Monday, November 9, 2015

Happiness is only real if it is Shared 20151030

A mutual nature of thimble-fills of human emotion engaging.  That particle inside that says this specific person is of a quality for retention above transposable assembly-line variety.  blandness knocked raw in that ancient way.  I know there is nothing, absolutely nothing.  To even want to explain is so un-masculine.  It is taboo and harkens the hand scars and boot heels dented in back flesh.  I hear the garbage standard of nothingness, the silence behind the epiphany of this is not going to work, go anywhere and diagnosing that fissure of the universe within each of us crackled with an incision of light.  To let the better angels of our nature sing in an aperture of where love emanates, risking the hardness shuddering the infirmed. 

The frailty of limbs and voice box attempting in the harsh field of arid cackle.  The reams of divorce, death, children’s finger nails raking the face of a father, the ignominy of scarlet letters, and the isolation of island entombment.  Sterilized menacing clay soldiers.  Tone of voice, eye look of last they moved and saying too much in this iteration would enliven the war machines. 

Write my explanations into oblivion and drown in understanding feelings too fiery and ethereal for this callous cluelessness of what it means to feel in such torrents makes a man never want to attempt speech again, to hover in books, in literature realms where this can never happen.  The wanting can stay in patched thickets of high weeds, bamboo, and kudzu until the memory of why a man even entered the hedge maze is forgotten.  The scent of her is palm over palm of plant leaf stacked over skin so that the enzymes urge a man to grow here in the camouflaged space.

The perpetual motion machine sways triumphant that time will take another living being absent the sensation of love.  The body hungry and hungrier, emaciated, bony, and tissue escalating dehiscence. 

A body knows happiness is only real if it is shared eating itself in the distance, the absence created by the nature of commitments and untethered wrecking balls careening wildly silently and leveling cities without a single soldier firing.  The destruction is absolute in the understanding the weapon of an embrace un-lifted is where the nuclear power emanates.  A heart wanting to open to the witness of another staged in readiness watching an empty thunder road to an unanswered knock upon the door, Mary never exits the porch, just sunset, dust, and echoing midnight.   

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