Monday, November 9, 2015

Divorced Parent’s Obstacle Course

Halloween eleven year old daughter farm Indian name white-bread
Suburban country wrap-around porch cotillion costume skeletons 
Ghostbuster sister tween romping with ghost little bro

Set the trap, don’t cross the streams, Friday drive for dinner
Saturday morn soccer game, stay the night and Sunday drive at the rise
Return at the dusk rings circling and the divorced parent’s obstacle course

Period blood pads in the trash can, don’t flush
Father removes to the red to the curb while she is away
Replacement supplies, books on bodies read four months before

Hat trick three goals slender speed athletic prowess grass on the field
Obama says playing like a girl means playing like a badass
Victory in a bonfire burning interstate asphalt wheels

Meditate on the Mississippi River bend in New Orleans
Audubon zoo howler monkeys and flamingos with bent elbow knees
Pink feathers and black and white fur climbing trees daring to fly

At night time stars flushing the sky identify constellations
Of stupid fights seven years ago threats on family is family in knots
Beds of catnip catfish jumping in the water’s mud

Signatures and best interest in hearts, nursing homes penniless, homeless
Dying in lost sense bedpans and stale arguments cake battered burden
Urine and excrement hand wiped generational payback progeny cycles

Stepfathers and dad has not taken a vacation in an octet of solar revolutions
Who to go with and where to tales of get away mom jaunts to Vale
Snow skiing and water slides downhill skies still peering where a man can be

Let a heart in slow like a grass stain smeared dirt flesh red smirks teeth shown
Gum tissue receding metal implants protruding as the zombie unveils Halloween
Late October 2015 grin that animatronic stance of how through hell hurdles

Thirty something on rope bridges ninja to forty leaping swinging guitar chords
Poetry factory podiums, yoga mats, dodgeball pirouettes, Italian horror films
World War P, of whose home, how, and when the moon shifts and do it again

Eleven thirty seven October thirty first approaching
End of daylight savings past two a.m. on All Souls Day balance beam

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