Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Inside Job 20151116

I know this movie has been out for half a decade, but it is still pertinent particularly with the underlying thread of manipulation inside the United States government beholden to Wall Street.  Between working for Arthur Andersen when Enron went down and my other studies and readings this film lays the functional interplay between basic human greed and the cognitive dissonance spouted by our one party system that commandeers the financial markets.  If you watch this, have, or do so in the future do so with the spectrum wide that this pervasive entitlement to wealth and distancing from the consequences of that egoistic pursuit on other members of society is a pernicious cascading pall draped across our democracy that folds over not only banking, but the healthcare, fossil fuel, transportation, education (a subset of banking), housing (as a subset of banking), public safety (private prisons), agriculture, etc. to promote what is profitable for industries in the short term ahead of what beneficial to the public in the long term.  The systematic lobbying and campaign financing control purchased democracy due to very specific changes in laws primarily occurring in the 1980’s intends to confuse profit for work via some fandangle filigreed apple cake of the American dream  .  Maybe you or people you know you are aware of what has transpired on Wall Street and you vote to fight that, in spite of that, in support of that, or claim ignorance.  I had the benefit of going to one of the best business schools on the planet and then getting to see fraud up close on both sides of the political aisle in my professional career.  I cannot recommend this film enough.  If it is your first time seeing it I imagine you will never look at a Clinton or a Bush etc. the same way ever again.

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