Sunday, November 29, 2015

Drop of Morphine

It’s morphine, the words, the books
The dull clutch of sanity warping the hole into a palatable swallow
Years drive varied diseases vantage poisons to fancy anesthesia
In lacquered gleams upon the table a hand descends

To pick a cup, vial, syringe, belief system, page
Chips like coins of sandy dust glassed in vessels
To expunge malicious credit accrued
A devil’s debtor’s prison lock shackle struck indentured

To an understanding that this appliance is the only space to hide
The binding of the library covers like epidermis sheets
To unfold and crawl inside the mind of another human’s madness
The escape gag, the lifeboat dingy in the great big ocean

Hours of maze time rented amongst the dead
The ones who knew there is no place safe
The yawn of the universe mires consciousness
The racks, the food-stuffs, the techno-gyros

Are illusionist’s prestige in a mirrored appearance
The gaping circus is a refraction of ideas about ideas
How one approaches the high wire is more critical
Than if one falls or traverses the exposure

The exposure in itself is a lie; nowhere is harbor
The enfilade’s reach is absolute because there is
No alone or together only perspective
Vacationing, exploring daring into the wild wind canyon ledge

The cityscape Metropolitan framed digital crutch
The painting, the theater, the masked burlesque
The quotidian crocodile’s clenched jaw
None of it is special or miraculous

Only effused presence; distance is an illusion
No matter Thailand, Rio, or New Orleans
The reverberating hum of what love is
Echoes like owl eyes blinking in infinite darkness

Seeing us, is us, but we see nil, staring at us always
A perfection of consciousness independent of location
Time, or matter, we are imbibing the morphine of the moment
The whisky, the dote to progeny, the dollar margin call

The holiday-effusiveness gilded in cheer frosted purpose
Dangling as calendar’s rotate charming annotations
The blasphemy to stare another human in the eyes prolonged
Sustained, ambiguous, totality of awareness

To see with them, through, in, and as them
The gobble of consumerist incidences quelled
To be and ask not the petty hungers of how do I make you feel
How are you in this moment, but to witness

To give the awe of aching movement swarming as the echo
The gong flush of time careening off the wire, as the wire, and before the wire
The trepidation, the love, fear, and accomplishment known and unknown
Beaming out of possibility itself flush in the duality of cheeks and irises

Panning into and out of the other, being
The books the poetry they are morphine to digest, to be with
The presence and absence of that realization
Maybe one took to a sports match, a pool cue, a pipe, a fabric brushed to skin

Tasting that dangle of time, eyes making liquid poetry
The paradigm that registers with this tongue
The glutton parched and famished in the aftermath
The depressive cork catapult launched

Some hours reek of death like a lust-lick bullet to mate
As if escape were available, the maze gave a rudder on the great big ocean
The stage of the toes on the wire to become relevant
Laughter haughty and muted in the belly of such arrogance

There is no end for there was no beginning
Maybe some authors knew and readers are looking to confirm
The not so kept secret radiating right out the page
Like nuclear material humming the radix of the gods

Fantastical prodigious luster
That the hunger to simply be
Be in the universe through the portal of the self with others
Conveyed and understood in the empathy of consciousness

Addicted to the drug of wanting to be
Knowing how clear the table, how ready to release grip
On identity, musts, have to’s, will not’s, and are not able’s
Into is, am, and breathing inhales and exhales moments

Terrifying luscious drinks of life savored in tongue to lung
Separating body from the act, seeing every artistic motion
Of volition to create, risk, and stroke will to canvas
Being a bead of painted ink absorbing and dissolving instantaneously 

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