Friday, February 15, 2013

Desert Mushrooms and Dearest People

America our drone strikes do more harm than good.
America our freedom campaigns are hindered by our judgmental indolence.
We insert expanses of the humanity which forms us into a confined space
Allocated for disposal to destroy what is perceived by the pulpits as an anomaly  

But is actually the American spirit of rebellion disguised to us in foreign populations
But in plain sight to all of those we seek to liberate to enjoy a likeliness of freedoms
Yet we invigorate the mindset of the repressive ignorance we purport to seek to obliterate 

For every drone fertilizes poisonous mushrooms,
The fungus’ root material spreads in the explosion
Brothers, mothers, sisters, daughters, sons are either killed or enlivened
To associate the mortal-choice of a robotic angel of death with the joystick’s origin 

We are like a man attempting to smash a virus with a brute fist, oblivious to an inoculant
That in each thrust of damnation the virus bifurcates and re-bifurcates into sentiment
The ignorance of Jihadist’s becomes all the more palatable by the previously moderate
With the blood of a sibling to drench the pita    

Humans want for peace, to raise our children in love, harmony and honest work
This is a universal construct religion, ethnicity, and country seek to blind us from
Our trust in this interconnecting desire is our greatest weapon against our true enemy,
(Our fear of each other pointing missiles like bully school children) 

For never can we teach that killing is wrong by becoming a killer
The hypocrisy is corrosive to our legitimacy, for as humans we are given a far greater
Asset and weapon to wield as protection as shield and sword than death (the mind)
For to imprison our enemies in boredom, in the stark isolation of messages  

Gone unheard, unaccepted, un-imbibed is the path to planetary liberation
This is the war fought with the mind of volition and in reality
The majority of the world sits in our living rooms and kitchens aligned on the same side
Whether by brownstone, yurt, teepee, or Tudor
The hunger in our children’s bellies affects us similarly 

Yet we damn our children as our parents have damned us when we choose to worship
Ignorant cults of wrath and external nexuses of control beyond our autonomous choice
We drench ourselves in a deluge of culpability when we fail to call out our naked emperors
We cannot sublimate our callings to our offspring and ever achieve change in our generation 

We must enact accountability to ration at every exchange where frivolous distraction is inserted currently, for in this the beast of ignorant terror is starved.  For he requires minds to feed.  If minds are active the guardian is at the gate and no thief may devour his will. 

The Arab Spring is rising and the saplings of democracy is subject to the ferocity of fearful violence and repressive fascists to hold conservative ideologies to task the nation into the fire-pits of fervor where secular dictatorships could previously repress such cults from wielding militaries; yet in this infancy we must see the kitchen tables and the living rooms.  

Know that if these malevolent tides grasp hold, the freedom to retort will rise, and rise, and rise again, again, again, and again until all fascists are consumed, not in a mythical parting of crimson seas, but in the obstinacy of minds unwilling to imbibe the ignorance of fascists under the horrid-sugar of manipulative fear.  Allow trust in our humanity to evolve and that which fear blinds us from believing is possible will prevail.   

This is the truth of time, which retorts the sayings of: a woman cannot be this, that skin-color cannot allow this, that religion cannot do this, or that an Italian or an Irishman was not befitting a Protestant ideal inside the very fallible framers of our American Constitution, which demanded the very amendment to our bill of rights scripted as compromise.  

Life is an evolution and we must evolve or perish.  So often the length of that evolution is not subject to the biology of the body, but the volition of the mind.  What can be done over eons could be done in minutes if the collective chooses it so.  This is the awe inspiring platform of our existential purpose.  Sensing the glare of this meaning is what drives us into our daily distractions.  For we so often elect our indolence when detecting our self-anointed unworthiness and inapplicability from accepting this burden.  This is fraudulent.  We are each culpable and called to choose. 

I see you now.  I hear you now.  I am as you, you as me.  We are brothers.  We are sisters.

I see the monster America fears, you fear far more intimately, yet you fear our misunderstanding of your trepidation of how we boost the monster rather than suppress him, for you know too well by seeing your sons and daughters taken into the night in his maw, drooling and gnawing on the bones of the fear we spread as each mushroom cloud of spores balloons about our skyline.  

I see you.  I hear you.  We are brothers and sisters you and I.  Let us holds hands, I think it is time that we begin to listen and you are permitted to speak.

1 comment:

  1. "If minds are active the guardian is at the gate and no thief may devour his will."

    It can be hard to trust this wisdom, but it's helpful to be reminded of its truth.
