Monday, November 9, 2015

The Beginning of a Letter - 20151102

We are all train wrecks of some sort.  Crumbled up loose leaf, roofing shingles, speckled blood flecks on a shirt, smiles at a flower petal on a casket, hospital room, a wedding, a graduation lily, a furry canine nuzzle staring up with saucer eyes beaming like peaches waiting just waiting for the moment where that scent that has been dissipating before the sun rose returns as a door opens.  We are all waiting for or heading towards doors figuring it out as we go. 

I contemplated silence would speak a version of an answer and given time’s scroll the formality of asking would in turn dissolve the pill of how you were feeling about this or I would get a phone call.  Texting is so awkward; it is my least favorite form of communication.  My internal impression of where this was going shifted after the texts you sent that Thursday into an approximation of deceleration, not necessarily halt, but a moment of catching breath, contemplation.

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