Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Speaking to an Old Friend

Pretending I could talk to you again
Nurse the blanket and die with men of the bloody-shrapnel staring at the noon sun
Reverberating empty pocket slot-machines whispers to clouds
No rag to wipe his face to promise the shroud  

The tent, the bubble space for he and I to talk as if no one else was around
Together on an outing, promises of magical lions and appetizer salvations
Transubstantiating into live and die and you and I
Smiles cascading at the zenith of radiating solar rotation  

The precipitation breaks like a rabbit in the clearing
Rain in the desert, ‘Oh so amazing!’ found and found and down and down
The gullet go the refrains and the names and the same and the same
The rotation and the pains, imbibe and shine, epidermis is gleaming! 

Love and life, doom and strife, bleeding from pores and the crowd is rejoicing
The dandelions are espousing in the garden orchestra of logical nature
The sun and I are making peace out here in Iraq to Iran to Afghanistan
Wandering for a craggy oasis of where a hand formed man 

Apples and baffles consumed and given away in raffles to the chosen ears
And selected tears to know the truths of other moves, that are not worthy of today
And I want to pretend the game  

Maybe for a moment speak into the winter’s coldness
The warm escaping corridors of heated-sand, colors blurring as the blood leaves my hands
His, mine, theirs, ours, calendars and metaphors for self-defense and noblemen
Trayvon, crusades and Agamemnon, neutron bombs, Einstein and the universe beyond  

All I want is a simple job, a place like here, but over there
A house with walls of my own art, music playing and a fresh start
Help me go and treasures do not need to come in gold
Aid my passage and I will grant this moment as a whisper  

That for a moment the sun came out this winter
So much gray-wind I think I will head back in
Ranting such folly to myself

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