Saturday, February 16, 2013

My iPod on Shuffle List

My iPod on Shuffle List  

My iPod on shuffle is one of my favorite things in the world.  I use it as the backdrop to much of my life.  I thought I would share it with the blog 

This is the complete expanded list of albums on my iPod as of mid-February 2013, which I think is worth listening to and maybe you might too or if you have not heard them you may be inclined to check out.  I often listen to music while I write, so this may give some idea of the universe of musical inspiration.  I have received a few of these records from my two siblings, but the vast majority of it I have purchased myself.  (A lot of it when it was on sale online.) I think stealing music (pirating art) in most cases outside of immediate family is a pretty shitty thing to do to the artist.  Support the art you enjoy if you are able to.   

I had a bunch of music stolen back when all I had were CD’s and another batch lost with moves and hurricanes.  I have replaced a lot of it here.  With the advent of digital music and being able to pre-listen to samples of music and acquire rare music or large compilations at lower costs, the ability to have a substantial music collection and the commensurate soundtrack and inspiration to one’s daily life has never been easier.  Thusly having a shitty taste in music has also never been more inexcusable.  

I am no expert and I am sure many of you know more about these bands than I do, but here is my list with a few thoughts/descriptions of the artists.  (see the other five other posts or so; The blog is going to make me split it up due to character limits in posts,) but it is sorted by genre.  I also have my favorite albums here. 

My top dozen albums of all time That I actually own, not alloweing myself to include compilations which excludes a number of artists . 

1.      Operation Ivy – Energy

2.      Rancid -….And Out Come The Wolves

3.      The Avett Brothers -I and Love and You

4.      Bob Dylan –Times they are a-changing

5.      The Clash – London Calling

6.      The Beach Boys – Pet Sounds

7.      The Ramones – Ramones

8.      Green Day – 21st Century Breakdown

9.      The Clash – Sandinista

10.  Bob Dylan -Another Side of Bob Dylan

11.  Bruce Springsteen – The Darkness on the Edge of Town

12.  Wilco – Being There
Please Check out the full lists of albums by genre which covers about 11,000 songs and 800 albums or so if you like.  (Click on the Rants tab on the blog front page and you can find them.) I have spent many years finding all these sounds and continue to explore everyday.  I enjoy spreading their gospels or at least most of them some of them I use to like or only kind of like, and everybody has their own tastes, but if you like folk/punk/soul/intelligent hip-hop/jazz/new orleans/rock you will probably find something you did not know existed that you will probably enjoy.  Peace

Folk/Alt Country
Blues/New Orleans
Full List

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