Monday, November 9, 2015

Cough Syrup

Sadness and depression weights and measures
Terms of disclosure like a scientific etymology
Boring into a cranium for an arbitrary label
Rationalizing filing the specimen for public rank

Craving the numb like cough syrup coating the throat
Greasing the esophagus flooding the lungs flushing the bronchioles
Fusing into the heart creaming the subway tunnels
Round about muscles extremities, brain

Dissonance between the metaphysical calculations
What is life; what are we?
Nothing feels as enjoyable as it should be
The death stinger pin prick blatant in every utensil drawer

Letter opener, pill cabinet, rope bin, helium tank
The cycle of summoning a bubble of hope slicked in faith
To muscle the molecule up from the muck
Wrestle with hands in the feckless grip

Watching with caution praying by a prayer-less man
The bomb that hope is does not splatter the meager pulsating flesh
The red organ has grown back after the old wars
That Three Mile Island stench yellow caked and irradiated

Come on up for a rising; come on up for a rising tonight
Strength of faith in what matters in the longer this goes
The more there is to remember to forget
Sick blunt anchor clunking in the basement of lungs

Skin folding in eyelids lurching graves
Not wanting the task, not knowing how to ask
Believing that there are any answers but this gargantuan ocean
Swimming deeper and wilder and darker and breathless

That this film has no heroine 

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