Thursday, February 14, 2013

The True Hero of February 14, (a heart in two parts)

This Valentine’s Day, be in love 

part one:
Oh internet, an introverts wet dream!
The ability to expel and absorb thoughts without actually
Having to dirty oneself with the taint of human contact 

The obsession, the lust, the contorted position of keypunches
The musical stimulation of fifteen-second mp3-file snippets
Free to the public, video on demand, the ability to ignore or create facts
Perceptions in costumed glory of faces on streets of cities  

One has never visited, but now has the threshold of knowledge to judge
To pass assessment in slow times of intrigue and piratical-bravery
Men can sit down to piss with a laptop PC and wax ecstatic
On Brazilian marmosets and Korean gangster rappers  

The possibilities are only limited conversely to one’s hunger for the tactile
If one can avoid the enzymes gathering about like a lynch mob to one’s sanity
One can eschew the notions of speaking, of holding, of daring the sick love
Of thy Valentines emporium of cultivated opiates  

The teddy bear assassins and the long Sunday pews of reconciliation
The coco-butter epidermises, the steak absent gristle
The tests and panoplies of digital super-ego armoring the astute internet heroes
Commenting to the hilt to slay the impressions of banality  

With wishes of love, flowing, flooding love in a tsunami of celebration
That today the lonely, the copulating, the bestial and the pair-bonded
Can get naked and lay together not in an orgy, but in solidarity of what love is
Love is the spectrum of its presence and encapsulates its antonym  

Absence, Oh glorious absence, how would we know love if not for you?
For the darkness teaches us the lightness and without the contractual attachment
Of wanting to connect with another being in such intricate depth we could not love
If not to become subject to your tyrannical embrace  

Your palm is pressed to the limbic, the endocrine, the digestive, the circulatory
To our systematic integrity, as to extract love is to constrict your digits
And thrust this utility plant into meltdown by the bursting of pipes and steaming vats
Of energy without engine to process; the explosions are rapturous! 

The walk-among the dead begins in the fallout and yet love perceivers in its crude
Fresh iterated nuclear-waste sludge plopped there like a body of Anakin Skywalker
Beckoning us to become our Darth Vader and
Reconstruct the body with the only remnant of love we retain: absence 

part two:
Applaud absence as the true hero of this day for without you
Men would not know the passions of love at all, nor murder, nor orgasmic drive
To procreate, to instill beauty into offspring or plant forests for oxygen to parade
Into the lungs of the unborn,  

For we humans are indolent shiftless lovers, fainéant to the deed of philanthropy
Without the devilish contingences of absence, we could purchase love on street corners
From courtesans and harlot-magic, masturbation could assuage the scientific minds
Into full concentration on universal exploration of the galaxies dancing in the skies  

Humans would burrow into libraries or oceans and take up shark-like vagabond residence
Exploring a hermit’s peace, but to you Oh absence you have saved us from such folly!
Mashing the plumage of our smiles, leaving purple-ink bubble script junior high folded pocket-notes to go un-responded-to once slipped into locker breathing-holes  

You are the audience of custody battles and divorce courts bearing husband and wife to debate
You are alternative living arrangements.  You are fresh-cut grass for the neighbors.
You are a saffron flower without a crocus left stranded on the ground after processing
You are the inanimate stature of Corcovado Mountain  

You are worth death and often we humans forget the more arduous burden of worth living
Parents say I would die for my children, but I will not deny them the sugar or the fat that depresses their health for risk of upsetting their expectations, so in I will not hold myself to living to the standards of love; absence you force us to remain strong  

To deny those we care for that which damages them even if they hate us for it
Some of the greatest loves are those embracing absence as a comrade rather than enemy
For some spouses, some children, some parents cannot be seen as often as one would like
Daily interaction is not possible so in we see the illuminated love in you absence  

We see the presence by the eclipse of our extroverted sun-love
Absence you are our introverted counterpoise to the tyrannical equipoise of Hallmark cards
A love of secure-absence cannot be bantered about generically for it is far too intimate
One has seen the indentations to the cellular impact and would prefer to say nothing  

To the surface than to defame the intricacy of what beats below with such crassness
These sculptures of sentiment can only be formed by eliminating everything in the universe that is not our love and pushing it aside, only in this will we be able to hold the clay of our love
In our palms and mold our Venus, our David 

Oh absence, of love, of the remainder I see the beauty of you flickering
And on this day the love of the world is so enchantingly grateful

1 comment:

  1. I love the concept of "secure-absence," and have thought of it many times since first reading this. Seems odd that it takes more courage to be secure in the absence than it does to take a chance on someone else, but I believe that's true, and can pay off in a big way if willing to see it through.
