Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Silk Sheets 20151117

Fear of abandonment like a thread strung from a jacket
Adorned and muzzled fashion sense and decorum
Highlight the tailored suit, the gauche guts posturing eye contact
With a woman at the rear of a concert hall of blues country rock

Beard hairs and topless scalps of sixty year young super fans
Mixing with his and her approaching forty
As the thrice divorced man on the stage sings about conversations with whisky
Barter glasses and Mississippi River levees and Confederate flags

Old wars and go-go boots stomping someday and copperhead coins
That don’t buy as much as they used to
A man looks at a woman he has seen naked, that shadowed call
To the vulnerable island that deserts a man to madness

To bury sands in chests plowing out roots and starting brush fires
Licking the god damn sea water with a parched tongue
Praying for sustenance and the grit and the pall of silence drapes a yeomen grave
Beach pit tossed grit scab bones for the crab queens to scavenge

The fear of inadequacy, the darkened light house in the skeletons of ships
Constructions attempted to sail, a factory line-up of dreamt lumber and cloth
Fragmented pirate femurs and scapula strewn for a proboscis that can no longer smell the foam
Drums that can no longer hear the crash of surf; Eyes wizened dilated into oblivion

Attempting to peer through the darkness; the infiniteness of that look of hers
The one that falls into eternity when you grip her in sheets of silk
Folding into herself, that muzzled nut of oaken burgeoning passing into the steadiness
Where she comes wrapped around him secluding herself and engulfing him

The passion rapture engorging, devouring in the ignominy of the inquiry
Of the universe obliterating a man as a woman parcels an event horizon withdrawing herself
Into the black hole he feels like he helped create, he did this, put her in this position
The gravity of morning, of expected and unreceived sunrise, and never seeing her again

Until this moment in the fluxing strum of guitars and shot glasses scurrying into vestiges of divorce
Legalized children mouthing pleasantries over crumpled bed sheets, hurricanes and desert snowstormsThe swamp Northeaster of it all, the juxtaposition and the kitchen of second guessing
The Hebrew exodus and the dancing gypsies, the kisses before she goes

The twilights and the islands of fears harboring the faces of the dead    

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