Sunday, November 22, 2015

Born of Yolk - 20151122

I want a woman that has had her heart broken
Cracked egg-yolk completely in an emulsion of constitution
Of this is who I am self-definition congealed peering into the separation
Of yellow and clarity forced to un-mix to re-segregate

The colors of her life, the permanence of plans welded
To see the bolts of the steam ship popping like rocket corks
The wedding champagne of tuxedos and silk dresses
Of the man you brought to events or etched on a joint invitation

Announced to the world, wrapping paper sliced
Refuse blenders and gilded rimmed China
Closeted linens and cabinet steel pots
The cake knife licked tongue blood on the blade

Tears in hands scrubbed toilets and shopping cart aisles
Of knowing what one eats orientation of stomach acids
Remediation of bleached pillow case investment
Of what it means to put money down at the track bet a horse

And lose it all
Bankrupt at the sunset approaching, last race of that day
Dress sterile in the limpid breeze peering out that this is a circle
Hair flowing, fist gripping, eyes to the sky knowing that swallow

The orange camel blackness of ember darkness fading into charcoal midnight
The sensation of when one was younger digesting, times not resented
But remembered of in the nutrition of bones, sinew, and tissue
Of heart broken and muscle pumped into a growth of lotus petals breeching mud

I do not want a lily or cloistered farce the lights have never gone down on
I want her to know the difference between the tip toe sounds and the fired scents
Of passion and dedication, to breathe the rarity of what it means
To consistently choose to be one’s very best self

Is not a diagram of fidelity to repress the stimuli of passion in the dancing fonts of the track
But the focus to elect growth in each day, not by default, but by desire
The volition only learned from a broken heart eviscerated into alone

Devoid of the option of love it has wholly relied and chosen to live 

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