Thursday, February 21, 2013

A rant: State of the Blog Address

I finally decided to start my next novel last week.  The idea for it has been sitting in my head for about a year.  I did not want to get it started until other events transpired in my life to allow me to move forward.  However those transitions have taken longer than I expected, so I have decided to try to get the words out onto pages as the backlog of ideas in my head for the novel is starting to become a bigger and bigger mob.  

I do not know how it is for others out there, but for me the words sitting in the line of my head waiting to be written, to be expressed is like a governmental agency at times.  Thoughts appear to take a ticket, an appointment to be expressed.  Some of the assholes and knights in the group perpetually cut in line and trump priority.  Others get lost in the forgotten hours.  I am most certain I will die before I get to them all.   

I try to make a plan.  I try to have a system.  I try to capture the mercurial of the litter to the page as I know what they have to say is fleeting.  The chances of remembering the hue of the wings of such fairies and or the bristled hairs of dancing fawns is most impossible if left to the timeframe of trees.  

So I try to document what I can and let go what I must.  This novel will hopefully take me away from this blog to post less often.  As in such an absence would be indicative that the muse is still with me on a level facilitating the vague-stretched sail cloth of the novel’s general themes are frolicking on a play mat with characters in a new found world of redefined logistics.   

So my poetry, my world will be a bit preoccupied in this I believe or at least that is my intent.  At some point I will post random thoughts as my chances of stopping the faucet of those as well is a feckless pursuit I have battled every day prior.   

I could fail.  This novel may never come to full fruition or may be garbled nonsense.  I will say that the premise of this pursuit is beyond global.  Much of my writing is finding the universal through the internal and I have conceived no better platform than I think this task presents.  So I am excited, challenged and cognizant of the work and dedication required.   

I do not mean to appear grandiose or as if my ideas bear more weight than any other, but for my small corner of the universe I am hoping, as I often do, that what I will write next could not have been written without the contemplation of everything I have experienced and written prior.  So that in this, each passage accumulates its own gravity.  I am growing myself in such ways.   

I enjoy having whatever readers whom have found me here enjoy my offerings.  The cast of watchers from across the globe is growing.  I am astonished at times how many of you there are, or possibly the subset of you returning in revolutions.  

For that end of the equation is less pertinent as the one within each of our connection to that which we are.  That has always been my intention with this blog.  I write of universal interconnection, a family, a life, a country, a planet, a spiritual unity to combat our self-made divisions.  I peer into this which is more obvious to me and expansive by the hour.   

This novel I am working on hopefully will attempt to raise the ante one measure farther.  Beyond and beyond until the totality of who we are and our purpose, our meaning, our laughable dances of our superegos which blinds us from truly connecting with that which is the whole become clearer and clearer to us all or at minimum to me.  For I am all I wish to control.   

I acknowledge that I have seen further through the eyes of others than I will ever see through my own.  I stand on the thoughts of ancestors allowing me to have my starting point beyond their finish line.  Therein that is my grandest ambitious goal of my writing, to move the starting line of my daughter, of other sons, of other brothers, of any who may choose to bear witness beyond my finish.

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