Friday, November 13, 2015

20151111 Republican Debate

The next level questions I want asked in next Republican Presidential debates 'R us,
Mr. Carson would you take away the right of Hitler's mother from aborting baby Hitler if mama fuhrer knew Adolf's destiny?
Jeb good job killing baby Hitler, would you also kill baby Judas?
Mr. Cruz can you do your Mr. Burns impression telling Smithers you don’t approve of his right to marry for the camera?
Mr. Trump Who is John Gault?
Ms. Fiorina what do you think of Mr. Rand’s recent comments about how you’re not CEO enough to be this campaign’s Dagny Taggart fulfilling the wet dreams of the horny wealthy WASP’s in their mid-fifties demographic?
Mr. Christie what was the deal with that traffic thing; I mean how small is your penis? Can you even see it when you let your gut loose?
Mr. Rubio would you kill baby Castro?
Mr. Jindal get your thumb out your ass and wipe up the sweat from Mr. Christie and get a new opossum for Mr. Trump’s head during the next commercial break for dick pills.

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