Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Weather

I abhor talk of the weather
The local or national news vomiting temperatures
Barometric pressures, highs and lows of a subset of hours
Curving fronts of a human performing charades 

In front of a green or blue screen tracking a clicker
Of a human spending four years or more of collegiate investment
To become a talking monkey to preach the history of molecules
Solidifying, dispersing and drifting in current and historic global patterns  

The relevance escapes me for the pertinence of what allocation of
Heat or cool occurred given that all such recording has dissipated into the oblivion
Of collective absence to be monitored by color-coded radar pin-pointing
Lightning strikes to neighborhoods when a human could peer out a window  

To observe yes it is raining now or a puddle formed and it must have rained earlier
I am befuddled as to the farmers, fishermen, or grass mowers of the Earth
Would not find such dynamic data in more relevant context via the internet
And this lust to record the perspiration of this Planet could subside to less than ten minutes 

Of my newscast into ten seconds, Oh God forbid the deluge or super-storm cometh!
Or the dry-drought or the snow-blizzard blow!
National fantasies will stare and grin and such weather events
I am aghast at the tribe worshiping what cannot be changed but in the collective 

We protest in the reality of carbon emissions and changes to our commute,
Yet see fit to include weather updates every quarter of an hour on the radio dial
The dead times, the hours and days wasted in a lifetime finding out the intricacies of weather
Damn you vacuuming time away from real journalism  

The time, the news, the stories of our super-organism,
None have been thieved by rouges and vandals as pernicious as meteorologists
Grant me even my sports time, but weather, weather, damn you, mother-fucking weather
I refuse to watch the news when you come on  

Hence forth you should be reduced to a box of the week’s projection of
A sun graphic displaying cloudy, sunny, rainy or snowy with an average temperature
For the location on a map, put the projection in screen crawl if you must, but truncate your spew 

At least one channel in New Orleans has News with a Twist
Where weather has been minimized to the regular anchor announcing the grand inquiry
of what kind of day it will be tomorrow with a single graphic and sentence and
Replaced the gluttony remainder of time with brass bands.
I find this infinitely preferable

1 comment:

  1. When I was in college, I lived with 2 of my aunts for 2 summers while I was an intern. One of those summers, we were hit with a big hurricane. We already were well aware it was coming. In fact, it was already happening. When the first lightning strike lit up the house, one of my aunts ran from the window to the TV, propping her glasses on top of her head as she fumbled with the remote control, nervously exclaiming, "We have to turn on the weather channel!!" I never understood that, the obsession with what the weather channel was saying, when any idiot could look out the window and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that, yes, Virginia, there is a hurricane. I guess it's another example of the obsession with copious amounts of meaningless information.
