Friday, February 15, 2013

Our Evolution

If everyone had the mind of Stephen Hawking
The heart of the Dali Lama
The physical prowess of Lebron James
The fortitude of Rosa Parks  

We would still divide and destroy ourselves based on our perceived differences  

For in comparison to other beings in the universe, we have similar idealistic aptitude.
The dissipation of our ignorance occurs in correlated evolution
With the decline of fear of each other.  As we bath in our contemplation of what others could do to us, we prevent the progression of our super-organism by self-sabotage. 

We do this with the adoption of mythical checks and balances
To perceive a sense of order to corral the uncontrollable threat of trusting the collective
With the potential of the unknown for the identified terrors of the present
Given complaint, we choose requesting spiritual-consultations for application of justice
We hunger for Order in the pastoral flatness of urban battlegrounds  

Science is breaking the bonds of limbs to show the weapon of the brain
Cosmology is bursting the limitations of galaxies into those seeking the universal
To see grand interconnected scenes to see reciprocally out physically
As we see inward spiritually; peace, harmony, balance are found in such ways   

We see the universal in ourselves and the power of our volition,
Not the overlord of the universe controlling us, but a true democracy of wills. 

Our bodies are resistant, modeling our genome into the ladder of sustenance
Afraid of immortality, of indestructibility, of conquered cancers and viruses
To bear a world of seven-foot men who can do summersaults
Ethnicity is dissolving into the only humanity to what has always been, but disassembled 

Our logical expectation to reform the puzzle from bus benches to water fountains
To tree limbs to college applications to glass-ceilings to contraception to oval offices
As each trunk breaks the trees appear as twigs into the giantess-forest we see growing with us
As our minds are ascending, yet  

We pervert this progression to continually point firearms in a circle of wariness
The enemy is not an alien; we are only as strong as our weakest link
The vulnerability of insensitivity to the lowest is tethered to the ghastly judgment
From the highest and so, we limit our totality in such ways  

So in, this interconnection is inescapable, as is the crux of choice
As we each accept the self-responsibility of ration we liberate our potential
Only in this do we evolve.

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