Friday, February 22, 2013

A prayer: Ladders and Time on the Clock

I give the average human four decades
I took three, which is not braggadocio or conceit,
More so a margin of empathy to the rest of humanity  

I was raised Catholic, maybe the premium-cult of European descendant for
Religious folks indoctrinated in cultish behavior believing virgin-birth, living-bread man and Transubstantiation blood-drink completely rational
As a child I saw this and thought it strange, but kept most of my questions
Inside the perimeter of my cerebellum and lungs 

One like Carl Sagan can help us ponder, why there is not an abundance
Of spiritual epiphany conversions towards blue-painted elephant-head Gods
In Nebraska compared to Delhi or flying-white horses carrying prophets up in Beijing
Compared to Abu Dhabi, even McDonalds has markets off limits  

At my current age I often ponder how those with a length of time on this planet
Longer than mine or at say at least a decade more could believe in such things,
I know I have the internet now, but certainly this is little defense or aid 

This immediately brings me to think of my parents, and my grandparents
Who introduced me to what they were introduced and so I imagine back-dating
Beyond what I wish to count 

And so in my lethargy to do such mathematics, I think of the commensurate indolence
Of ancestor’s spiritual quests assimilated to that which was first offered as Turkish Delight
Taken what was proffered and imbibed to the point of confrontational antagonism
Towards any that would dare take away such nourishment  

For an answer is an answer and a non-answer is an occupation of sorts
And in the balance of work, play or indifference, often indifference is the easiest task
Of the mind, for often even playing around with another toy takes thinking,
Learning how to use it properly and if one is not a kite runner than one frets running
With such sharpened strings as what may fall out of the sky could be apocalyptic  

So I see the baptisms and herding of younglings
I see how I almost did this to my own offspring
I find myself catching my breath to revert such misunderstandings wondering,
Why no one ever told me?  Why was this train not stopped?  Why was it left up to me?   

I am left with it always was, but it takes a level of work to confront the love of generations,
The familial comfort of ancestry to rebuke the notion of imprinting a genetic fantasy and yet
Hold on to the love as those who have eaten from such troughs  

Often these flesh-eaters become violent when their meal is taken away and
What is left to replace the ammonia buffet is a shovel; there is no blessed book,
Only thoughts in the darkness to find the universal through the internal
Without ghost stories or a genetic ladder  

I am trying to offer the inverse to my daughter; a ladder that starts with me
One built on ration and cosmology that she can carry as this universe expands and
Eventually contracts; that has the stars explode and parcel light from absence
One can see the ladder and the time on the clock  

Maybe my three decades will be accomplished in her first
To see a portion of life, the universe from the blind
If only to wade through the fearful horde
For others to have their prayers and this may be one of mine

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