Friday, November 13, 2015

Presence in Absence

There is desolation in the space
An openness to the darkness
Ache like a picked lock
Flopping the curvature of mechanism

Vulnerable metallic shepherd’s crook
Flailed bent like a neck gazing to an opposing horizon
Set sun swallowed charcoal singed to no longer stoked embers
Cinders flushed in the gray crush

Tepid to bare feet muted to the fiery pincher of orange devils
Manically thrusting blunted forks at the soil’s roof
Incapable of managing the numb foot pads to muster notice
A festival of tales raucous and dismissed in the wizened maw of acceptance

The normality of the parade
The cracked mirror of vanity
The glistening shards of rejection
Chopped cock head after cock head

The dumb tongue rooster crows of dawn
For suns that no longer rise
Belief in the belly of stars distant and cataclysmic
To alter the shadow of a gargantuan amalgamation of figures

Banshees of the sky wailing an atonal blanket nil pitch
Incapable of managing register in the deaf ears to hearing
The hammer, anvil and stirrup, malleus, incus, and stapes, auditory ossicle vibrating 
In a triad of wood and flesh and iron pinned for a scream that echoes

The built-in puzzle of a shadow box pantomime theater of hand movements
In cosmetic pale wan smiles saying what is not and doing what is not
The fist rant pummel walloping puffed cheeks and dice teeth rattling like craps rolls
The indifferent randomness in the symphony of the universe

Cagey and mathematical, algebraic and calculated rates of change relative to time
Where one hour here is seven years out there
The intensity of gravity stretching reality of how one can endure the illusion of now
The presence in absence the totality of being in the moment

When there is nothing to hear or say or see
Only the feeling of this is

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