Monday, November 9, 2015

If a Woman Wants to She Will

Place of speech layered in that film beneath the outer breath
The coating of external expression and inner labyrinth
Wandering like a Minotaur’s axe blade down in the shadow maze
Where the slightest emission will just end it all

That edge of insecurity, to want, to need, to be a being of feeling
Is but certain death
A man is not supposed to indulge in romantic flutter doves
Flapping hypotheses in feathers shed through the hallways of consideration

A trail of mites and infestation extermination roads to be obliterated
Makes a mange beard, glazed eye hobo pariah train-bound vagabond
Stare into a mirror self-asphyxiated on the derelict nature of emotive calculus
The diagnosis of attempting to decipher life in the cold numb metallic chalice

Of the mind refrigerator-like echoing a water droplet freezing before splatter
Clumped and fragmenting fractals of ice collision course sober truth on impact
That if a woman wants to spend time with a man, if circumstance forced the cancellation
Of a primary opportunity, then in the suggestion of potential alternatives she will not bypass   

She will express so as not to communicate what is otherwise impossibly blatant
That she is creating distance, a measure equivalent to truncation
An act that cannot be verified, only understood
For to ask the feminine to make a decision is but certain death

Roles learned and Fats Domino’s piano rocked into blues and rhythm
Ancient as a string played in pitch black, the young and pretty, the wizened dusk-dusted suns
Enveloped swallowed into hole-selves digesting the space created
In what a woman does not say, but infers in the eclipse nature of light

What absences of certain phrases can do to the whole damn sky
A murder of crow feathers blanketing the horizon flapping charcoal like ash rain
The time for miracles and orange inch line dawn’s is too far, ungraspable
This evening, only hours of savoring taste, morsels of how a woman reacts to living poetry

The vulnerable emotion melon ball soft squishy luscious water permeable exposure
Offered to a mouth, to a woman’s tongue from a man to see her leave the sphere to dry
Parched decomposition uneaten on a table top lingering lacquer color fading red into wan
A man can see the paleness before the paleness, the taste aching into staleness

Until the lot is parceled axe blade to the chopping block driven into the refuse heap
Rotting water-less parched and untouched in the broken levee of silence flooding
The cement nature of her distance imposed in those absent words
Betters times somewhere away, all a man can do is forget, no requests, say nothing

Just let it happen 

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