Thursday, November 19, 2015

Knuckle Epoch 20151117

the ruse, the game, the stone-cold junta knuckle to the throat
harboring a blade-haired wrist with dull scythes, the threat of it,
posturing the prattle faith in the pasture

gumming the grass, cogitating mouth-paste, saliva fog-mash mechanical harangue
molars to the cud-grit reason creamed out in flummoxing chlorophyll
wizened papyrus etched in oral machinations

from microscopic pockets of literate men transcribing and transposing quack-boxes
of the illiterate spoken-word junkies mouthing off axiomatic Arabian-Kosher night-tales  
before the compressed carbon bedfellows gushed slick-black charm into princely gardens of Eden

of impetigo virgin fig orchards for the masses to imbibe,
lick the dates, circle the sweet masticated fiber round the tongue until the plant roots—
the sky ponies and the Abrahamic folklore remastered reissued

press the needle patriarchal Ka’ba, hajj-meteorite heaven travel-guide
pierced scrotum squirt Imams Allah Akbar misunderstandings
intentional by pockets of ignorant marauders de-animating humanity

into a menagerie of bauble objects, things, encrusted blood sacks,
plastic-flesh, emotionlessly escorted as death was not switch-like
in the volition of the Bellicose gunman, bomber cutlass grasping for the larynx of the world

hijacking Islam in the common loophole of theisms
barking in the ear of the child promised fields of true-cross, Torah-rungs, Prophet-squawk
until the Dixie-land X-flags of Mississippi fly Syrian refugees to not sail where slave-ships disembarked

milking Christ from the alabaster tit into the African gullet soul-clap jigaboo whiplash shackle runaway
to stay in harm’s way owned property Constitution state’s-rights NIMBY xenophobic fence-stakes pounding grid-minds of pop-corn fresh brown skins sprouting a novel god from an ancient land

to yarn Christmas virgin-donkey backs braying moonlight for an inn, to birth a bastard in wafts of manure straw spun into gilded gifts from a triad of kings from the East following yonder star plastically replicated in the yard of a Westboro trailer park as Christian as the KKK to as Muslim as a twin-tower box-cutter pilot exploding aphasia asbestos

mouthing the ruse, the stone-cold knuckle epoch to the throat, point of it all to get the masses to flinch at the hairs standing on the wrist, the fear in the killer leeching into the whirlpool drinking water, to suck the globe into World War trinity jihad praying for the innocent Muslims to be herded into camps pricked and prodded into adaptation until the spark lights, pastures burn into an unrecognizable blackness oozing a suppurated heart of the vestigial book into a thrumming apical degradation  

the clannish histrionics, septic jingoistic elephant men lustful bombardiers
a mendacious burlesque scarfing a corprophagous buffet
for the trump-card exclusivity on a demiurge, the esurient egoism Contradicted by
the luculent acknowledgement of one people undeterred staunchly choosing love  

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