Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Suck-numb on and on

I do not care about your family
I do not want to hear about your drama
I do not want to know you procreated and those offspring discovered
some nuance of life that is repetition

I want to be left alone.
I do not want to talk
I do not want to sense
I want to be numb 

I want to extract so that I do not have to exit
I want to process so that the backlog does not strangle
I want to express to myself, not for you, not for others, for me  

The gossip of the hallways is accelerating my combustion
I do not want this
I do not want the void
I want the numb so I can contemplate  

The parade of conversations appears meaningless
Toys of this planet, finite, pirate-talk
Matters not, matters so, matters not, matters go awash
In the brigand tides of there is no tomorrow or yesterday, only now  

Dissolving into sands stretching for the weakest among us
To grasp dignity in the refuse floating
I do not want to see or speak or hear or taste or touch or smell
The ocean enveloping, I simple wish to allow the process  

Be the nothing for a wave
Let the liquid oblivion soak
Return when the blank has quenched the stark  

The commotion is all the same word
Repeated, repeated, repeated
Screeching, screeching, screeching 

I have forgotten every reason.
I have forgotten every reason

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