Monday, November 9, 2015

Lies True Oblivion

My faith is that the isolation is not necessary, that I can share the deep place I have found and continue to explore with another human being who will share real love with me.  That is not too much to ask in life to have a person to share happiness and growth; neither of those means anything in isolation.  This is my quest and I could care less about my job, my daughter, my friends, my parents, my religion, my hobbies, compared to that.  Everyone else has their own faith, each have or will have to find her or his own person or people in her or his path; none can or should be my person, my conduit to explore the universe with; that to me is what a lover is, a portal to the infinite.  Maybe other people’s take on love is simpler or more surface, but my pursuit of love is for that gateway and that gateway comes in the simplicity of presence, awareness, understanding, and the depths of what love is.  I have written of love my entire life and will continue, but I would rather be thought a fool, living isolated and misunderstood, than compromise on my faith in that form of love, because to let go of that, beyond that stimulant of love I know exists in this universe, without that lies true oblivion. 

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