Monday, February 18, 2013

Contextual Block

Life is not supposed to be this hard or this easy
The temperamental point of reference is numbing
For the health of a child dying in a parent’s arms
A soldier killed in a another pointless war
A wife and child left holding a flag and spectral nourishment of justice
Dissolving on the tongue like an inoculant to the virus of protest
Of calling the drug dealers poisonous, of dubbing brave lands brave
Of calling medicine men saviors in the houses of the FDA approved
The fields of third-world sweat picking produce or copper out of garbage heaps
For wiring that other worlds pitch as refuse in carbon-melting soil of small fires
To melt the sheathing to get at the precious metal
The valuation of the respiratory disease in lungs and futures is plopped on scales
Blind like countermeasures of junkyards and men crossing bodies off with exes
To be buried rather than burned, because that is what decent societies do
Rather than dig into the Earth plopping skull upon flesh to ferment like Kimchi
Praying for logic for a rational spirit to emerge as the present was validated
By the sacrifices of the past so that the present is muted from ever criticizing the dead
For in a last breath, saints are made to touch the realm of the living
For but a splitting of a being and all touchstones become here forward
Part of the hardness, the constitution of the why we make the choices we do
Why we live at all for to question ourselves is to question them and
If we question them then we begin to question everything and no one wants questions
So that life becomes a block of words and actions undertaken as if consequence
Has no bearing, planning has no bearing only every action in an of context
Perpetually layered and layered in context so that the choices we make
No longer become ours or us, only contextual prisms in which the world is made
The love of family members, especially a child or a spouse, the altruism is thickened
Like caked-on mud of religious-fervor as if anything is possible in the quagmire
Of what is best, of what is expected or known or understood and so that
Adults can believe in fairytales and remain children all the while knowing and
Rarely speaking out or calling out the naked, keeping clothing in context
Supporting clouds to see shirts and trousers where there are nude sparking sex organs
Dangling over the door frames and we call the thickness normality
To where a man sees his life and is entirely numb to form a complaint in any direction
For the clog could always be worse, could be better, and the difference is irrelevant
It simply is stuck in the context, plastered like a roof beam or a floor board nailed
Supporting the whole for another man to walk through at a later time

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