Sunday, November 29, 2015

Here piggies: A pair of thoughts 20151123

Thought One

The very same people who want two years of inspections, tests, review, analysis, assurance beyond faith to allow a drip in the global river of a Syrian refugee and her father to relocate in America for fret of monsters protest rational industry inspection standards for consumer protection as anti-free enterprise from an Ayn-Rand fetishism inculcated by neo-liberalism spouted as demigod makers and devil-takers lambasting democratic socialism as communism and misconstruing neo-liberalism as liberalism.  Terms, mathematics, logic, facts matter.  When a wolf lures a sheep into the bedding grass; he first takes his mind, twists his schooling, transposes who bears the canine incisors, who profits from Packingtown, and blames the herding union for the slums.  The pigs believe the knife is good as the blade splits throat smiling in an unshakeable creed addicted to the invisible uninspected opiate of obedience.  The eye of the pawn-butcher becomes indifferent or antagonistic to the squeal happy for the sustenance of a crumb descending through the tiered killing floors and the lick of blood off his boot to quell his parched tongue into silence.

Thought Two

If you want to understand any international trade agreement like the TPP or NAFTA you need to understand the variables in the equation are a lowest common denominator of labor cost and a numerator of absolute unstoppable greed by the humans controlling the firms of global industry.  Greed over labor costs equals profit over human happiness.  This is neo-liberalism.  This is unfettered capitalism.  Regulations to mitigate greed or profit to increase resources to labor or happiness to the masses are marketed against by firm owners in an exponential use of profits.  Based on human count this could never occur unless desperation in the masses deflects the roots of dysfunction to inculcate faith in an invisible god whose Earthly manifestation comes in the form of a demiurge in the parental-form of a job creator or statist official showering fruits from a falsely rooted tree. The plant survives on the labor the masses provide and the nutrients of the planet owned by no man.  Access and extraction of labor and natural elements by either government or private industry inflate the girth of the waistline of greed and profit.  Only in reasonable regulation can the fractions balance, which will inevitably equal a positive integer of those in control owning more, but it is the magnitude of this numerator which will either escalate or deescalate acceleration towards our inevitable topple into human extinction. 

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