Thursday, December 3, 2015


Comfortable zone, slide, what most people do or at least attempt, maybe not in such self-analytical masochism, but nonetheless first dates are so potentially this transposing undulation of swallowing and being swallowed that the mastication of the human experience leaves one all together with the feeling of being chewed, digested, spat out like a mother bird and evaluated of what to do with this glob mess of identity, impression, sexual attraction, peeves, mists of predecessor dating counterparts shadowed in the heels and shirt collars of whomever is daring enough to be sharing an alcoholic beverage with you to make the entire experience palatable.

The art, the talk on strip clubs, the difference in art, point of wanting subtext, layers, People being who they are, rambling.  Mentioned some random thing of what kind of driver, Freudian moment about trying to fix a mistake made years ago, get it right on this sub conscious / conscious level of awareness, knowing this spot in the universe brought frustrated and broke, not all together the healthiest recycle, but there is a comfort, a small set of instructions of trying to just do adult without fucking it all up, like things to say or be or explore and not get derailed.  Parking spot, chemistry, path maddeningly like crack cocaine memories of poetry.  Should not think of it.  Let it go completely, recreating like stamping over and at the same time cementing, making it impossible to forget, it is a way of holding on to it, to the idea of permanence in endeavors.

How to put stuff out there as a front, detail aspects, but reveal nothing, the true horrendous insides, of not going there or talking about that or that there is this slanted form of vulnerability.  Wanting to not implode at the starting gate, of seeing monogamy of picking an ill-fit counterpart.

Putting things in the air to navigate head.  Laughter at jokes or humorous anecdotes, don’t really tell jokes, more stories or comments, quips, a quip-per.  In the car acknowledging the tension of laughing, kissing, getting personal, conquering that line of do you want me to do this with you in this moment, the sequestered part of the evening of initial evaluation and having fun and not stirring or veering a hard right into a tree (an old analogy).  

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