That there either is something or there is nothing
I would assume that in the path of
The debate is moot; in the path of
I would imagine that the something would
The probability of continuing iterations
As a single afterlife would cascade into
another and another
The purpose again being moot
As one of this universe or another or
this body or another
The memories are structures of biology
the acts potentially
Constructs on the spirit tagged with a
human preoccupation with justice
As if the acts of others somehow
reconcile with ours so that we are ranked
I find such penchants juvenile and the
machinations an irresponsible geometry
The mathematics simply do not hold in
reversion to a oneness wherein
Any such consequences invariably
cascades into the present
Into the self, independent of the
reality of the self perceiving such impact
However in pondering the afterlife path
of the something and
Considering the probability of numbering
such events I would imagine
That the majority of us, including
myself would be in some iteration numbering
Greater than the first if such paths do
We can fathom karma or reincarnation on
this planet in a myopic quest for justice
Yet I distance from such measures of
recompense as the numbering placements for life
Will always outnumber the active
iterations of life as to imagine equality,
Would see no new creation and the number
of grandfathers
Dying in the complement of universes
would have to equate to the number of grandchildren born in a given time, on a
given date, such balance would appear to balance the burden of weights a spirit
carries in this world, which of all things I find the most impossible
it is clear there are men and women bearing greater burdens than others,
who we dub blessed or cursed in an abundance of ease or arduous penalties
or the dreaded-karma is used by neophytes resounding, ‘everything happens for a
‘what we do to others will come back to ourselves’ to which I retort
have never seen this, there is no evidence that the good are rewarded or the
evil are punished
is folly to thirst for lonely justice, which on each death bed after expiration
to this next iteration or into nothing would be commensurately un-provable and left
to unending debate
in this now, there is no need for justice, it is pure immaturity,
dignity we afford to the weakest among us dictates our strength
is in this principle to which we are married, not to a cosmic eternal justice
to the recognition of what we are
in this the manifestation of the next is as irrelevant as when taken in far
enough perspective
time is irrelevant, there will never be tomorrow
is only now, our choosing and our un-choosing of what was previously chosen
that we are perpetually in the crucible of passing what we see as our point of
in fact, we remain always in confirming or debating or reversing what we
the moment of our definition; it is in this bed in which we live
so, ever now, ever in balance with dignity of our previous paths, our future
current now we are choosing, always choosing; who we are as a super organism
witness, we taste, we hear, we smell, we see, we touch, we are aware and
unaware at once
is irrelevance of worry cascading into our decisions
is the altar of the how we choose to respond to which we will never depart
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