Saturday, February 2, 2013

Prison Tattoos

We all have our prisons; we make our walls
We balance chaos in the confines of stories
Scripted in graffiti we mumble to ourselves  
In blurry hieroglyphics which appear to passersby as inky-nonsense  

The rationale is often intrinsic and independent of facts
Why marks blaze across skin tattooed in elected-permanence
Is known internally and communicated externally,
Yet these explanations are vastly different organisms 

The DNA of words is of a common genus, but split
As neither takes priority for so often the misconception becomes the shelter
That allows a man to breathe most deeply for if clarity prevails
He finds a quagmire of tethers like bolas on his ankles gulping him into quicksand   

The porridge of vowels and consonants go to war inside him
Lancing and parrying for dearest life as each iteration knows comfort
One to convert the other to placate this institutional confinement’s purpose  

As if a man given time to pace in a box is accumulating production
With each toe motioning from brain stem to metatarsal is from a conscious act
And the repetitions bear lessons for the man to imbibe modicums of value
As if this was the toil of Sisyphus wearing down the boulder to a pebble  

This self-restriction is of holy virtue or divine sacrament,
As men are told penance is glorious irrespective of past misdeed or grace
One is to see flaws like lines in the skin so that when viewing a leg or an arm
One thinks of the sins of time wrapping like barbed wire of human frailty  

So it is in this stitching we thread our veins in a common color blood
That is blue beneath and red breaking the surface
Burning into man’s sense of order of what is worthy of fear or worry 

So these problems become nothingness and out of nothingness into shackles
Linking the man we were to the man we are despite knowing
The walls do not exist

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