   

The evolution of mankind mandates the ending of religion to achieve the threshold of ration to prevent at minimum our self-annihilation of our organism and the planet we inhabit, and conversely to achieve the pinnacle of our scientific, existential, and biological potential as a super-organism.  

The books, tomes, preachers, legal minutia, irrationality, and population control in any form of religion is continuing to be spat-out in greater numbers of our generation as the average level of existential ignorance dissipates with the ascending growth curve of information technology.  We see the histories of these temples froth with money, blood, sexism, racism, persecution, hypocrisy, sadism, fear, inefficiency, and most importantly a false tether to an exclusivity on morality which claims to flow from the religion and not innate to each individual independent of spiritual-ritualized contract.   

This exclusivity is then passed on to a defined salvation which is contingent on this commercialized version of morality which includes subcomponents of mandated worship and in turn tithing to perpetuate the beast.  Therein the greatest fear of the religious hierarchies is for the follower to see this morality as a universal good beholden in all men and women.  This is the grand fissure our generation has had the benefit of time to digest in greater numbers. 

Certainly there are people who have made this universal assertion in one form of another throughout human history and in many cases these people have been commensurately persecuted for their defection of sorts.  Naming them given their number is to try to name the stars but for a token effort: Voltaire, Spinoza, Hume, Clemons, Einstein, Hitchens, and Nietzsche.   

The danger has always been in the chaos of the gap.  What is man to do without an assertive overlord once he recognizes the totality of potential freedom within himself without the culpability of an eternal reprisal by a vicious counter-balance to the scale?  This is why Zeus, Rah, Odin, Mephistopheles, Jesus, Buddha, or Mohammed were given such resumes.  Beings want assurance, an answer more than the openness.  We are like the proverbial sheep in a field in such ways.  We are wary of the openness, watching, looking, and waiting for the wolf.  We call for our shepherd who in this case, if given enough contemplation, is responsible for and thus in league with the wolf.   

It is classic like the church and the drug cartel or the prostituting pimps making contracts.  One will reign free in the streets hocking wears chastising the evils.  Without the obviousness of the evils to the people the donations and shepherd would have no need to exist.  So in there is no better ally to a religion than the devil it purports to exist in place of the universal morality within the self.  These two are conjoined bedfellows.  

It is better for the church to see the cocaine, the HIV, the lack of scientific prophylactic knowledge in the populace.  Seventeen to a family was better for business.  An enemy to point at is better for business.  The heads of religious state know the hypocritical fallibility of their stores for they are all but men staring at a naked emperor, not with invisible clothes, but an invisible body, invisible voice, and invisible interaction.  So as in the story, the weight of the truth must be borne by the young.  So generation X is stamping this letter to you to read on the lamp post.  

Know that the religions of the world know they are dying.  This is the cause of such revolutions in the Arab Spring, the fervent grip of militant Islam of this planet fighting like a drowning man having his head held under water not by attackers but by the weight of his self-adorned crown.  The crowns are teetering in Rome, Mecca and Jerusalem.   

The world will potentially destroy itself fighting against our own existential evolution for there is no greater will than a man who has been washed into believing his choice in life is dictated by a deity or a pious calling.  In this he is blinded from his morality of self and is capable of the greatest evils certain he is in the camp of righteousness.   

The universal is severed as if such a deity would parcel his left hand from his right.  We become like two fists in this way.  We can embrace or we can ram against each other.  The reverberations rattle up each arm back to our interconnected chest.  Thus when we strike the other, we are striking our self.  This is as it always has been whether we open our eyes to this truth or not.  There is nothing that is done to the other that ultimately does not fold into the self.  All vengeance, including execution by the state, folds into the collective.  Fear breeds like cockroaches in the damp darkness of such assumptions.  

Yet in this darkness we offer you hope.  Have hope in our capacity that in our freedoms of self-directed moralities we are capable of more than any generation before us and it is still not too late for you.  Think of the waste of our collective governments arguing the entangled fishing strings of religion.  There have been so many lines each with its innumerable barbarous hooks, flapping fish tails of every species.  The secular and the non-secular have joined forces in an attempt to lay the tethers straight upon the dock to live in peace.  It is possible to have a mosque, a synagogue, a church, and an abortion clinic on the same street, but it leads to such wasted arguments and resources. 

The inefficiency like the sounds of two soon-to-be-divorced parents fighting through the walls of our childhood bedroom rings out our assertion of how non-essential these contracts are to our own sense of right and wrong.  The nude-hypocrisy of the invisible emperors leads us down paths of stripping down our iterations of why we choose to love or fear.   

So we will raise our children down different traditions, not out of insult to you, but in appreciation of what your struggle and those that came before you in our infantile species upon this planet is approaching a greater threshold to achieve.  Will we breach this mark of evolution in full within our lifetimes, probably not.  Yet make most certain, the change is approaching.   

If you so happen to feel the nauseous swell of fear in your stomach, quell it with this; a love beyond what has ever been held is possible when it comes with absolute freedom, not associated with the grace of the greater-being external to you, but in you as a piece of the greater-being.   

We are each so capable if we are willing to shed the cloaks of mandate, of culpability, of reaction and not let the fear of every other individual’s freedom make us into a monster.  We transmogrify into Tolkien’s Gollum holding our fear as our precious possession.  We destroy ourselves in fear of what the other may choose, even if we never actively destroy the other.  The fear sits like Twain’s acid of anger doing more damage to the vessel which holds it than its intended target.   

For this indirectly has been the theater of religion the whole time behind the scenes.  We may have been too clouded to see it in this way, but in our clan, religious, racial and ethnic divisions in our humanity, we have created false senses of secure segregation to keep others at a distance.  These distances are our greatest vulnerability to our mutual choice of destruction.   

We are but men in a circle of pistols pointed at each other’s hearts with fingers tense and readied.  We make up rules of statehood, sexual orientation, race, language, age, gender and in times of evolution in each case we see how vastly flawed the creation or implementation of any such division has been.  Now we must go one further and one further beyond that.  We must un-divide our sense of spiritual identification.   

For whether we do this or not, we are this.  We can perish never having done such, as so many have, or we can elect our own freedom of capability.  The choice has always been ours to unlearn the lessons of the emperors who raised us.  We must each call out like the children in our bodies and embrace the fear.  Own it and choose in every instance love over fear.   

This is the teetering crucible of Generation X and beyond.  There will be much fervor.  There will be hatred in the ranks at such blasphemy, but look out at your children and their children and see the de-conversion occurring en masse.  It is man’s greatest task to find God, pick up religion, put down religion and still hold on to God.   

God has many names, iterations, but in searching myself I have found the volition of morality inside my consciousness as the greatest tool to see that we are all interconnected.  This is God to me existentially.  Scientifically and rationally the conceptual premise that something outside of physical existence and time was the impetus to existence creates a logical platform for God.  However this divide also disallows interaction or decision making by any such God from occurring and at the same point links all existence to a common font of inception. 

As a species it is better we have varied iterations of this internal explanation, but in each we must contain the crux of our free will as an autonomous construct beholden and affecting not any external paradigm, but ourselves.  


Peace, Love, We are all interconnected. 


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