Monday, November 9, 2015

Nirvana - 20151022

Queens New York Christian Palestinian American poet unsettled
Disappointed in David Foster Wallace’s suicide over poultry curry
Nirvana on two plates at a table Thursday night New Orleans
Has a thing, taking one’s own life, the hell stab piercing

I eat, imbibe the water in the glass, lick the turmeric lentils
Drink the familiar contemplation of self murder
Been in the pit rolling the bullet across the palate like a breath mint
A chalky tasting copper coin for Charon’s ferry

Metallic coatings over bones and ration in the motion
Shiva and Khali on the restaurant wall
Bollywood titty-dance video on the HD screen next to NFL network
Seattle and San Francisco pushing concussion pistol to the chest to preserve the brain

Understanding the alone, the ocean peering into the subtleties, the frisky addictions
The blank page scooping spaghetti squash guts in a ball, serving in the tennis match

Vibrant electric light Magazine Street a half block down
Past the bathroom tile oyster Casamento’s cornmeal batter to younger sibling’s coffee house
Brother love community record gathering the friends are in from around the country
For the weekend a New Orleans Woodstock of iPhone generation soul rehab

PBR in a fridge, two dollar donation and the kids are all right to the reverberation of a bass amp
Raising a scene for the voice in the middle of the muddle not talking about
What is worth talking about itching that claw into the shred
That haunts a woman or a man to leap the mortal ledge

But there was an outlet tonight, a voice like a beach light house
A place to surrender to this evening and the unknown felt known
If only in a song written by another kid in crisis at times, at times
Been there, seen there, music save a life, art acts like an oxygen tank

Yogi pose earlier at sunset on the mat in studio female dance troop
Practicing for parade march in the neutral ground in my field of vision
Through the window pane hustling steps while instructor inside
Transitioning the class to breathe, sound aum, hum, sun salutations

Time of what is the west bank, what is black, what is a knife, what is a gun

What is water? 

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